Anton Long: Traditional Satanism is Incomplete
a drink to my one-hundredth post
The proclamation by the Order of the Nine Angles that its denominations of Satanism are the only legitimate iterations of the Devil's path have been a large and manipulative jape conducted in order to achieve certain polemic ends, which ends were naturally successful. While Anton Long, the leader of the Order of the Nine Angles, labeled his denomination as Traditional Satanism, this title (which he coined) has been adopted by the Satanic community at large, despite Diane Vera's observation that the term "Traditional Satanism" inherently paradoxical, concerning the individualistic nature of Theistic Satanism. With these things in mind, we will refer to Anton Long's religion as Exeatic Satanism henceforth.
Exeatic Satanism is great for many reasons: (One) it establishes powerful original magickal techniques, (Two) it calls out Atheistic Satanism and Setianism and makes many valid and important criticisms of them, and (Three) it establishes exeatic (practically transgressive) activity and the transcendence of other personal boundaries as being exceptionally useful methods of evolution. And those reasons are hardly the only things that one can gain from studying and practicing Anton Long's Satanic teachings. But the path of Exeatic Satanism is, as a religion and way of life, incomplete and insufficient, because it is designed to be.
ONA literature describes Exeatic Satanism as being a "necessary and noviciate pathei mathos", where pathei-mathos means "process of self-development through conflict," and also goes as far as to say that Exeatic Satanism as a "rite of passage" and "a presencing of dark forces/acausal energies - a form/mythos - only relevant to the current Aeon." So, Exeatic Satanism is basically intended to be a phase for the witch to go through and then leave. Since Exeatic Satanism was designed specifically to be a phase, it cannot be regarded as a legitimate or coherent religion in and of itself by a serious thinker.
This is why newer ONA members like Chloe Ortega have created new denominations of Satanism (e.g. Progressive Satanism)-- because Exeatic Satanism is focused too strongly on the Sinister and on the negative. It centers almost purely on Anton Long's conception of evil, and an adept must be balanced. While black magickal techniques are the fast lane to self-empowerment, baleful acts must be prepared for and balanced out by non-baleful practices such as chakra meditation, chanting the Hare Krishna, spirit work, divinatory practices, and/or other self-developmental practices.
When Myatt/Long writes about Satanism, he claims that true Satanism revolves around baleful action and "Sinister Honor", that all other religions are Magian/mundane, and that Satanists should be willing to lose their lives in the advancement of Myatt's political goals. When Myatt writes essays under Arabic pseudonyms to encourage Jihad, he claims that Islam revolves around killing kufar [infidels], that all other philosophies are Tawaghit [idols], and that this life is merely a test, so the Muslim should be happy to die. Back when Myatt wrote neo-nazi literature, he wrote about the importance of "fag-bashing," wrote that Hitler's teachings made all religions irrelevant, and that the nazi should consider his or her "Aryan honor" more important than life. What I'm saying is, take Myatt's teachings with a grain of salt.
Anton Long/David Myatt wrote "Genuine Satanists are dangerous people to know; associating with them is a risk. They might get you in trouble with the Police; they might make you into a real “outlaw”; they might bring you to the notice of the Intelligence Services. They are trouble, and their psyche is contagious: and can break others, or bring them misfortune, or drive them toward inner breakdown or even madness."
The problem with admitting things like that is that any "mundane/Magian" Satanist who gets called a "pseudo-Satanist" for not joining the ONA can now retort with "Well, I'd rather be a mentally stable adult who can benefit his friends and loved ones than dedicate my life to furthering Myatt's political aims. Ta-ta for now!"
Lest the reader think I am being unduly harsh, remember that all religions and philosophies have many flaws, and that Exeatic Satanism was made to fail. The Satanist should learn as much from the insights of Anton Long as possible, as well as from other ONA members like Hagur and A. A. Morain (not to mention the Tempel ov Blood), but the teachings of other kinds of Theistic Satanists should be integrated into one's overall weltanschauung [worldview] as well if one intends to pursue Theistic Satanism as a serious religion and anados ["ascent" or process of evolution] rather than as a brief endeavor.
So, here are a few Satanists worth learning from, starting with Geifodd ap Pwyll.
While Demonolatry is technically a separate religion from Theistic Satanism, its teachings and techniques should be integrated as well.
If you like Demonolatry, you will probably also enjoy the Youtube channel that OFS Adrianna (aka Stephany Conolly) posts on:
The writings of Diane Vera can be found here.
E. A. Koetting, though not a Satanist, has teachings that are very much worth perusing (just ignore all his sales pitches and shit), many of which can be found on Youtube. Here are a couple seminars from his channel:
The late Reverend John Allee's teachings are beautifully written and well-considered. (No, this isn't a link to the actual Church of Satan's website)
Here's a link to the Temple of Ascending Flame's ritual page. It's kind of relevant.
You make many good points in this, and while I would agree that the 'philosophy' of traditional satanism is indeed intentionally incomplete, the alchemical process of the seven-fold way is in fact a full, complete system. However, the stages that exist beyond the crossing of the abyss are ones where the adept is expected to forge their own path, to develop their own (previously discovered) wyrd according to the knowledge that they have gathered on the path. The seven-fold way is a complete, yet open-ended path that, after a certain point of progress requires the adept to take responsibility for their own continued evolution.
ReplyDeleteI am well aware that my critiques of Satanism don't apply to Hebdomadry
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ReplyDeleteOne could make a case that 'inner jihad' or confronting and putting oneself at conflict with one's own mores, beliefs and personal code as well as the challenge of navigating the different streams of social views carries quite a bit of 'pathei mathos, Indeed in western society today, it is nearly impossible for any of us to conduct our day to day lives without breaking one law or another.
ReplyDeleteSpot on. In Islam, lesser Jihad is killing kufar, whereas greater Jihad is killing the kafir in you.