Invocation of Bael or Ba'al

{This ritual uses Enochian script alongside well-known chants from Traditional Demonolatry, but is largely comprised of chants that I personally wrote and consecrated. Magickally significant numbers are pronounced in Enochian as words of power and three magickal phrases (they're all in a line, you can't miss them) are used subsequently to presence Qliphothic energy. Don't worry if you struggle to pronounce the words-- as long as you do your best, the ritual will work fine. It's far more important for you not to doubt your performance than it is for you to know how Latin shit is pronounced. The surplus of magickal chants results in a ritual which is more than powerful enough to garner satisfying results without much in the way of ritual equipment. Nonetheless, if the witch has equipment available to her, she would benefit from incorporating it in whatever way she deems appropriate. The god names in bold are to be vibrated-- if you don't know how to vibrate names, just exclaim them. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and translations appear in brackets}

Oecremi O Isli Ba'al Ds I Velucorsapax Aqoso De Oreb Mavet! Solpeth De G Omaoas Od Niiso Pugo Pambt!
[Praise Unto You, Ba'al, Who is Enthroned in His Kingdom of the Ravens of Death. Hearken Unto Your Names and Come Forth Unto Me]

Belus + Bael + Shamayin + Ba'al Rapi'uma + Aliyn + Ba'al Sapunu + Iskur + Baal-Tzelmoth + Ramman + Bir + Haddad

Na-Hath-Pe, Val-Veh, Mals-Ged, Mals-Gal, Don-Graph
[11, 102, 33, 34, 87]

Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh!
[Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Open Pandemonium! Let There Be Infernal Light]

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Belus (x11)
[(Demonic Enn for Invoking Ba'al)]

Agios o Bael! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Baal-Tzelmoth! Jezebel! Agios o Bael! Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel! Venire Baal-Tzelmoth Rex Sol Et Arab Zaraq!
[Numinous is Bael! Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Baal-Tzelmoth! (Traditional Exclamation of the Veneration of Ba'al)! Numinous is Bael! Hail Bael, Father of the Divine and Burning Ravens! Come Baal-Tzelmoth, King of the Sun and the Ravens of Desolation]

Ayer Secore On Ca Ba'al (x11)
[(Ba'al's Demonic Enn)]

Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Baal-Tzelmoth! Agios Ischyros Bael Invictus!
[Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Baal-Tzelmoth! Numinous and Mighty is Bael the Unconquered]



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