Agrat bat Mahlat (Aggereth)

Name Variates: Agrath, Agrat, Aggereth, Iggeret, Igrat, Orgath, Igarat, Igirit, Aggerath, Igrath, Igerath, Ogere
Direction: North East; West
Planet: Earth; Jupiter
Zodiac: Pisces
Date: Winter Solstice
Tunnel of Set: 19th/29th (A'arab Zaraq-Nahemoth)
River of Eden: Gorath (Western)
Gematria: 604; 1484
Element: Earth (Primary), Water (Secondary), Air (Tertiary)

IMG_0708Above: Original Sigil of Aggereth

Aggereth is a succubus who rules the causation of sickness and whose chariot is said to be led by an ox and an ass. A demonic witch with snakes for hair, she can be called upon for love, lust, sex, relationships, compassion, and the augmentation of one’s creative life force. She can help the witch recover from sexual trauma, becoming healthy and empowered all the way. She can grant erotic dreams and sexual gnosis, acting as a psychopomp who can bring the celebrant into the spirit planes.

The name Aggereth is supposed to come form the word “Agra”, meaning “beating,” but means “reward.” Her title Orgath bath Mahalath translates variously to “daughter of illusion,” “daughter of sickness”, and “daughter of uncleanness.”

Aggereth can teach the witch operations of ritual sex magick which incorporates BDSM and other kinks. She can instruct the witch in astral shapeshifting into a winged serpent, a weird scaly arachnid with claws tanagarabishim(plural: tanagarabishin), and into a mixture between a scorpion the size of a dog and a lizard, red body, brown legs.

Aggereth is a succubus queen and the youngest of the four matrons of sacred prostitution. She is called the mistress of sorcerers and is known for imparting magickal teachings to men. She is recorded to appear with a chariot and eighteen legions.

Agrat bat Mahlat or Aggereth/Igrat can prepare the astral body of the witch for shapeshifting and liken the physis/essence of the witch’s soul to that of the Qliphoth. She can impart strength, calculation, and pragmatism to the witch, and in doing so, she can teach soldiers, police men, etc. to be ready to kill. She can prepare the witch to protect herself and others from enemies of any kind, both causal and acausal. If the Satanist is hurt, Aggereth will embrace her and heal her of all ills of mind, spirit, and body.

Igrat is one of Samael’s four wives, each of which resides in one of Samael’s four kingdoms. Lilith, Igrat (who rules over Salamanca), Na’amah, and Maskim, the last of which is separate from Mahalath. Aggereth/Igrat is said to have come to Solomon in a dream and caused him to orgasm through the visions she presented to him, whereafter she used his seed to give birth to the king of Edom called Adad/Asmodeus.

According to the ToAF, Aggereth “is called the Roof Dancer, because she resides on the border of worlds – physical and astral, sleeping and waking, conscious and unconscious – helping the passenger to pass through the gate and entre Sitra Ahra.”

One pseudepigraphal text posits that Igrat is one of the four demonic goddesses of the four tequfot [two solstices and equinoxes]– my intuition attributes Igrat to the December solstice, which is apparently verified by T.B. Scott’s attribution of Aggereth to the season of Winter. Igrat is said to go out to wreak destruction through humanity on Wednesdays and the days of the week before the Sabbath (Friday or Saturday?). Igrat is the daughter of Mahalath and Igratiel, the ruling spirit of a desert wherein Mahalath performed many sorceries.

The Tunnel of Set which Aggereth is attributed to is either the nineteenth or twenty-ninth pathway depending on whether or not you start counting with the ten planetary spheres. This tunnel stems between A'arab Zaraq (Venus/Ba'al) and Nahemoth (Black Earth/Nahema) and is attributed to Pisces. The ruler of this tunnel is Qulielfi, and within it dwells a species of demonesses called the Nashimiron, a name meaning "Malignant Women," which species Aggereth is believed to have partial dominion over. For a description of this tunnel, follow the hyperlink to my article on Qulielfi:

As one of the four demonesses of harlots, Aggereth presides over both temple prostitution and streetwalking. While prostitution may sound like a dim thing to encourage, there are many women who find it empowering or emotionally fulfilling to perform it. In American history, things such as walking alone in public, wearing bright colors, wearing cosmetics, and wearing scarlet were taboo for women, and it was prostitutes who pioneered these actions until they were commonly acceptable behavior for women. Prostitutes were the first women in America to earn wages equal or near equal to men.

The numerical value of Agrath is 604, which is equal in value to Iggereth, another name of hers but also a word meaning “letter” or “missive.” It also equates in value to the Hebrew words/phrases for “troubled pool,” “stagnant pond,” and “blood/wine.”

The value of the word Agrath bath Mahalath [Agrath, daughter of Mahalath] is 1484.

For a list of magickal chants to Aggereth, follow the hyperlink:

The article which influenced this one the most was by T.B. Scott. To see the herbs, stones, incenses, etc. which Aggereth is attributed to, follow the hypterlink:

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


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