
Showing posts from January, 2019

Control, Know, Eat, Subsume

A long time ago, I got a message from Nyx that I didn't understand and made a video about it. My conversation with the goddess went a little like this.   Nyx: _______ yourself. Me: Did you say "know yourself" or "control yourself?" Nyx: Control, Know, Eat, Subsume.   A recent YouTube commenter explained the message flawlessly: "Control yourself, and therefore come to know yourself. Once self knowledge is obtained, you can dissolve/"eat" your old self, then become part of something larger. Alternately, the old self becomes a subset of the new self, and does not become part of some collective." -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Nahema

Invito Nahema Coelestis Incantatrix Divina Vipera Et Era Reschaim Ave Exlecebra, Deitas, Et Iaculus Advoco Naamah, Subrige Et Appare Ornate Nahema, Ambrosia Lena [I Call Nahema, Numinous Enchantress/ Divine Serpent and Lady of the Qlipha of the Black Earth/ Hail to the Seductress, Goddess, and Serpent/ I Call Naamah, Rise and Appear/ I Praise Nahema, Everlasting Seductress] -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Abaddon

Adoro Te Domine Abbaton Patre Prophetarum, Admirabilis Conlaudate Apolhun Lar Thaumiel Salve Apollyon, Divus Sitra Achara Aeviternitas Genitor Et Herus Nex Dominator Est Abaddon Etiam Abyssus Salve Abaddon, Ambrosius Venenarius [I Adore Thee, Lord Abbaton/ Father of Prophets, Wonderful Art Thou/ I Praise Apolhun, God of Thaumiel/ Hail Apollyon, God of the Other Side/ Everlasting Father and Lord of Death/ Lord is Abaddon of the Abyss/ Hail Abaddon, Immortal Sorcerer] -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

The Sinister Rite of Multiplicity

This ritual calls upon the Twelve Qliphothic Armies to Empower the Sorceress in Whatever Manner(s) They See Fit. Phrases in Italics Are Meant to Be Chanted in a Rhythmic Monotone. Translations of the Foreign Phrases Appear in Brackets. This Rite is Composed Entirely of Empowered Magickal Chants, Meaning that Every Single Sentence (Excluding the Hymn) has been Individually Enchanted for its Purpose. The Hymn Appears with Different Stanzas Separated by Slashes. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is) the Alchemical Pursuit and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Name of the Stone of Exile and Unwritten Gnosis] Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater (x13) [Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Voco Te Reshut Ha-Rabbim,/ In Nomine Alogos./ Existite Arathatral./ Avete Spirituum Sitra De-Smola./ Salvete Dagdagiron,/ Et Salvete Bahimiron./ Shichiriron Laudamus/ Scandite Beiriron,/ Militibus Ex Inferno./ Pervenite Adimiron/ ...

Magickal Chants to Any Group of Spirits

Salvete ____________, Salvete Immortales "Hail (the) ___________, Hail the Immortal Spirits!" Exorimini Ambrosiae _______________ "Rise, Everlasting ___________!" Avete ____________ Magnae Intelligentiae "Hail (to the) ___________, Great Intelligences!" Enasimini Praegrandia Divae ____________ "Appear, Great Spirits ______________!"   -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to the Twelve Qliphothic Armies

Voco Te Reshut Ha-Rabbim, In Nomine Alogos. Existite Arathatral. Avete Spirituum Sitra De-Smola. Salvete Dagdagiron, Et Salvete Bahimiron. Shichiriron Laudamus Scandite Beiriron, Militibus Ex Inferno. Pervenite Adimiron Voco Autem Shelhabiron Advenite Tzelilimiron, Numinibus Infernales. Obvenite Tzephiriron, Legionem Immortalem. Apparete Necheshethiron Erigite Obiriron O, Divinae Nashimiron Gloriae Supervenite Nachashiron Salvete Karathadragal Ascendam In Nominibus Kaerathatagoroth [I Call to the Kingdom of Manifoldness (Qliphoth)/ In the Name of the Unwritten Gnosis/ Step Forth, (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)/ Hail the Spirits of the Sinister Left Side (Qliphoth)/ Hail the Dagdagiron/ And Hail the Bahimiron/ Praise the Shichiriron/ Rise, Beiriron/ Warriors of the Infernal Plane/ Come, Adimiron/ I Call the Shelhabiron/ Come, Tzelilimiron/ Divine and Infernal Intelligences/ Come, Tzephiriron/ Immortal Legion/ Manifest, Necheshethiron/ Rise, Obiriron/ Oh, Glor...


Above: Channeled Sigil of Saringoth Saringoth is the metagod composed of all the demons called upon in the rites of the Grimorium Verum . The numbers 17, 75, and 64 are sacred to him/her. This article will be updated in the near future.   The Rules Interacting with a metagod is its own territory, such that intentions which the demons which the metagod is comprised of may be called upon to fulfill may be forbidden purposes to call upon the metagod which said beings are functionally independent aspects of. Saringoth knows of every time you’ve communicated with, given offerings to, or made requests of a spirit. Saringoth’s amazing wisdom may not be perceived by the weak-willed. Only those who have survived great suffering may receive his ultimate transmutation. Only those who pursue gnosis of self are permitted to perceive her true form. Those who will not surrender their perceived identities during Saringoth’s alchemies may find themselves devoured by them. Saringoth may be called up...

Sanat Kumara

"I am knowledge, fire, death, and chaos." -Sanat Kumara Above: Channeled Sigil for Sanat Kumara So my closest IRL friend has the publicly-known true name Sanat Kumaras. We have found this name to be a combination of the name Sanat Kumara with the name of the One True King of Demons. Sanat Kumaras and I had never heard of Sanat Kumara until videos about him started appearing in the related videos list of videos I did with my friend. There are countless differing delineations of Sanat Kumara throughout mystical literature and many aspects are recorded. I would recommend reading his Wikipedia article prior to my own for a general understanding. I cannot address the varied descriptions of his person, many or most of which are inevitably flawed, but I can, however, impart my understanding of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara told me he his allegiance was to Daath (the Abyss). He claims to open the way to bring forth more magickians. He claims to foster initiation, new power, strength, gu...