If You Want Me to Believe that Myatt is Dead You'll Have to Show Me a Body
I was initially notified of Myatt's purported death by independent correspondents, and I naturally doubted the veracity of the claim to begin with (as I'm told that most people did). Once I became aware that the source of the claim was the author of "Sinister Polemics," I became certain that the claim was a "jape" (that word means prank).
The reason that I put the word "jape" in quotations is that the japes made by the ONA are most often of a particular kind and the ONA is renowned for making them. If you are familiar with the website Scribd, you may know that the individual who posts those massive stashes of the ONA literature there there named himself "Dark Japer," which is symptomatic of exactly how renowned the ONA's pranks are. As is outlined in the essay Labyrinthos Mythologicus regarding the ONA's tendency to conduct japes, it is specified that part of the intent behind them is "to test and select candidates."
Examples of such japes occur in the ONA's allegories. In Falcifer - Lord of Darkness, the protagonist Conrad is invited to a ritual by the nexion that he aspires to join. He participates in a simple ritual and is afterwards asked what he thought of it by Tanith, a senior member of the nexion (specifically the one who takes his virginity and convinces him to try alcohol for the first time). Conrad says that it was nothing special, that it was simple and unimpressive. He then manages to deduce that the ritual was deliberately made to be ineffectual as a test of Conrad's spiritual faculties. If he could not sense the energy of a rite he would not make a suitable initiate.
Another such test is carried out in Balocraft of Baphomet - Grullyan's Tale. The protagonist, Grullyan, who is being tested for his merits by the nexion considering initiating him, is provided with a time and place to meet up with a female member of the nexion. The female does not show, but an unassuming senior member of the nexion (once again an elderly woman) is watching him and using her spiritual faculties to follow his train of thought. After Grullyan makes up his mind to continue seeking initiation into the nexion, the woman, an empath, approaches him to converse.
Both protagonists deduce on their own that they are being tested and are thus shown to be worthy, "for like attracts like... If they have our particular character, they will just know, and thus understand beyond the words and disinformation that we have spewn forth," as was written in Labyrinthos Mythologicus.
The Labyrinthos Mythologicus is the internet installment of the ONA's tendency to test via jape. It is a web of disinformation which prospective initiates are required to see through, and a witch can "size up" a would-be Niner by seeing if he adheres to such disinformation. These japes are categorically different from the chicanery of Sinister Polemics, which is nothing more than self-indulgent faggotry, as I will substantiate.
If you follow my blog, you may remember that I posted a now-redacted article wherein I criticized modern ONA writers for holding up Michael Aquino and Anton LaVey as examples of non-ONA Satanism when they are no longer involved in it and no longer relevant. Criticizing LaVey in 2016 instead of criticizing, for example, Diane Vera or Ego Diabolus, suggests that the author has not actually studied non-ONA Satanism in depth and has rejected it just for the sake of conforming to Long's teachings. Criticizing LaVey and Aquino, especially when you are writing for an ONA audience, is beating a dead horse. If the criticisms are merely reiterations of Anton Long (as they so often are), this reveals a lack of independent insight, and if an ONA author does so on multiple occasions, it is indicative of their irrelevance.
These observations were not made to talk about any group or person in particular, and I was not actually aware of how constantly SP opines about LaVey. She promptly wrote about me on her blog, excluding my name and not addressing my arguments, and revealing her character in several ways.
The essay was called Satanism Plebianized and O9A Pretenders, and it began as follows. "Contrary to the recent dehortations of some O9A critics, and in line with the polemical (and mischievous) nature of this blog, we republish here a 144 page pdf compilation containing old polemics which several years ago caused considerable controversy (and anger and annoyance) in certain Occult circles."
A. A. Morain had told me on a prior occasion that SP was just a troll, and it was clear when I read this article that I had doubted his statements in vain.
One person whom the author (she refers to herself in the first person singular) has annoyed repeatedly is long-time ONA commentater Anna Czereda, who has referred to SP as a "bullshitter" and a "propaganist" multiple times on her blog. In her recent article Mad as a Hatter, Czereda recounts the "piles and piles" of insulting essays that SP wrote about Ryan Anschauung. Anschauung was deduced to be a fake Niner by various authorities for various reasons, so I was not surprised to learn that SP had hopped on the band wagon and spent countless hours regurgitating criticisms of him.
In the comments, SP wrote "Thank you, my dear, for yet again responding" and reminded us that her blog "is devoted, in the main, to polemics." Remember, reader, that the word polemics just means controversy, and controversy just means attention. SP also objects to the "vulgarity" of Czereda's criticisms. R. Parker once criticized Anschauung for devolving into vulgarity and vituperation with Niners he disagreed with online. SP is just aping this criticism because it does not require legitimate insight.
Czereda proceeds to respond and rebut SP's faggotry. In a lame attempt to argue, SP uses an all-too-common and juvenile internet debate tactic: "Yay! You responded and our stats are bosted by three more views". SP argues then that her constant attempts to piss people off on the internet "serve a useful purpose," but since she also states that "the old crowd, the real OG - PointyHat, DarkLogos, et al - retired from such disputations on the internet", leaving us to question exactly how useful this nonsense is.
SP then copy and pastes an old list of questions about Hebdomadry which are supposed to serve as a Niner-legitimacy test, despite the fact that such questions were topically irrelevant. She also whines about Czereda's use of insults, calling them ad hominems (despite the fact said insults accompanied arguments instead of replacing them) because parroting internet memes is fun, and then goes on to repeatedly insulting Czereda for claiming to be a Christian, a claim which SP takes at face value for some ineffable reason. SP also wrote an article on her own blog about Czereda, wherein she tries again to prove Czereda's illegitimacy by copy and pasting a post about her from an internet forum.
Now, we understand clearly that SP is just an attention-desperate shitstarter who constantly congratulates herself for advancing the "Sinister Dialectic" by way of picking internet fights and not using curse words (because daddy Parker told her that all the cool kids don't cuss). Since we know that she only blogs to spread controversy and pat herself on the back for it, is there really any question that her claims of Myatt's death are false? Her essay claiming that Myatt was dead was only a four or five paragraphs long instead of the remorseful eulogy that a post on that topic should be (unlike her astoundingly verbose comments on Czereda's article), and no source is cited.
This "jape" of hers would be garbage even if it was not carried out so poorly. It was made in poor taste by a puerile and pretentious brat and it served no practical purpose. While I abbreviated much substantiation in this article for brevity, I am certain that what I provided is enough to shatter SP's perceived credibility, not that Czereda has failed to do so herself.
V.K. Jehannum
2016 Anno Maleficarum
I think I can predict their next narrative:
ReplyDelete"All our antics were and are a test."
If I were them, I would come up with the same or very similar excuse.
People will see through their posturing. Antics like these don't take the long run into account, which is pretty telling, albeit purportedly not as telling as the use of the word bullshit.
ReplyDeleteIt's fun when someone gives just one meaning of terms such as "jape" and "polemic", neglecting as they apparently seem to do the other meanings of such terms and thus neglecting the richness and diversity of the English language.
ReplyDeleteAs for why diatribes against Levey and Aquino? (i) Because they were and they still are influential in the milieux of modern Satanism and what is termed modern Western esotericism. Far more influential than 'Anton Long', and far more influential than all those other persons you mentioned put together. (ii) Because the O9A - in terms of both esoteric philosophy and Occult praxis - is a contradiction of the Satanism of Levey and the LHP propounded by Aquino.
"Posturing?" "BS?" "A test?" The usual internet mantras. You et al seem to miss the points, as others have in the past. It's about - among other things - irreverence, marketing, propaganda, provoking a response, having fun, being deceptive, sly, offensive, pissing people off, and of course not conforming to what's come to be expected on 'satanic' forums and 'satanic' blogs. Is being deceptive, sly, offensive, provocative, mischievous, having fun at the expense of others, and pissing people off (via the internet and otherwise) somehow un-Satanic?
It’s fun when someone pursues just one meaning of terms such as “Hebdomadry” and “the 7FW”, neglecting as they apparently seem to do the fundamentally simple task that is the ONA system and instead spends all their time online exhibiting classic narcissistic neurosis.
ReplyDeleteThere you go, more argumentum ad hominem. That seems to be all you guys have.
ReplyDeleteThis essay has been remarkably well-received both on Facebook and Wordpress, both by rather experienced ONA initiates and the all-too-familiar nobodies. And here I thought this shit would be controversial. I guess it goes to show exactly how unappreciated SP and her antics are.
ReplyDeleteWhat did I tell you Dave? Give a fool just enough rope and he will hang himself. Each year that passes by you get more childish and senseless with your online cry for attention. With your obsessive attacks on LaVey - who is long dead and can't defend himself - and Aquino.
ReplyDeleteSince 2013 you have successfully turned ONA into a one man - plus many socks - trollfest of "labyrinthos mythologicus," wordpress vomit, and retarded shit you call "esoteric" stuff of ONA. Like how you explained away pathetically faking your own death as some clever way of revealing to those "in the know" clues about stupid words to stupid questions. LOL.
I told you Dave that you will be the ruin and death of ONA as long as you hang around. You don't seem to get it cuz you're so full of yourself. In the past, the ONA was always good and doing well when it was looked over by people other than you: Beesty, Ford. The ONA did quite well too when you abandoned ONA to pretend to be a extremist Muslim.
You're so full of your fucking self you can't come to realize that everything you have created has gone to shit and never became anything: not your Numinous Way shit, not your Folk Culture shit, not your Reichsfolk shit, not your Islamic shit. You're a fucking failure: the fruit you bare indicates so.
You got the touch of a fuck up and a failure Dave: and so long as you hang around ONA and keep doing what you are doing, you'll ruin ONA as well.
"Narcissistic neurosis" is a very accurate diagnosis of what you have. You're so fucking full of yourself, you don't realize your a fuck up and a failure. You think you're better than LaVey, Aquino, and Crowley. Delusional dumbfuck.
Your sock personas are anonymous unverified "people" and you can't produce anything to prove that they exist: not R. Parker, not Julie Wright, not DarkLogos, none of them. Your stupid autobiography is mostly fabricated shit that will never be verified by any credible sources.
And you expect people to take the shit you write and say at face value like dumbfucks without any capacity for critical thinking.
Keep up the good work.
You wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote} experienced ONA initiates{/quote}
By experienced ONA initiates, do you mean "anonymous persons who post stuff about the ONA on blogs and social media" and yet who didn't know, for example, what Fayen meant until "we" recently published its etymology and who also had no idea about the esoteric importance of certain places in Gilf Kabir until "we" published CB's note on the Green Damask Room painting and joined some dots about that area in the Sahara? Etcetera, etcetera.
Is the fact that "we" sporadically release certain esoteric information from ONA aural tradition "hidden" among vast amounts of polemics (and occasionally in humorous stories) intentional? That everyone so far concentrates on - seems only to see - the polemics is interesting.
You wrote:
{quote} how unappreciated SP and her antics are{/quote}
I refer the right honourable person to my previous reply...
That you still amusingly assume that "we" are "Dave", and that you commit the fallacies of argumentum ad nauseam and argumentum ad hominem again and again is sufficient to dismiss your post for the paranoid rant and fantasy that it is.
ReplyDeleteEven so, we'll indulge you for a moment and ask you to favor us with proof, with actual factual evidence, that "we" are "Dave". What, you haven't got any actual proof to support that fantasy of yours? How very surprising.
@Dave: You're so fucking stupid, you can't see shit LOL. You pretend to be some occult grandmaster with esoteric occult skills. Like you have "aeonic insight" Dave.
ReplyDeleteYou're alive right now, and you're collecting a crowd of people shitting on you, losing respect for you, even from within your own ONA following. And you are alive now to see this. When you are dead in a few years, without you animating your sock personas: Who will fucking defend you?
You're done Dave. You will be forgotten and irrelevant when you're dead... really dead, and not fake dead. And what will happen to the ONA? Same thing that happened to your other creations. The most ONA will do is inspire, influence, and encourage individual people to take what they like from it for establish their own thing... which is what has been happening for a long while now anyways.
You don't seem to understand that people today associated with ONA don't need you, don't need your labyrinth of bullshit, don't need your silly esoteric shit, don't need your silly 10 or 13 questions, don't need stupid fucking your inner circle.
What's you're stupid inner circle of sockpuppets going to do about this? About people who associate with ONA shitting on you? About me? What are you going to do about it Punk? Fucking lame ass punk. What the fuck are you going to do about. Blog some more emotive shit? You fucking emotional idealist. Fucking faggot. Fuck you and your faggotry.
What's amusing Dave is: everytime you are asked to produce evidence to prove to everybody that your sockpuppet personas are real actual people, you deflect and weasel your way into a new subject.
Learn to fucking communicate constructively: we stick with one thing at a time. I fucking asked you to produce evidence to show everybody that your sockpuppets are real people. If they are real people, then they are REAL "ADEPTS" of ONA. Produce that evidence... that socks like R Parker, Lianna, DarkLogos etc are real flesh and blood people. You can't. Why not? Here's why:
1. They are your sockpuppets.
2. There is no such thing as an ONA "adept" besides you. Ever since the ONA has been around... during all those decades there has never been an adept. Not even Richard Moult was became one. This is the power whore game you are playing with people. You are a passive aggressive Control Freak. Only you and your makebelieve Old Guards and Inner Circle can ever be ONA adept. And what makes someone an adept? That they have answers to stupid questions. Not what they have done, how sincere they have practiced ONA shit. ONA is a failure: in that it has never created or produced one single actual adept. Because only you Dave and your socks can be adepts... can have that authority you want to hold on to.
That's the game I'm talking about. You have handfuls of individuals who sincerely like your ONA... who have even associated with it for decades: and none of them can ever be "adepts" of ONA. No one has ever been an "adept" except you and the sockpuppet people you invent year after year.
Prove me wrong Dave. Show me and everyone here that at least one of your Old Guard / Inner Circle people is a real person and hence is at least one real ONA adept.
You can't. Because I'm right.
For any readers who are not involved in this conversation, I do not think that it is a senseless endeavor to study the follies of LaVey and Aquino-- in fact, I personally have learned unforgettable lessons in doing so and I would recommend that other LHP initiates seek these lessons as well. With that said, there are only four critiques of these individuals that I can honestly recommend perusing.
ReplyDelete(i) This article written by the late Reverend John Allee: http://www.churchofsatan.org/aslv.html
(ii) Early critiques by OG ONA initiates, especially the Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown
(iii) The book Church of Satan by Michael Aquino
(iv) Any treatise on the subject that I personally write at any point in the future, as I will take great care to be original, informative, and relevant in my writing of it and because I am incredibly familiar with LaVey's history.
You wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote} You’re done Dave.{/quote}
You were asked for proof of your claims that "we" are "Dave" and you respond with just another rant. So here's the bottom line:
Paranoia: characterized by a delusion or delusions; characterized by unreasonable or excessive suspicion of others. Delusion: a fixed false opinion or belief with regard to objective things.
You have the unreasonable suspicion that "we" are "Dave", and it's an "unreasonable suspicion" because you have no actual evidence, only a suspicion.
You have the fixed false belief that "Dave" writes about the O9A, puts up blogs about the O9A, and posts on forums about the O9A. It's a false belief because you have no objective proof to support such a belief, and it's a fixed belief because you have maintained it for years and continue to write promote it at every opportunity.
Ergo, you are paranoid, in respect of "Dave".
You wrote:
{quote} I’m right.{/quote}
Which of course is what every deluded person believes about themselves and about their paranoid delusions.
Now, where in my library is that book of sorcery in which was that spell which would send demons to give certain nightmares to the already deluded?
[…] –source […]
ReplyDelete"Prove me wrong Dave. Show me and everyone here that at least one of your Old Guard / Inner Circle people is a real person and hence is at least one real ONA adept."
ReplyDeleteLook Ms 352. They don't have to prove anything to you because they've already done it. You know these people personally because you've met them at least once. So you know who they are, whether they are all "Davie" or not and whether they are adepts. Just say what you know instead of making up stories. But of course you won't do that for one of the following reasons or, perhaps, both:
1. You're still on the payroll as their troll.
2. They have something on you that you are afraid they will reveal once you start airing their dirty laundry.
It seems we are witnessing the slow and petty death of the old guard and the ushering in of the new blood.
ReplyDeleteThe ONA is dead. Long live the ONA.
The Sevenfold Way is shedding its skin. Nothing more, and nothing less.
ReplyDeleteRe SP's comment on initiates not knowing the meaning of fayen as an example- only one person was asked and gave an answer. That he answered erroneously proves nothing.
ReplyDeleteIt was known that it derives from fagen by all of us. The reference to Hitler was an alternate answer given by an established nexion to an initiate at the beginning of his quest.
This bizarre, narcissistic online posting (whilst mocking others for online posting) would be amusing to those of us actively pursuing the 7FW were it not so disheartening.
I truly hope you achieve the aims of the 7FW, which is all we ever hope of everyone who comes to these teachings. Till then, perhaps learn well from DaVinci's parable of the oyster.
Funny part is, the "wrong answer" was that Fayen was a title of Hitler himself, when really, Fayen was just a reference to Hitler's sacrifice. It's such a minor difference.
ReplyDeleteMr SP, please tell us more about how you're actually pursuing the 7FW? Give us proofs please. Show everybody that you're not only the fucking mean nobody hidden behind a screen that you are.
ReplyDeleteTell us about the real causal world.
Tell us about tangible fact, and not about your polemical bullshits that any true devoted adept doesn't give a shit about.
For this is what being an O9A follower is all about.
You wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote} I truly hope you achieve the aims of the 7FW, which is all we ever hope of everyone who comes to these teachings{/quote}
A truly sensible and contextual reply. Thank you. As "we" mentioned on the SP blog a while ago in the 'Lighten Up People' post, we who write the stuff on the SP blog are only at the beginning of our individual ONA quests along the 7FW way; we're not adepts and never claimed to be. We're learning; maybe making some mistakes in the process. The polemics we've published and the responses and reactions to them - the dialectic, the sparring - are part of this learning. As is our 'satanist' approach to having some on-line fun, causing offense, being mischievous and misleading and pissing some people off, including - it seems - some O9A people. We didn't and don't really care about the effect on others since we expected other O9A people to "get it" as it seems some have. That some others, outside of the O9A, committed the fallacy of illicit distribution regarding "us" and our blog was most amusing.
That some paranoid nut with a hatred of "Dave" - who now has yet another "hate Dave" blog - was convinced we are "Dave" is perhaps the most amusing thing so far.
A few of items we've posted - like the one from CB about the Myatt painting - are from sources we know and were published as received without any comments from us.
This is totally not a waste of everyone's time.
ReplyDeleteActually I take it back. This is illuminating, but not for the reasons most would think.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote} [Dave] wrote me an email {/quote}
More paranoid fantasies: come on, post that e-mail from "Dave" complete with headers and of course giving the 'From' line. Did this mythical e-mail even exist? Doubtful. Did the 'From' line say it was from "Dave"? Of course not. Anyone - any anonymous person - could have sent you some e-mail using any nym. That you believe it was from "Dave" is just a delusion, and really quite amusing.
You wrote:
{quote} You turned against them.{/quote}
That you persist in believing that "Dave" is everywhere, everyone, is paranoia at its best.
When some O9A people may have said or wrote some negative things against some other people (O9A or otherwise) it was a test. Now, what part of 'test' don't you understand? Heck, the O9A stated from the get go that testing candidates and even "members" was de rigueur. It's all there, in O9A texts from the 1980s on, including in The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown. It was a test of character, of loyalty.
So, here we have it: it seems you may have been "tested" and took it personally, not esoterically, not as an essential part of an Occult quest and not as a means, a technique, to engender self-understanding and self-honesty. Instead, you felt insulted, let down, picked on, humiliated. So noviciate enthusiasm turned to hate.
In other words, you failed the test and now whinge and whine and threaten via the internet.
Take two cases: N913 and Mr McD. Both were publicly savaged, were tested according to O9A guidelines. Mr McD took it personally, and ranted and raved, including - incidentally - ranting and raving against "Dave". N913, however, took some time off, went away, learned from the experience, understood it, and came back with more insight, more understanding, and didn't rant and rave against "Dave". Enough said?
But here's a thought: why don't you publicly challenge "Dave" - if he's still alive - to a duel with deadly weapons somewhere in Gelf Kabir? I'm sure "Dave" - if he's still alive - would relish such a challenge in such a place, and what a good way it would be for someone to die. So, pistols, or swords?
Oh, and BTW, Anton Long and CB are still the best of friends, which is unsurprising as CB is AL's esoteric heir and always has been.
You wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote}Mr SP... this is what being an O9A follower is all about.{/quote}
It's actually Ms SP, thank you. Although to be pedantic it should be the plural of Ms - whatever that is - since the SP blog is a collaboration of a small all female collective.
AFAIK, (which really should be AFAWK), there's no such thing as an O9A 'follower' only individuals interested in or inspired by O9A theory and/or praxis who - so interested or so inspired - begin their own, unique, Occult, and personal, and often covert, quest. Some follow the praxis of the 7FW, others don't. Some even create their own O9A-inspired praxis.
Whatever, and again AFAIK, no proofs are necessary, nor required, whether those asking are anonymous internet individuals or someone in the real world. The only exception - again AFAIK - is if and when some anonymous individual publicly boasts about their O9A status and/or their 'sinister life', or assumes or accepts a public position as some sort of "authority on the ONA" and thus drones on to academics and to others about the ONA and/or about their nexion and/or about their "sinister life". Then we're entitled to ask for some sort of proof, for the operative words in respect of this exception are "being anonymous" and "publicly", which "publicly" of course includes e-mail sent to others.
'a small, all female collective'
ReplyDeleteOh cool, more role-play fantasy.
You wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote}Oh cool, more role-play fantasy.{/quote}
Of course, for you surely must by now have heard of that new D&G style (RPG) board-game called "We're All Dave Now" which features miniature figures of DM, Mr McD The Moac, Anna C, Michael Ford, Howard Levey, Michael Aquino, Dan Dread, and others, including an assortment of Vampire lesbians not to mention demon-figures such as Shugara and Azanigin.
The conflict takes places in the mythical land of Nemicu where the forces of 'good' - symbolized by characters such as Howard Levey, Michael Aquino, Mr McD The Moac, and Anna C - battle the evil DM, his multitudinous minions, his Vampire lesbians, and demons such as Shugara and Azanigin.
The game should be in the shops by Xmas.
Oh still obsessing over Anschauung. Just tell me when he raved mad at Myatt. During the entire drama he hardly said anything. Also when did you "test" Darryl/N913? You wrote about him only a couple of sentences and only once. All the flak Darryl got was from other people associating themselves with the ONA. And no it wasn't a test. He genuinely pissed them off. I've seen him in action so cut your crap. He has a natural tendency to invite ridicule and make enemies. I've known him since 2011, others even longer.
ReplyDeleteIf getting butthurt online and disappearing from the internet to lick your wounds is for you passing the ONA test, then you have extremely "high" standards but not my circus, not my monkeys.
Moac Gazette is run by Chloe for tech lulz. I doubt she is even for real, like you probably aren't for real. But go on kids, manifest the sinister on the internetz.
Dear Persistent ONA Troll,
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to hear from you again, and so soon.
You wrote:
{quote} still obsessing... getting butthurt... cut your crap... go on kids {/quote}
Yet more argumentum ad hominem.
You wrote:
{quote} no it wasn’t a test...{/quote}
Thus spake the oracle of the ONA who knows all, sees all, hears all.
You wrote:
{quote} Just tell me when he raved mad at Myatt. During the entire drama he hardly said anything{/quote}
How's about dozens and dozens of rants on a FB group. How's about e-mails sent to other people. How's about accusing "Anton Long" of running a gang of pedophiles, etcetera.
Of course it could be just a coincidence that he addressed many of his replies to "Dave", just like the ranter with the anti-Myatt blogs . Also just like those rants his rants were full of silly accusations about DM, some almost identical to those posted on such blogs and now here.
Love and kisses,
The apprentice troll.
Still waiting for you provide actual evidence that "we" - and so many others - are "Dave".
ReplyDeleteYou wrote:
{quote} You wrote me an email {/quote}
Still waiting for you to publish the e-mails with full headers showing they actually were from "Dave".
You wrote:
{quote} You don’t seem to fully grasp what the ad hominem fallacy actually is {/quote}
Actually one of your many "Dave's" defined that fallacy more academically some years ago referencing the likes of Habermas, van Eemeren, and academic articles in journals such as Theoria. That you seem to rely on some internet published definition is most moving.
You wrote:
{quote}when your boy DK did what he did, and the cops and FBI were out for you guys, and the shit hit the fan: you turned your back on your boy DK, and denied anything to do with him and your comrades. Like how Peter turned his back on Christ. And during that Panorama interview with you on that bike{/quote}
These stupid allegations and assumptions have been answered before. At the time of the BBC interview DM was still on bail facing serious charges that could have led to a decade or more in prison. He was on bail for over three years while the international investigation into his activities went on, having to regularly report to Charing Cross police station as a condition of that bail.
He made "no comment" because that's what sensible people do when facing serious criminal charges and the investigation is on-going. To do otherwise is stupidity. You obviously have no extensive experience of being on the wrong end of law enforcement.
Also, everyone - from Searchlight anti-fascists to those like Browning who hated Charlie (to whom DM stayed loyal) - knew where DM lived but no one came to face DM in person.
DM, being loyal to Charlie, attended his trial as did Browning who - contrary to the code - gave evidence against him. Searchlight published a surveillance photos of Myatt at the trial which had a heavy police presence as violence between the different C18 factions was expected. One photo showed Myatt leaving the court, another shows him walking toward the court next to the wife of Charlie's co-defendant, Martin Cross. Both Martin and Cross were found guilty of murder.
After one court session several loyal supporters of Charlie, including DM, went looking for Browning and the others to settle scores, but Browning and Co had run away.
You wrote:
{quote} I live in the real world. I have a large family...I have things called friends{/quote}
So says some angry anonymous person who rants via the internet. Yes, we really do believe you.
Yeah I missed you. :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't know, hear or see all but we've been on several networks together. We also had mutual friends on Facebook. Darryl always tends to annoy other people, be they O9A or not.
So you know...I don't know it all but I will tell you a secret. There is no such a thing as self-honesty and there has never been. We can achieve much better results by wholeheartedly lying to ourselves and others so Mommy Nature took care that a human mind works in a very funny way. As a result, there is not even one honest person on earth.
To realize that is to have a real Satanic epiphany. Or call it endorkenment. Endarkenment, sorry. :P
Dave ( 39yvr2pmq or whatever ) seems nervous lately.
ReplyDeleteProbably, at this point, those interested in ONA can feel that Dave's approach follows a pattern of selfishness and lust for control...
Many of them have noticed what Dave ( actually ) tried to do, and, for what it seems, this awareness has unstoppable systemic consequences.
Meanwhile, the 7FW remains as a valid system, above and beyond the interplay of human emotion and passion. See you all on the path, when you decide to come back to it.
ReplyDeleteWell... no matter what "Dave" thinks and does, the ONA without him is like Christianity without Baby Jesus. Some have tried this experiment and it didn't turn out well.
ReplyDeleteSure one can keep throwing mud at Uncle Myatt but it is then quite pointless to call oneself ONA.
“Dave” and Jesus...
ReplyDeleteHmm...the sociological mechanism of messianism and the inevitable rhetorical despotism. In the shadow of such schema often lurks an inquisitor, don't you think?
Plus, there is a problem when the “feet of clay” are so obvious...
So, are you implying that all people in the “ONAsphere” is dependent of such kind of messianic schema? I don't know.
Perhaps call oneself ONA it's not the important part...
Probably, for those who honestly resonate with that specific path, the important is:
“Meanwhile, the 7FW remains as a valid system...”
You wrote:
ReplyDelete{quote}@Dave... We all know its you {/quote}
Still waiting for some actual evidence in respect of your fantasy that "we" - et al - are "Dave".
As Anna C said a long while ago in a universe far far away: "[Myatt's] online communications are controlled by various security agencies, Myatt doesn't participate in the forums or social networks."
You wrote:
{quote} you're a passive aggressive Control Freak...you’re a smartass... so pathetic...your selfish mentality...{/quote}
Anna C said it best: "One can keep throwing mud at Uncle Myatt but it is then quite pointless to call oneself ONA."
She also said, a long while ago in a universe far far away: "push him till he breaks."
Well, you certainly seem to have been broken and - in possibly some attempt at rehab - you have fixated on "Dave"and for several years have launched tirade and rumor after tirade and rumor about "Dave". For isn't it an axiom of pop psychology that fixation on and hatred of a person makes you feel better about yourself and gives you a purpose in life?
"“Dave” and Jesus…
ReplyDeleteHmm…the sociological mechanism of messianism and the inevitable rhetorical despotism. In the shadow of such schema often lurks an inquisitor, don’t you think?"
That blew right over your head.
As for following the 7-fold Way, there is no need to stick to the path created by the guy or people you hate or despise. Arrange together your own occult path, your own tradition. Crowley did that too. That shouldn't be difficult. Heck, even LaVey and Aquino did it for better or worse. Shitting on someone while using their work is pathetic.
That aside, defending poor Kris after the whole three years is a lil bit too late. There is a time and place for everything. I honestly hope you and Ms C are trolling because I doubt anyone is going to take you seriously.
Much as I am like to disagree with Anna C she makes a good point here. She has also made some other good points about the O9A and Myatt, one of which was that you have to separate DM the man from the O9A-created myth about him. The man writes stuff like the following taken from his 2015 collection of essays 'Sarigthersa': {quote} "The truth is that I am not of any significance, particular or otherwise: being only another emanation of ψυχή; one so fleetingly presenced on this planet we terrans have deigned to term Earth; one whose dying and death is just that of another mortal some years past three score [...] Despite my hopes I have so easily – so very easily, month following month these past few years – strayed from what I should have been and now must be: silent, eremitic; living day to day as a vagabond, mindful of my mortal insignificance in the vastness of the Cosmos and dying when and how I die, clutching as I then hope to do the memory of that numinous beauty of personal love which I so briefly and so fortunately shared with several other humans before I in my hubriatic stupidity and selfishness ruined everything." {/quote}
ReplyDeleteSo, while some kook seeks to defame DM here and elsewhere, anyone who takes the time to actually read Myatt's own post-2012 words finds an eloquent rebuttal to the lies the kook spews forth apparently out of hatred and jealousy.
You said:
ReplyDelete“...ONA without him is like Christianity without Baby Jesus.”
In the context of your own comparison, my question remains: are ONAers, and their esoteric path, dependent of personality cult and messianic vectors?
It's a sincere question.
You said:
“As for following the 7-fold Way, there is no need to stick to the path created by the guy or people you hate or despise”
I didn't said if I follow the “7-fold Way” or not, and...lol, I don't hate the guy or people who “created” that path. I'm pointing that an excessive controlling behavior, or psychological inflation, etc... - by the creator of a system – can be, and often is, counterproductive for the development and implementation of that system.
I have never encouraged the cult of personality. Everyone should be subject to criticism but this is something different from having emotional meltdown. Besides, we need some evidence that Ms Kerri Scott is Myatt in disguise. I seriously doubt it. Mocking some specific Niners or even members of the Old Guard is one thing but I doubt anyone will also go as far as poop on Myatt or ONA tradition in general.
ReplyDelete"Separate DM the man from the O9A-created myth about him. "
ReplyDeleteI personally believe the writings of David Myatt (Also the Post 2012 ones which hold the most significance to me) to be entirely compatible with the Order of Nine Angles as a whole and this, even though David Myatt might not be Anton Long. I do understand that some people could disagree with this.
I also believe that there is an interesting and healthy 'Shuffling' happening for anyone studying and trying to seriously follow the Seven Fold Way. What I mean by that is that the lack of 'apparent' authority/organization/head and the abundance of MSS & hints is what could be termed as the 'Thesis'. There is then a necessary freedom imposed upon the 'student' to go out there to experiment, study, adapt, morph, sometimes go back to the MSS and the hints, Sometimes to rebuke them (...) This is the 'Antithesis' which leads to the inevitable 'Synthesis' (Beyond Abyss, Beyond Denotatum, Fullfiled Wyrd ...)
Needless to say that these three process could be compared to the 'Tria Prima' (ego, self, beyond self) and more often than not, take a lifetime. And so I believe it is vain to try and create a boundary between Myatt and the Order of Nine Angles as a whole since there is this constant shuffling between the Thesis and the Antithesis which ultimately breaks free into something greater. Just like a butterfly freeing himself from the cocoon. The same could be said of Christianity perhaps with Jesus christ and the individual 'faith' of the follower. A cyclical path instead of a linear one as stated in my article on the Matrix which deals with similar concepts:
As for Myatt post 2012 emanations, I believe them to be the synthesis, the culmination as Sinister Polemic(s) has already stated in a previous article. Unfortunately, these post 2012 emanations have been surprisingly ignored by most of the O9A community which is a shame since if David Myatt is not Anton Long, they had quite the similar life and lexicon. My humble writings have been dedicated mainly to the 'Numinous Way' and the 'Goodmanian Perspective' which is in the line of Myatt philosophy. Interestingly, the correlations between certain conclusions O9A and the conclusions of the 'numinous way' are extremely similar, if not identical: The necessity of empathy and Pathei-Mathos, The underlying unity of the Cosmos, The logical axiom of the acausal (...)
Such are my own juvenile conclusions, both theoretical and practical.
At last, someone else seems to understand and intuit "the essence" of both the O9A and DM. Kudos.
ReplyDeletePerhaps there is, after all, some hope for we humans. For such "hope" is what the 7FW is esoterically, in terms of individuals and aeonically, all about.
BTW, your conclusions are certainly not "juvenile" but rather are an intimation of the sinisterly-numinous. Would that some others had such insight.
I appreciate your compliments, even though I feel like a child that is still learning to walk.
ReplyDeleteFarewell, until the next 'polemic' that is.
Hello, Chloe.