A Necrosophic Rite of Hellenism

This ritual calls upon four Greek divinities native to the Left Hand Path for the purpose of self-empowerment. The ritual serves to strengthen the magickal and psychic abilities of the witch and simultaneously impart an understanding both of herself and of other people. The word "lebensweg" means "life journey" in German. Mormolyttomai/Murmux is called upon by his various names. Neptune, Enosichthon, Phratrios, and Ennosigaos are names for Poseidon. Luna, Cynthia, Pasiphae, and Phoebe are names for Selene. Nasilliad, Nohzul, Sophipell, and Lilaina are invented magickal names for Scylla. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. Chants in italics are meant to be chanted and names in bold are meant to be vibrated. It is up to the operator to decide for herself which, if any, ritual equipment she wants to use.

Ave Luna Noctiluca! Salve Ducis Murmux! Ayea, Ayea, Skylla! Io Neptune-Ennosigaos!
[Hail Luna Who Shines At Night! Hail Duke Murmux! Welcome, Welcome Skylla! Hail Unto Neptune-Ennosigaos]

I conjure forward the Hellenistic Divinities which preside over Self-Deification. Neptune, Mormo, and Scylla are the Acausal and Sempiternal Initiators who impart gnosis and power through Necromancy. Luna the Resplendent Titaness is the Nitid Maiden of Witchcraft and Moonlight who magnifies the spiritual powers of the sorceress and refines her psychic senses.

I call forward these Four Divinities of Esotericism and Sorcery whose gnosis engenders revelations concerning the Western Tradition of Magick. By my vibration of their myriad epithets I summon them now unto me.

Mormolyttomai + Nohzul + Enosichthon + Selene + Sophipell + Murmas + Poseidon + Phoebe + Skylla + Murmur + Neptune + Luna + Scylla + Mormo + Pasiphae + Phratrios + Lilaina + Murmux + Cynthia + Ennosigaos + Nasilliad

The mystical incantations of my tradition have caused reverberations throughout the subtle atmosphere of this place. Theomorphic presences become increasingly tangible as the ritual of summoning continues. Murmur and Neptune engender Necrosophic Initiation unto the adherent to the Left Hand Path. The Deific Emissaries of the Netherworld ascend to walk amongst the world of men. Scylla is the one who knows the true nature of the Black Flame within us all. Within this benighted ritual chamber, I slowly become transformed.

Mormo Murmux Matthias-Daimon (x7)

Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis (x11)
[Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars (Selene)]

 Nohzul, Scylla, Sophipell (x11)

Venire Aeternae Pater Neptunus (x9)
[Come Eternal Father Neptunus]

Ol Um A Scylla Sa Luna A Arphe (x11)
[I Call to Scylla and Luna to Descend]

I call upon the divinities which have come to preside over my rite for the purpose of spiritual evolution. Empower my psychic senses and magickal powers, and confer unto me a subconscious understanding of my Self and fellow man. Spirits, impart gnosis of the human condition unto me so that I might navigate the labyrinth of my lebensweg with insight and understanding!

My final request is that I be refine for the office of seer and mediumship.

Zacare Caosgi Odzamran Pambt Gohed Selene (x11)
[Move to the Earth and Appear Unto Me Everlasting Selene]

Ennosigaos, Seisichthon, Poseidon, Asphaleios (x9)

 Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae (x6)
[Numinous (is) Murmux, King of Ghouls]

Torzodu Odzamran Micalzo Scylla (x11)
[Arise and Appear Mighty Scylla]

 Venire Neptune-Poseidon Veni (x7)
[Come Neptune-Poseidon Come]

Murmur Liatora (x3)
[(Channeled Chant to Summon Murmur)]

As I have spoken, so let it be done.

IMG_0753Above: Original Sigil of Scylla
IMG_0748Above: Original Sigil of Poseidon
Above: Yuri M.'s Sigil of Luna


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