Opening the Subpersonal Chakras

The subpersonal chakras connect one to the energies of the Earth and nature, just as the transpersonal chakras connect us to higher/spiritual energies. They are five in number and the instructions for opening them follow.

The first subpersonal chakra is a few inches below the feet. It connects one to natural energies and helps him practically implement his personal Wyrd [Destiny]. It is a dark, brownish grey, and its inner cortex is a light brownish grey. Vibrate the name of a given deity as you try to open this chakra: Satan, Hekate, Lilith, and Astaroth are all viable options, and I am sure you have some entity whom you would prefer to call on.

The second subpersonal chakra is slightly below the first. It connects one with their personal community and tribe. It is transparent, except for its inner cortex which is white.

The third subpersonal chakra connects one with feminine energies. It is transparent, except for its inner cortex which is white.

The fourth subpersonal chakra links one to ancient telluric energies. It is transparent, except for its inner cortex which is white.

The fifth subpersonal chakra connects one to the Earth Goddess. It is a goldish bronze with an inner cortex of goldish yellow.

Update: My word of power "Phaos Abussos" [Light of the Underworld] empowers the transpersonal chakras, spinal chakras, and subpersonal chakras simultaneously with demonic energy.

My essay on opening the transpersonal chakras can be found here:

-V. K. Jehannum 2016 Anno Maleficarum


  1. […] To get the best results with the transpersonal chakras, you’ll have to open the subpersonal charkas as well. My instructions for this are as follows: […]


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