Invocation of Bune

{This invocation of Bune, who is also called Bime, makes use of traditional demonic 'enns' or summoning chants alongside Enochian script. In addition to this, I wrote one Hebrew chant, one Greek chant, and one Latin chant specifically for the construction of this ritual. The rite is thirteen lines long, which thirteen being a number related to dragons and the acausal. Translations appear in brackets. My rituals are made specifically not to require fancy magickal equipment, so do not hesitate to perform them if you lack the materials you've been told to rely on. However, if such objects are available to you, implement them at your own discretion. Two numbers are recited in Enochian as words of power: 52 is the numerical value of Bune's name and 87 is a number conducive to all black magick. Zodamran is a word of power which presences infernal energy. While it is usually 100% fine to modify my rituals, Bune and I consecrated this particular rite, so it is best recited as written. Do not worry at fucking ALL if you struggle with the pronunciation-- simply do your best, and if you think it's necessary, maybe rehearse a few times. Magickal chants are more powerful when correctly pronounced, but they're still powerful stammered and mispronounced as well-- think of it like a sloppily drawn sigil: it's still the fucking sigil}

Io Bime, Don-Graph, Zodamran, Drun-Veh
[Hail Bime, 87, (Word of Power), 52]

Ol Um Isli Sa Ol Zodameta Bune A Gohed Gah
[I Call Thee and I Conjure Thee, Bune the Everlasting Spirit]

Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Bune
[Open the Qliphoth, I Call unto Bime]

Zacam Bime Solpeth Bien
[I Move You, Bime, Hearken to My Voice]

Baruch Ha-Bune Ha-Tzefa
[Blessed is Bune the Ancient Serpent]

Zorge Nonci Tabaan Vonpho
[Be Friendly Unto Me, Oh You Governor of Wrath]

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Bune
[(Demonic Enn to Invoke Bune)]

Io Basileus Sitra Ahra; Io Bime Drakon Abussos
[Hail to the King of Sitra Ahra; Hail Unto Bime the Abyssic Dragon]

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa
[(Bune's Demonic Enn)]

Gi Chismicaolz Ioiad Sa Gohed
[You Are Mighty Forever and Everlasting]

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Bime
[(Demonic Enn to Invoke Bime)]

Zirdo Bune A Micaelazodo Vovin
[I am Bune the Powerful Dragon]

Io Bime! Baruch Ha-Bune Ha-Tzefa!
[Hail Bime! Blessed is Bune the Ancient Serpent]


  1. Thank you for this. Is it possible for you to make a video on how to pronounce these words. I just don't want to get any of it wrong and end up insulting Bune. I'm currently trying to work with him and communicate with him. This article does help. If you can help me pronounce these words I'd be very grateful. Thank you again.

  2. No, just pronounce them as best as you can. It's way more important for you to refuse to question your performance of the rite than it is for you to know every syllable. A sloppily drawn sigil still corresponds to the same demon and still effectively calls upon him. It's the same with a mispronounced chant. Just do the best you can and give no fucks.

  3. I was writing this on my mirror and I just randomly speaking the words as I was writing it, as though I knew them. o .o

  4. Please help me to summon Bune now

  5. I'm afraid you're on your own like the rest of us.

  6. Hey guys please help me I try to evoke Bune but he didn't show up please help me with the full process

  7. I've had experiences with Bune. I use black candles. Instead of doing basic 4 directions I honor each of the 4 kings of each gate. I scry a black mirror to great effect with almost all of the 5 I've invoked/evoked. Incense according to each demon. Their favorite food or drinks as offerings or at least yours. I find the offering thing helps matters even when you aren't in ritual even. They do respect when respect is given so far as my experience has been. Research your demon as thoroughly as you can before any ritual so as not to offend. Learn their enns, you can go as far as to print their sigils. Maybe suggest tracing the sigil so your energy interacts more. If you dont know basic witchcraft I'm not so sure youre in the right place to begin with. That's just me.

  8. i trust bune

  9. Thanks for the information, how many times do I have to recite the 13 lines.. I hope this is not calling him to physical plane.

  10. Alexis Navarro AyalaApril 4, 2020 at 8:44 AM

    I’m am calling for Bune I have a offering for you. You seem to have helped lots of people I’m hoping you can at least cons my offering


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