Secret Names: Rimkalathoth, Kortoragoth, Mimkathagal, Rimkoratal, Yarakalatoth
Qliphothic Attribution: Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus)
Primary Planetary Attributions: Mars; Venus Illegitima; Pluto
Secondary Planetary Attributions: Earth; Black Sun; Mercury
Lesser Planetary Attribution: Jupiter
Element: Fire (Primary); Air; Water
Colors: Green, Grey, Purple, Blue, Yellow
Sacred Numbers: 8, 19, 12
Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu; Tohu
Compass: Southwest (Primary); East; North
Non-Qliphothic Sphere: Bapki [Planetary Sphere of the Earth]
Attributed Behenian Stars: Alpheneca (Primary); Vega (Secondary); Aldebaran (Tertiary)
Above: Original Sigil of Alfpunias
Alefpene'ash or Alfpunias is called the Harba di Ashm'dai [Sword of Asmodeus] and referred to as Gurigur. He is the son of Asmodeus and Na'amah who presides over 80,000 destructive fiends and resides within the Qliphothic Sphere of Mars. While Asmodeus rules the Martian Qlipha, he is a very multi-faceted entity, so Alfpunias more strongly embodies the nature of Mars. He can raise bloodthirsty, necromantic wraiths and he can impart power and calculation to the sorcerer.
The guidance and auspices of Alfpunias are apt for Hoodoo, Voudon, astral projection, solar magick, working with the seven chakras of the spine, mind tricks, working with Those Who Died Nameless and Forgotten, the mysteries of Babalon, Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, binding spells, working with the Black Flame, death curses, psychic vampirism, BDSM, angel magick, archaeology, neurology, clairvoyance, homicide, healing spells, planetary magick, ice magick, mind reading, Draconic magick, and strengthening the astral double.
Alfpunias or Gurigur presides over warfare, destruction magick, martial arts (he favors fencing and knife fighting), courage, the empowerment of the Black Flame, the stimulation of the Kundalini, mental calculation/analytical skills, warfare, military technology (armor, vehicles, weaponry), tactical mindsets, and wrathful necromancy. The auspices of Alfpunias are useful in sex magick, controlling anger issues via self-control, discipline, courage, confidence, ego dissolution, bloodletting in witchcraft, blood sacrifice, warfare, destruction magick. He surrounds the sorcerer in protective famuli and keeps her protected thereby.
My channeled magickal secret name for the demonic undead hordes which serve Alefpene'ash/Alfpunias in Goloheb (Mars/Asmoday) is Emkallugawl, and my magickal chant to call them forth is "Salve Legio Alfpunias." For my magickal chants to Alfpunias himself, see the following rite of invocation. The magickal chants (all of which I wrote) to Alfpunias which are only useful for invoking Alfpunias will have an asterisk placed at the end of the English translation provided for them.
Gurigur can foster observantness, intuition, organization skills, proficiency in strategizing, reasoning skills, quick learning, wisdom, self-awareness, sexual proficiency, and determination. He can weaken mental barriers to psychic perception and spellwork manifestation and remove or weaken anxiety issues. He can give aid and guidance in singing and song-writing.
Magickal Chants
Zusigethon + Alfpunias + Rimkalathoth + Kortoragoth + Mimkathagal + Rimkoratal + Yarakala-toth + Gurigur
A Name-Vibration Formula for Calling Upon Alfpunias
Rikkattorraggallittal Yakkattorriggon Ayatallaggallathor Yakkattorra-yakkattal
A Channeled Chant Used to Invoke Alfpunias
Rikator Yalagoth Rimguthal Yalakor Yimkathoth Rakator Yakatoth Rimkathoth
A Channeled Chant Used to Evoke Alfpunias
Qodesh La-Gurigur-Alfpunias-Alefpene'ash
“Holy to Gurigur/Alfpunias/Alefpene'ash!”
Sum Harba De Ashmedai Malka
“I am the Sword of Asmodeus!”
Used to Invoke Alfpunias
Adlaudate Zusigethon-- Agios o Gurigur
“Praise Zusigethon—Numinous is Gurigur!”
Zusigethon, Alfpunias, Gurigur
Magickal Chant Composed of Three Names for Alfpunias
Qodesh La-Alefpene’ash Sar Goloheb
“Holy to Alefpene’ash, Prince of the Martian Qlipha!”
Baruch Ha-Gurigur Geber Ha-Reshut Ha-Rabbim
“Blessed is Gurigur, Warrior of the Kingdom of Manifoldness (Qliphoth)!”
Salve Pernicosus Domine Alefpene’ash
“Hail to the Baleful Lord Alefpene’ash!”
Zusigethon Gloria—Agios Ischyros Gurigur
“Glory to Zusigethon—Numinous and Mighty is Gurigur!”
Imperator Est Gurigur Etiam Golachab
“Gurigur is Lord of Golachab!”
Ornate Zusigethon-Alfpunias Deus Ab Mavethol
“I Praise Zusigethon-Alfpunias, Deity of the Nightside!”
Gurigur Alfpunias Rimkoratal Kortoragoth
Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias
Rimkalathoth, Mimkathagal, Alefpene’ash, Yarakalatoth
Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias
Ave Imperiosus Gurigur Lar Acharayim
“Hail to the Mighty Gurigur, Deity of the Backwards Tree!”
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