Aradia is the offspring of Sepheranz, Hermes, Beelzebuth, and an aspect of Lucifer known as Noctulius. She is a divinity of the True Path whose guidance and love primarily fall on those who would pursue its secret teachings. She has no love for those endeared to established paradigms of religion, witchcraft, and alchemy. She serves the way to finding the Black Light—the wisdom of True Knowledge. She fosters the Black Flames of chosen teachers across the Earth. She is a spirit of nature, a divinity of Hecatean magick, goddess of the Earth, and a mistress of nature spirits. She rules lunar alchemy. She primarily rules Qamar [the Planetary Sphere of the Moon] and secondarily rules Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun]. She’s a spirits of Mars, Neptune, Mercury, the Black Moon, the Black Earth, and the Black Sun. She’s attributed to Thaumiel (Moloch & Satan/Neptune & Pluto), Golachab {Mars/Asmoday), and Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Astaroth). Thaumiel is her primary Qliphothic attribution...