Green is the Color of the Vampyre

Many different vampyres have conferred to me that they felt an intuitive link to the color green as a color of power. The first of these was a covenmate, who spoke out of his intuition. The second was Kaos Butterfly, whom always felt green to be a color of magickal power as well. The third was Morain himself, who considers green his favorite color as well as the color of his aura.

Kaos told me that the most vampyric people he's met have had green eyes, and an allegory called Porcelain Face Programming from the Tempel ov Blood's inner journal gives their vampyric adept protagonist sea green eyes.

In Encylopedia of Vampire Mythology, Theresa Bane writes the following:
"The color green has played a part in Celtic and Chinese vampire lore from early beginnings. Usually in their stories, if green is mentioned as being the color of someone’s clothing or HAIR, it is something of an early indicator to the listener or reader that the person is in fact some sort of vampire. Lamps are narrated as suddenly burning with a green flame when a vampire enters a room. This ancient custom has found its way in modern storytelling; H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, and Bram Stoker have all used this color to point out the undead to their readers."

In the depictions of the vampyric fairies and zombies presented by the text, green is often shown to be interchangeable with white, particularly in the case of vampyric fae such as banshees.

Green is the color of envy, both in New Age color signification and in modern folk lore. Ergo, it is sensible to link the color to the practice of vampyrism. It's also the color of the chakra in the middle of the spine-- the one which connects to the shoulder chakras and disperses energy throughout sushuma.

Plants can't digest green light. The reason they look green is because that color of light is bouncing off of them. Since born vampyres cannot properly digest natural prana, we have a sensible correlation.

-V.K. Jehannum


  1. This is interesting and I didn't realize others felt this way. I see green as raw energy and working with plants (green) has always leveled anxiety for me like weight training. Anyways before I go off on photosynthesis here is a great link.


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