Tarot: The Hanged Man
Tunnel of Set: 13/23 (Samael-Golochab)
Letter of Tunnel: Mem
Color of Tunnel: Deep Blue, Sea Green
Musical Key: G#
Atavism of Tunnel: Leviathan
Associated With: Machaloth/Mahlat
Gematria: 68; 307; 530
Disease of Tunnel: Chills
“Stop the chaos in your thoughts… Rise above the hostile waters of thought.” -Malkunofat
Malkunofat makes the witch into a subversive influence in her interpersonal relations and brings about ego dissolution. He brings about monetary gain and wealth. He reveals deception, brings about concealment, and grants the keys to toppling governments.
Malkunofat rules the Sorcery of Non-Time, which entails abandoning conventional time and granting memory of the future as well as of the present and past. Malkunofat rules over portals, astral energy, parallel universes, other dimensions, spirits and other entities, and fairies. He presides over sacrifice and brings about death. He imparts gnosis of the pre-incarnation lebensweg [life journey] of the sorcerer.
Malkunofat rules the physical world of Chaos where Algol works its will. He renews the magickal Will of the magickian and imparts great confidence in it. His auspices are deeply useful for the creation of anything, microscopic alchemy (personal evolution/self-transformation), magickal workings, skyring, meditation, dream work, the pursuit of psychic powers, chakra work, and astral magick.
Malkunofat gives the witch the ability of “dowsing,” i.e. the ability to divine the location of the earth’s treasures. He makes the witch into a powerful seer and teaches her to transcend space and time alike. He twists dreams and visions in accordance with the desires of the witch. He imparts the ability to leap from world to world as well as to manipulate the astral plane and facilitate its manifestation on the causal plane.
Malkunofat rules the Qliphothic Tunnel connecting Samael (Mercury/Adramelech) and Golochab (Mars/Asmodai). This tunnel is known as the House of Scouts and symbolized by the Leviathan. According to Cort Williams:
This tunnel refers to the primordial abyss as a gateway for the understanding and attainment of the wrathful fires of Golachab. The transmutation of water into fire, the mercurial seed of Samael travels up the tree of death to unite with sulfur, the fiery dragon's breath. The letters NVH appear on Crowley's sigil for Malkunofat from Liber 231. The total value of these numbers in germatria is 61, the number of AIN- "The negative conceiving itself as a positive"- The abyssal no-thing of which this tunnel carries the essence.
In Nightside of Eden, Kenneth Grant connects the number 61 with the Qliphothic tunnel Malkunofat. 61 is also the number of AIN, the most remote of the Veils of Concealed Existence in the Kabbalistic schema. The Veil of Nothingness, the potential source of energy from which the divine consciousness is constructed.
Linda Falorio writes:
The letter "E" marks the entrance to the Tunnel of Malkunofat which is the devouring maw of the telluric Dragon—the Great Serpent, Leviathan-Thetis-Tiamat-Quetzalcoatl—dissolving us into Her silent, glittering darkness. For "E" indicates insight, voidness, the Feminine Principle. It is the secret place for teaching tantric doctrine, the Mother's secret "bhaga" place, the moist kteis. "E" is also that letter which was suspended in the entrance to the Temple of Apollo, and depicted on the Delphic coins.
According to Linda Falorio:
The need to work with the energies of Malkunofat is suggested when we experience a fear of loss of ego-consciousness and control, which may manifest as fear of flying, fear of drowning, or the inability to let go into orgasmic bliss. There may be the inability to contact unconscious elements in ourselves, signaled as a lack of dreaming. The other side of the coin is experienced as lack of grounding, a lack of any sense of connection with the personal or collective past. There may also be a sense of being drawn into dream life and fantasy, of having wandered too far from the haunts of men ever to return.
When we have successfully channeled the power of Malkunofat, we gain ability to manipulate the astral world, and to precipitate its manifestation onto the earth-plane. We may also become adept at divining the earth's treasures, as in dowsing, "water-witching", and the like. Here too, we find our power to transcend space and time, to leap from world to world. And here is the power of ultimate surrender into orgasmic bliss.
Thus in surrender of the soul to the Beloved in the mystic vision of Malkunofat, in its union with the All which is Nirvana, in this our "death by drowning" in the ocean of the unconscious, we are pulled into transcosmic space, rising to the highest spiritual aspiration of which we can conceive, higher, higher, dissolved into the Void of Absolute.
Here lies also the acceptance of the universe as Thanatos and Eros, the ability to merge with Dark plutonian energies for transformation, and regeneration, yielding personal magnetism, inexhaustible energy, sexual power, exaltation, joy, and bliss.
Malkunofat’s name means “the Great Deep One.” He appeared to me as a night-black anthropoid. His only facial feature was the huge red eye on his forehead. He wore the robes of an archmagi, adorned with golden ornaments about his elbows, neck, wrists, and fingers.
Malkunofat’s correspondences in Gematria are as follows:
68: Wheat; Holiday; Life; Beauty/Grace; To Profane/To Pollute/To Defile/To Descerate/To Wound/To Begin; Wise Man; Appropriate/Suitable; To Tread Down/To Reject/To Trample Down; To Rest
307: Night Demon; Kore; Oriax/Ornias; A Seeking/A Care/A Concern; To Take Captive/To Return; An Approach/A Drawing Near; Semen; To Be Terrible; To Sow
530: And I Will Remember the Land; Mercenary/Hired Laborer; Flowing Honey/Honeycomb; Meadow-Saffron/Rose/Crocus; Maachathite; Synagogue; Venomous Serpent; Height; He Might Prove You
The chant I use to summon Malkunofat is “Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Malkunofat,” translating from Latin to “Open the Infernal Plane, and bring forth Malkunofat.”
Sources: Thelemic Qabalah Volume III; Gematria and the Tanakh; Liber Azerate; Liber Obsidian Obscura; The Tree of Death and Qlippoth; The ToS Experiments by Frater 414
Magickal Chants
Invoco Aethereus Malkunofat
"I Call the Eternal Malkunofat!"
Invoco Malkunofat In Nomine Qliphoth
“I Call Malkunofat in the Name of the Qliphoth!”
In addition to calling forth Malkunofat, this chant simultaneously lulls the witch closer to the gnostic state (trance)
Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Malkunofat
“Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Malkunofat!”
In addition to calling forth Malkunofat, this chant simultaneously presences Qliphothic energy to raise or strengthen a sacred space.
In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Malkunofat
“In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Malkunofat!” In addition to calling forth Malkunofat, this chant simultaneously focuses the mind of the celebrant.
Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Malkunofat
An enn from The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic for invocations of Malkunofat
Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Malkunofat
“Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Malkunofat!”
Invokes Malkunofat and strengthens the alchemical effects of the invocation rite. Only useful for invocation.
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