Lilith's Esoteric Saturnian Aspect
In Qabbalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic, Thomas Karlsson posits that Lilith's true throne is within the Qlipha known as Satorial (Lucifuge/Saturn). This postulation has been disputed by various authors-- after all, it can be seen as counterintuitive. This article serves to defend Karlsson's postulation.
According to Dion Fortune, the nature of Lilith is comparable to an inversion of the Sephira known as Binah. Binah is attributed to the planet Saturn and is considered to be a feminine manifestation of Jehovah's power. Obviously, Satorial is the infernal equivalent of Binah. Binah is the third emanation of Lilith, and the number three relates to the moon. There were three angels summoned to battle Lilith (Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof). Moreover, there are three primary astrological bodies to which Lilith is attributed: the asteroid name after her, the Black Moon, and the dark moon, the last of which might or might not exist (seek your own gnosis). Her three lesser/minor astrological attributions, Earth, the Moon, and Saturn, also relate. This makes a total of six astrological attributions.
Myself and my fellow witches always felt that the number six was relevant to Lilith. The demons "influenced" us to use it, but we never knew why. As it turns out, six is the mystic number of Binah.
The value of Lilith's name in Gematria is 480, which is the value of Qilleshown [Hebrew: Three-Pronged Pitchfork] and Jeduthun (one of the three servants of song). 480 is also the value of "ayeth", the last three letters of the 42-letter (4 + 2 = 6) name of Jehovah attributed to Malkuth (the Telluric Sephira which Nahemo/Lilith mirrors). 480 is also the value of "attuwd" [Hebrew: He-Goat/Ram/Chief One], "shaquf" [Hebrew: frame/window casing], "poth" [opening], "sheqef" [Hebrew: framing/door]
Binah is often referred to in Judao-Mysticism by the Hebrew word Ama, meaning "Mother." The word Binah has a decisively dark connotation, whereas the word Aima, meaning "Mother" in Hebrew as well, has a lighter connotation, and is a title for another Sephira.
Countless LHP authors have began referring to the Matron of Temple Prostitution by the title Ama Lilith, which moniker originated as a reference (and clue) to the Saturnian aspect of Mother Lilith.
The title "Ama Lilith" has a numerical value of 522. 5 + 2 + 2 = 9, and there are nine boxes in the Kamia square of Saturn. Gamaliel is either the ninth or second Qlipha depending upon where one starts to count. 522 is also the numerical value of the phrase "va-Avadtem" [Hebrew: You shall serve]. Lilith's violation of such a decree is the most common mythological narrative about her.
Scholem also attributes Lilith to the planet Saturn, writing "In the Kabbalah, influenced by astrology, Lilith is related to the planet Saturn, and all those of a melancholy disposition-of a 'black humor'-are her sons."
The North is attributed to the planet Saturn, and Lilith is known as Tzafoni, or "the Northerner." The numerical value of Tzafoni is 236. 2 + 3 + 6 = 11, the number of all things magickal, demonic, and infernal. 1 + 1 = 2, and Lilith is the second sex who rules over the second Qlipha. 236 is also the value of the name of one of the aforementioned three angels invoked against Lilith.
-V.K. Jehannum
According to Dion Fortune, the nature of Lilith is comparable to an inversion of the Sephira known as Binah. Binah is attributed to the planet Saturn and is considered to be a feminine manifestation of Jehovah's power. Obviously, Satorial is the infernal equivalent of Binah. Binah is the third emanation of Lilith, and the number three relates to the moon. There were three angels summoned to battle Lilith (Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof). Moreover, there are three primary astrological bodies to which Lilith is attributed: the asteroid name after her, the Black Moon, and the dark moon, the last of which might or might not exist (seek your own gnosis). Her three lesser/minor astrological attributions, Earth, the Moon, and Saturn, also relate. This makes a total of six astrological attributions.
Myself and my fellow witches always felt that the number six was relevant to Lilith. The demons "influenced" us to use it, but we never knew why. As it turns out, six is the mystic number of Binah.
The value of Lilith's name in Gematria is 480, which is the value of Qilleshown [Hebrew: Three-Pronged Pitchfork] and Jeduthun (one of the three servants of song). 480 is also the value of "ayeth", the last three letters of the 42-letter (4 + 2 = 6) name of Jehovah attributed to Malkuth (the Telluric Sephira which Nahemo/Lilith mirrors). 480 is also the value of "attuwd" [Hebrew: He-Goat/Ram/Chief One], "shaquf" [Hebrew: frame/window casing], "poth" [opening], "sheqef" [Hebrew: framing/door]
Binah is often referred to in Judao-Mysticism by the Hebrew word Ama, meaning "Mother." The word Binah has a decisively dark connotation, whereas the word Aima, meaning "Mother" in Hebrew as well, has a lighter connotation, and is a title for another Sephira.
Above: Artwork for Lilith Pathworkings by G.A. Rosenberg
Countless LHP authors have began referring to the Matron of Temple Prostitution by the title Ama Lilith, which moniker originated as a reference (and clue) to the Saturnian aspect of Mother Lilith.
The title "Ama Lilith" has a numerical value of 522. 5 + 2 + 2 = 9, and there are nine boxes in the Kamia square of Saturn. Gamaliel is either the ninth or second Qlipha depending upon where one starts to count. 522 is also the numerical value of the phrase "va-Avadtem" [Hebrew: You shall serve]. Lilith's violation of such a decree is the most common mythological narrative about her.
Scholem also attributes Lilith to the planet Saturn, writing "In the Kabbalah, influenced by astrology, Lilith is related to the planet Saturn, and all those of a melancholy disposition-of a 'black humor'-are her sons."
The North is attributed to the planet Saturn, and Lilith is known as Tzafoni, or "the Northerner." The numerical value of Tzafoni is 236. 2 + 3 + 6 = 11, the number of all things magickal, demonic, and infernal. 1 + 1 = 2, and Lilith is the second sex who rules over the second Qlipha. 236 is also the value of the name of one of the aforementioned three angels invoked against Lilith.
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