
Showing posts from January, 2017

Mesphito (Mephistophiles is Real)

Name Variates: Mephistophiles, Mephistophilis, Mesphito, Memostophiles, Methosophiles, Megastophiles, Mephisto, Mephist, Hemostophile, Mephistophielis Color: Black, Grey, Light Blue, Red Direction: Northwest Herb: Mandrake Element: Earth Rank: Chief Duke Planet: Jupiter Infernal Letter: K Primary Qlipha: Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore) Secondary Qlipha: Samael (Mercury/Adrammelech) Gematria: 639; 919; 2094; 2288 I've written the important parts of this article in blue for people who want to focus on the practical. We will not bother delving into the legend of Faust for this article. According to a book called Personal Names in Appellative Use in English , Mephisto predates that legend anyways (I am unsure of whether or not this is correct). Despite the commonplace allegation that Mephistophiles (most often called Mesphito in Demonolatry) is a purely fictitious entity, various medieval grimoires present him as an authentic demon, and Doctor Faust himself has been traced b...

The Long Mynd in Hebdomadry

Update: Many of my readers have asked permission to post my material on Facebook or other social media, or to translate it to another language. I would like to publicly state that it is my intent to see my literature reach as many people as possible, so not only do my readers have my permission to translate and post literature wherever and whenever they want (so long as the article is attributed to me by name, I am content), they can consider themselves to be doing me a personal favor whenever they do so. The broader my audience becomes, the more opportunities come my way. I have already been approached by three separate publishers desiring to see my literature in (online) bookstores, but none of them have been able to get their shit together long even to see my writings appear on the shelves. So by all means, share my essays-- I'll thank you for doing so. What follows is a newer version of a redacted article regarding the finer points of the ONA's esotericism. If the ONA is no...

Latin Hymn to Paimon

The spirit variously known as Paimon, Paymon, and Paimonia is held to be the demonic king of the west. His two attendant spirits are Beball (called also Bebal and Labal) and Abalam (also called Abalim and Abali). I have written a hymn called Salve Trinitatis Infernalis which calls upon their auspices and raises demonic-infernal energy. A specified intent should be determined and articulated before use of the chant, which should be rhythmically whispered while facing the West. The primary purpose of this chant is to call Paymon, Abali, and Beball, and it can serve to ask them to empower the self. Magickal chants from the Misanthropic Luciferian Order (Source: Liber Azerate), Asha'Shedim (Source: Book of Belial), and OFS Demonolatry (Source: Complete Book of Demonolatry) appear in the text as well and will be defined prior to the explanation of the hymn. Liftoach Kliffot Liftoach is a word of power meaning "Open" and Kliffot is a name for Hell. This serves to presence infer...


Names: Yakatewthigal; Tezrian; Yakalatal; Yakatorigoth; Bakalatoth Compass: Northeast (Primary); Southeast Serves Under: Qayin, Molock, Ba'al, Aggereth Element: Spirit is Attributed to All 5 Elements Color: Red, Deep Purple, Indigo, Green, Yellow, Blue, Grey, Silver, Black Sacred Numbers: 47, 65, 82, 49, 8, 12, 44, 17, 21, 11, 37 Attributed Qliphas: Herab Serapel; Gamchicoth (Primary) Planets (From Most to Least Attributed): Mars; Neptune; Earth; Pluto Initiatory Specialties (Seek Guidance): the Trans-Sephirothic Labyrinth; Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun]; the Trans-Qliphothic Labyrinth Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu Trans-Sephirothic Veil: Ain Soph Aur Attributed Ingredients/Substances: Red Rose, Dragon's Blood, Lavender, Cinnamon, Rose, Galangal Root, Olive Juice, Alcohol, Olive Oil Tezrian is the Goddess of War and Priestess of Battle. She is held to be a spirit of vengeance who rules upheaval, bravery, combat, conflict, and strength of will. She can be called upon for ...

Cimeries, Kimaris, Tuvries (Goetia #66)

Cimeies by G.A. Rosenberg  (Art for Pathworking) Alternate names: Cymaries, Kimaris, Cimeies, Cimejes, Cimejas, Cimeies, Tuvries Planet: Venus; the Moon Tarot: 7 of Swords; 4 of Disks Enn: Ayer avage secore Cimejes Rank: Marquis Color: Violet; Dark Blue Plant: Pine Herb: Jasmine Path: Ayin (Capricorn, Cadent) Metal: Silver; Copper Date: 10-19 of Jan; 14-18 of Feb Element: Air, Earth Numbers: 20, 30, 277, 340 Zodiac: Aquarius (25-29); Capricorn (20-30) Region: Africa Cimeries is a nocturnal spirit who imparts scholarly erudition and studious diligence, and he teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric to the witch. He can make the witch brave and leaderlike, and he can also erase the trait of defiance for the sake of defiance. A spirit of strength and structure, he can give the witch the confidence to publicly challenge the mainstream narrative and give refines her character for warriorhood. He is considered a patron of the military, which is fitting, as he bestows courage and confers battlef...


Tunnel of Set: 17 (Satariel-Thagirion) Tarot of Tunnel: the Lovers Ordeal of Tunnel: Ominous Appearance and Banshees Siddihi of Tunnel: Bilocation Atavism of Tunnel: Hyena Musical Key of Tunnel: D Hebrew Letter of Tunnel: Zain Demonic Order of Tunnel: Tzelilimiron Force of Tunnel: Shugal-Choronzon as a Virulent Magickal Storm Zodiac of Tunnel: Gemini Planet of Tunnel: Mercury Planet of Spirit: Neptune Gematria: 292; 297; 776; 1554 "The sigil of Zamradiel is composed of a lunar crescent pierced by an arrow shot from a bow, both ends of which terminate in the letter G... the vehicle by which the crossing is achieved... the letter of the High Priestess..."  Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant Zamradiel dwells within the 17th Qliphothic pathway, which leads from Satariel (Saturn/Rofocale) to Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore) and is attributed to Gemini and therefore to Mercury. The name Zamradiel means "the Great Clanger." His tunnel is haunted by the Bultungin-- which a...

A Sacrament to Arachnid Lilith

(Face the North. Have a cup or chalice of some liquid on the altar) Io Akkawbishia Lilith! Melus de Quo Magma! [Hail Arachnid Lilith! Reality Emanates from the demonic] I call upon the Mother of the Black Moon who sits enthroned over succubitic legions and obscene divinties to impart her blessing unto the celebrant. I, (YOUR NAME), call upon Arachnid Lilith, the Sulphurous Maiden of the Abyss! Salve Arachnidia Lilith (x6) [Hail Arachnidia Lilith] Veni Akkawbishia Lilith [Come Arachnid Lilith] Hail unto Arachnid Lilith, Archfiend Mistress of the Lynched and Aborted! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Zodamran! Io Akkawbishia Lilith! Lustrous obsidian towers ascend through the mountainous nightscape of the lunar Qlipha. I call tonight upon the Second Divinity of the Nigrescent Kingdom of Death and Multiplicity in her most baleful of aspects! Arachnid Lilith is the Mistress of Fate and Queen Over Hanged Men whose children weave acausal spider-web tapestries throughout the subtle planes of the...


Certain spirits, be they demonic or otherwise, emanate fear by the very nature of who and what they are. I had met entities like this before, and even when I knew that their intentions were beneficent, I felt afraid. I could have instructed my aura to block out the intimidation so that I could remain level-headed, but I could sense that the intimidation served some purpose beyond developing strength of character. I have had spirits and men alike make attempts on my life before, but the only emotion I felt then was rage, which gave way to exhaustion. I knew that the horripilation I experienced at the hands of these particular demons was not a product of my own disposition, but rather an emanation of the physis of those spirits. The feelings of bliss which accompany Azanigin are comparable in nature. I inevitably developed a resistance to the fear after a few interactions with the respective spirits, but I had to learn to resist each demon’s intimidation individually. While I have ascert...

Eulogy for Rasmussen

Schuyler Alexander Rasmussen was a Luminary in the Assembly of Lightbearers, formerly called the Greater Church of Lucifer, before he passed away in the early morning hours of January 19th, 2017. Within hours of his death, his fellow Luciferians set social media alight with lamentations, condolences, and eulogies. Black magickians across the world, both those who knew him in person and those who corresponded with him online, have unanimously described him as kind, sincere, supportive, forgiving, but most of all, inspirational. In death as in life, he will inspire his Luciferian brethren to acts of Antinomian and Faustian greatness. He was a warrior of the Black Light and he will always be remembered as such. His plans to erect a chapter of the Torches of Lucifer in Toronto are being carried out in his name, and he has been honorarily appointed to the Sixth Degree in the Assembly of Lightbearers in death. A GoFundMe page has already appeared to assist his mother in funeral costs, which ...

Rite to Mesphito

(This ritual serves to presence Qliphothic energy around oneself, build a rapport with Mesphito, and increase one's psychic, sorcerous, and divinatory powers. Face the North. Names in bold are to be vibrated and chants in italics are to be chanted. English translations of these chants and words of power appear within brackets) Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran! [Hail Mephisto (Word of Power to Open Hell)] Liftoach Qliphoth B’Shem ha-Mephistophilus (x11) [Open the Qliphoth in the name of Mephistophilus] I call upon the Bearer of a Venomous Intoxication, The Darksome God-King of Esotericism And Recrudescence! Baruch ha-Mephist Mephir ha-Gadhol! [Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer] Veni, veni Mephistophile! [Come, come Mephistophile] Answer, Great Mesphito, Unto Prohibited Names! Mephistophiel + Mephistophilus + Mesphito + Mephistopholes + Mephist Great and Mighty Arch-Fiend, saturate my being with your nigrescent power so that I might become evolved. Focus my subtle senses so that...


A'ano'nin resides within the twenty-sixth Qliphothic pathway (which corresponds to the letter Ayin), namely the one between Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphegor) and Samael (Mercury/Adrammelech), and he’s called the lord of the gates of matter. The atavisms which he correlates to are the goat and the ass. He correpsonds to the 15th tarot card (the Devil) and the key of A. Meanwhile, his tunnel corresponds to the planet Saturn. A’ano’nin, whose name means “the Great Fishy One,” holds dominion over satyrs—a race of satyrs markedly more demonic than those led by Pan, and Pan’s satyrs are rather demonic themselves. A’ano’nin presides over the Witch’s Sabbat—probably a different Sabbat than the one you’ve been attending. A’ano’nin’s Sabbat, which occurs within Nahemoth, is more of a private affair. Guests get to Vampyrically feed upon restrained victims—spirits they’ve caught. While sex certainly does occur, it is not orgiastic. A’ano’nin is a patron of dark magick and a master of the evi...

Anti-Cosmic Satanism & the O9A: Observations, Contrasts, Criticisms

Various Satanists have been treating the Order of the Nine Angles and the 218 Current as if they were somehow synonymous or congruent forces and groups, largely based on the fact that they are both amoral and Sinistral groups which attempt to further human evolution by co-opting various pre-existent religious forms. These Satanists are very, very mistaken. For the sake of clarity, Sinistral means Left-Handed. I am aware that the Order of the Nine Angles is not inherently Sinistral, but it is still primarily Left-Handed because the Sinister is what they consider to be the appropriate tool for the correction of the Aeonic flow. According to the Order of the Nine Angles, this current Aeon is the Thorian Aeon and it has been corrupted at the spiritual level by an infection deriving from Semitic mysticism. While the Order of the Nine Angles wants all current religions and spiritual forms to be completely abandoned by humanity as a whole, but it expresses singular contempt for any spiritual ...

A Sacrament to Attain Luciferian Gnosis

The purpose of this ritual is to enter into a gnostic/trance state, where all material cognizance is left behind, and one may experience the wisdom of Satanas purely. This borrows magickal formulae from original and latter-day Niners, Thelemites, Anti-Cosmic Satanism, Demonolatry, and Theistic Satanism. A proper bibliography appears in the bottom. I am releasing this ritual to prove to the celebrant that "paradigms" and "traditions" are nothing more than artifices of the human mind and of causal reasoning with no legitimate existence of their own. The power of this sacrament will prove this to you by the power it holds. Phrases in italics are to be chanted, and names in bold are to be vibrated, with each + marking the end of one full vibration/exhalation. Adorn the altar in sigils of the Devil. If you know the ZD sigil, make use of it. Agios o Sathanus (x9) [Numinous is Sathanus] Hail unto the Devil, the Muse of our Civilization, Deity of Awe and Derision. The Horn...

A Black Rite to Three Great Magickal Initiators

Salve Qayin! Ave Agia! Io Mephisto! Zodamran! Zodamran! [Hail Qayin! Hail Agia/Hecate! Hail Mephisto! (word of power to open the Qliphoth)] Qayin is the Resplendent and Merciless Immortal who reduced his sibling to the sustenance of the Earth. Hail to the Djinn-Worshipper and Slaughterous Initiator, the Firstborn Son of the Prince of Darkness! Agios ischyros Ka-In Arotrios! Veni, veni Mephistophile! [Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow! Come, come Mephistophile!] Melus de Quo Magma! Liftoach Qliphoth! Zodamran! [Reality emanates from the demonic! Open the Qliphoth! Zodamran] Io Hecate Io Ho! Veni Hecate! [(words of power)! Come Hecate!] Beyond the Adamantine Gateway to the Other Side, the pyrogenic enchantments of Mephastophilis subject humankind unto black machinations. I call unto him, the Prince of Negation, to saturate the subtle atmosphere with the energies of Sitra Achara! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! [(words of power to open the Qliphoth)] Anana Hecate Ayer! [(Hecate's ...