Triple Numbers in Demonic Numerology
Like many Occultists within and without my readership, I have received many numerological omens via triple numbers which I did not understand. So, I did my research, and now I intend to shed what light I can on these numbers in the hopes that the reader will benefit. 111 is one numerical value of the names Samael, Pan, and Baphomet (note: other methods of Gematria will lend a value of 131 to these same names). 111 relates to various types of extreme spiritual progression such as the attainment of gnosis, alchemical transformation, and initiation through Kether, the highest Sephira. Remember that Kether and Thaumiel (Neptune & Pluto/Moloch & Satan) are the same power and the same force. 222 relates to equal opposites such as life and death. It also equates to the double Aleph, which relates it to Thaumiel, the highest Qlipha. 333 is the numerical value of the names Shugal and Choronzon, which names are those attributed to the principal demonic rulers of Daath (the Abyss). 444 is...