
Showing posts from August, 2016

Damgalnuna, Damkina, Davcina, Ninhursaga: Mistress of the Earth

Davcina is the Empress of the Earth and she governs astronomical magick. She can teach the art of divination—especially via stones or crystals. She is apt for the tasks of ego-dissolution and individuation. She is both a warrioress and a protectress, and she presides over child-bearing, death, and reincarnation. She can guide the witch to hidden groves on the astral plane wherein nature spirits reside. Davcina’s primary elemental association is earth, obviously, but her secondary affiliation is unto the element of water. In my first vision of her, she held a pyramid of smoky quartz, and wore a hooded green robe. Her short brown hair was still drying from being dampened, and her eyes were black. Davcina was worshipped in Mesopotamia under the name Damgalnuna and she was integrated into Akkkadian/Babylonian Paganism under the name of Damkina. In these civilizations, she was regarded as a goddess of the earth and destiny, and the Mesopotamians associated her with cows. Mesopotamian litani...


Archdemon Correspondences Gematria: 401 Color: Black Element: Air D/N: Nocturnal Direction: Southeast (Primary), South Planetary Attributions (In Order of Significance): Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune Pathway Correspondences Tunnel of Set: 11 (Thaumiel-Ghagiel) Musical Key: E Tarot: Atu 0 (the Fool) Animals: Eagle; Man Hebrew Letter: Aleph Attributed Disease: Menstruation* Element: Air Color: Pale Yellow; Green Flecked w/ Gold Amprodias is the Qliphothic archdemon that you go to when you wish to be transformed into a stone-cold vampyric warrior. His name translates to "Great Vampyric Sylph." The gaping mouth in his original sigil, depicted above, symbolizes the uterus wherefrom aeons are given birth and the Black Light issues forth. Amprodias is a harsh teacher. He appeared to my newest apprentice as a massive bat without a face. While he is a hermaphrodite by nature, he often manifests as male. Archetypally speaking, he is the primeval ungendered vampyric adversary-- the devouring...

Tips for Theism

If a stone is left exposed to the light of day or dark of night, it will accumulate energy from the sunlight and/or moonlight, and within about a week, it will be completely full (i.e. it will be carrying as much energy as it can hold). The witch may hold up a charged stone and ask a spirit to accept all the energy charged within it as an offering. As you become increasingly powerful, more and more spirits will take an interest in you. Some deities are so spiteful and self-centered that they will attack a powerful magickian for choosing not to follow them. Odin is one such entity. One of my first spirit guides warned me to avoid interacting with Odin whatsoever, and I gravely regretted ignoring his warning  when Odin moved against me. If a sigil for a deity cannot be procured, a printed out picture of that deity will suffice. Venerating an image of the spirit is a common practice for Hindus and was a common practice for Egyptians. Once a sigil has been obtained, or a suitable p...

Names of Davcina/Damkina

The picture is a screenshot of an excerpt of J.A. Coleman's book  the Dictionary of Mythology . The purpose of this article is provide a list of all the names which Davcina was known as in Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Akkadian, and Babylonian mythology, as well as their varied etymological translations. The name Nin-ki/Ninki is translated to mean "Mistress of Earth." Ninhursag, Ninhursaga, Ninchursanga, Ninkharsag : “Lady of the Sacred Mountain,” “Lady Stone Head,” and “Lady Mountain” Ninmah : “Great Queen” or “Lady Exalted” (This was Ninhursag’s name before she took the name Ninhursag) Ninmena/Ninmenna : Sumerian mother goddess who was syncretized with Ninhursag Mami, Mamma : “Mother” (another title for Ninhursag) Mammitum/Mammetun : “Mother/Maker of Fate” (another title for Mami/Ninhursag) Aruru : Nin-ki, Ninki : “Lady of that which is Below” or “Mistress of the Earth” Nintu, Nintur, Nintud : “Lady of Birth” (title of Ninhursag) Damkina; Dam-Kinu; Damku; Danke; Dav-kina; Dau...

The Proper Mindset for Evocation (Summoning)

It was originally an archangel by the name of Michael who helped me hammer out the kinks in my method of evocation. He taught me to focus on feeling two emotions within myself and to concentrate both on feeling those emotions and on the ritual effort at hand. I don't know whether it was a lesson in humility or an attempt at breaking down my ego [causal illusion of self-understanding], but the method he went about this was Biblical scripture. The seventh verse of the first chapter of Second Timothy is forever present in my ritual chamber/bedroom because of this: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline." The first emotion which I concentrate on experiencing is a feeling of love for whichever divinity I intend to evoke. If love is not conducive to the working at hand (or is merely embarrassing to the sorcerer), it may be replaced with feelings of respect, admiration, trust (and/or feelings of safety in the entity's presence), or...


Thammuz is a solar god who presides over the creative powers of Spring. He is called “the Wise One” as well as “the Lord of Knowledge.” He is described as heroic and said to speak with a sonorous voice. His various names and their meanings are as follows: Tammuz/Tamuz/Thamuz/Thammuz/Tammuzi: “Faithful Son/Flawless Young” Dumuzi/Damuzi/Dimmuzi/Dumuzid/Damuzid/Dumuzida (Sumerian equivalent) Duzu (Akkadian equivalent) Damu: “the Child” Gishzida: unknown Ama-Ushumgal-Anna: “Power in the Date Palm” Dumu-Zi-Ama-Ushum-Galana: “Quickener of the Date Bud” Dumu-Zi-Abzu: “Tammuz of the Abyss” Thammuz was a Syriac Shepherd God who ruled over vegetation. He was purported to be the son of Enki and Duttur (a personification of the ewe as a Goddess). He is purported to impart stability, strength, and renewed power after death. Moreover, he is a dying and resurrecting god, who is purported to bring about the reawakening of the dead upon his recrudescence. He is said to preside over torture and artiller...


Above: Channeled Sigil of Budsturga Budsturga is described in the tradition of Hebdomadry as “a blue, aetherial entity” and as “a Dark God, of female aspect, trapped in the vortex between the causal and acausal spaces.” She is described as representative of “hidden wisdom,” but as simultaneously dangerous to sanity. She occasionally appears as androgynous. Budsturga’s influence is helpful in the act of dissolving the ego and achieving individuation. She can bring about astral projection with ease, but in a most unpredictable way. She can be called upon, within a lucid dream, to scry into and control another person's dreams. She can help the witch break down astral barriers and auric defenses. She can be called upon to break down bad habits or personal inhibitions, but doing so with her auspices is risky. Budsturga’s presence and influence is thoroughly disorienting. Visual hallucinations are a hallmark of her presence, and when she was around, I could not count to ten reliably when...


(Above: Original Sigil of Davcina covered in Kaos Butterfly/BlueEyedDevil999's blood) Davcina (Dav-KEY-Nah) is a Mother Goddess of the Earth who presides over opulence and astrological magick, which is the calling upon of stellar or planetary influences for sorcery. Her elemental affiliation is primarily earth and secondarily water. Davcina presides over reincarnation, death, and child-bearing. Davcina can be invoked for workings inducing wisdom, harmony, success, conflict, and enchantment. As a psychopomp, she can be called upon for the memory of past lives, achieving communication with the Inner Daemon, and the process of individuation. Davcina is the Guardian of Nature’s generative forces, and Anton Long related her to the sphere of Jupiter. She corresponds to the 19th trail on the Tree of Wyrd (Jupiter -> Mars) and the third card of the Sinister tarot. This card, called the Mistress of Earth, denotes "Empathic manipulation (such as ‘enchantment’) to create Change via ca...