A Rite to Davcina (Damgalnunna)

{This ritual calls upon the Goddess variously known as Damkina, Davcina, Damgalnunna, Ninhursag, Irnina, and more to strengthen the witch's strength of character, increase wisdom, empower the psychic senses, and increase maturity. While the ritual script is provided here, any precautions such as circle-casting and any material accompaniments for ritual use are entirely left to the judgment of the sorcerer. The foreign phrases are translated in brackets, and the two lengthy untranslated paragraphs of what will appear to be gibberish to the celebrant are simply many names of Damkina used as words of power}

In Nomine De Regina Damgalnunna Excelsi!
[In the Name of the Excellent Queen Damgalnunna]

I call forward the Telluric Ancestress of Nature Spirits known unto man as Mother Davcina, the War-Mongering Protectress and Empress of the Earth! I call forward Ninhursag, the Pre-Eminent Matron of Star Magick and the Great Psychopompic Goddess over Birth and Destiny. Arise and manifest within my arena of sorcery and engender the evolution of my person.

Shassuru Damgulanna Ninella Belet-Dingirmes Tabsut Ili Uriash Damkina Gashan-Ki Belet-Ili Mammitum Daukina Nintuama Kalamma Ninmenna Nin-Ki Ninhursag Dam-Kinu

Damkina, empower my character and faculties alike by the sorceries of your tradition and refine my astral senses. I call you forward for the increasement of my wisdom and my strength of character as well. Grant me maturity and confidence now as I proclaim your veneration in rite. Manifest within my arena of sorcery and make yourself known unto me.

Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina!
[Damkina is Righteous! Damkina is Strong! Hail Unto Queen Damkina]

Veni Et Rege Damgalnunna! Agios o Davcina!
[Come and Reign Damgalnunna! Numinous is Davcina]

Al-Ti Ilu Ia Ka-Rid-Tu A-Ti
[Oh Wife of Ea, Valiant Art Thou]

Regina Ninhursag Gloria! Invoco Damkina!
[Glory to Queen Ninhursag! I Call Upon Damkina]

Ia Sarratum! Ia Davcina! Belatis Dayyat!
[Hail the Queen! Hail Davcina! The Lady is My Judge]

Veni Et Rege Damgalnunna
[Come and Reign Damgalnunna]

Aperiatur Terra, Et Germinet Davcina
[Open the Earth, and Bring Forth Davcina]

Ga-E Mulu Dingir Damgalnunna Me-En
[The Disciple of Damgalnunna am I]

Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina!
[Damkina is Righteous! Damkina is Strong! Hail Unto Queen Damkina]

Invoco Damkina! Ilu Damkina Lis-Te-Sir!
[I Call Upon Damkina! May Damkina Direct Aright]

Ilu-Irnina Sarrat Kal Ilani La-Tu Al-Ti Ilu Ea Ka-Rid-Tu A-Ti
[Oh Irnina, Mighty Queen of All the Gods]

Ninhursag Kalamma Nimar Mamma Ninki Aruru Nintua Dam-Kinu Belit Mud-Kesa Dauce Nintur Ninkharsag Mami Ninimma Mammetun Ninluana Kalamma Ningurgag Nin-Ki Nin-Ili

Ia Ninchursanga! Cacama! Karra!
[Hail Ninchursanga! Amen! Hurra]


  1. I sense green, light blue, yellow, and pink being the appropriate colors. I'd recommend green first and pink as second-best


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