An Incantation to Murmur for When Spirits Are Fucking With You

{I wrote this incantation for an apprentice who is worried that his residence may have become haunted by unfriendly spirits, or that he may have unknowingly created egregores (man-made spirits) which have taken to mischief. This incantation calls upon Murmur/Mormo to kill any mischief-causing entities if some are present, such that Murmur will actually accept the spirits as an offering from you to him, both ridding you of the problem and rewarding Murmur for his services. However, if the operator is just being paranoid, she has no need to feel embarassed. If Murmur decides that there are no mischievious entities besetting the witch, he will signal this to her by increasing her magickal power, such that no one's time is wasted and the witch knows for sure that Murmur attended to her call and that she is safe. Translations of magickal chants and foreign phrases will appear in brackets}

Salve Ducis Murmux! Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae!
[Hail Unto Murmux the Duke! Numinous (is) Murmux, the King over Ghouls]

Murmur Son of Hekate, I Call You Forth,
Ducal Archfiend and Eternal Daemon of Sciomancy
Depart from the Place of Your Dwelling
So that I Might Witness Your Greatness of Power
And Be Directed Aright by Your Clairvoyance and Discretion.
If This Place Has Become the Dwelling of Those Who Essay the Hinderance of My Progress or Would Predate Upon My Spirit, Or if I Have Constructed Egregores Which Would Enact My Detriment Wilfully or Otherwise,
I Ask That You Murder, Devour, Torture, and Slaughter
Each and Every Fucking One of Them.
Upon This Hour, Accept Them or It as My Sacrifice to You.
But if My Sovereignty is Unassailed by Foreign Spirits Tonight, Show Me that I am Safe by Pouring Power Through My Soul to Engender Evolution.
I Thank You  Graciously for Your Protection,
Or for the Evolution Which Would Signal My Safety.

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Mormo! Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae! Mormo Murmux Matthias-Daimon! Vefa Mena Murmur Ayer! Salve Ducis Murmux!
[Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Mormo! Numinous (is) Murmux the King over Ghouls! (Names of Mormo/Murmux)! (Demonic Enn for Murmur)! Hail Duke Murmux]

As I Have Spoken, So Let it Be Done.


  1. I literally had my Base and Sacral Chakras whirring when I got towards the end of this and part-way through the The Sacrament of Crooked Alchemy. I certainly noticed the pure, positive energy charge by the end!

    Thank you for directing me to this a few days ago on Fb! It's quite the palpable results I've been looking for and more. Any pointers on greeting the Sun? I've looked through a few Yoga asana-based approaches.

  2. I haven't done sun greetings in years, so I can't help you there.

  3. thy will thus rectified, amplified ,spreads with immutable dread deeds so done, trampling asunder

  4. Damn. Thank you for this.

  5. […] […]

  6. It's a long tíme since I felt such relief as I do now having performed this ritual.

  7. Thank you so much Murmux

  8. same observation again: you feel tired, depressed and blame it on electricity or low air pressure - evoke Murmur in the room, give him a tea and let him clean the space: it takes 30 minutes and you feel reborn. I never experienced something like this when it comes to cleaning a space.


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