Invocation of Mephistophiles or Mesphito

{This ritual uses Enochian script alongside a series of magickal chants to invoke Mesphito/Mephistophiles and refers to the spirit by his various names. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets while explanations of magickal words or chants appear in parenthesis where no translation exists. The names of Mephistophiles/Mesphito which appear in bold are to be vibrated one by one. If the witch does not know how to vibrate names, she may simply recite them. While no material equipment or sigil is necessary for success in this rite, the witch who has such things available to her should incorporate them at her own discretion. The ‘demonic enn’ or magickal calling-chant which is used to invoke any demon (the witch fills the blank with the name of the spirit) originates from The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp. The chant ‘Liftoach Kliffot’ is from Liber Azerate and the word of power ‘Zodamran’ is from the Dragon Rouge curriculum. The Latin phrase telling Mephistophile to ‘Come, Come’ is from The Book of Mephisto by Asenath Mason. If you struggle with the pronunciation of any part of this ritual, simply do your best to sound it out and know that your recitation is sufficient whether or not you get it right}

Ol Um A Hemostophile A Gohed Oheloka. Solpeth A Omaoas:
[I Call to Hemostophile the Everlasting Duke. Hearken Unto the Names:]

Mesphito + Mephisto + Mephist + Hemostophile + Megastophiles + Memostophiles + Mephistophilis + Mephistophiel + Mephistophielis

Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater!
[Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond]

Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Liftoach Kliffot! Yehi Aur Chashakh!
[(Chant to Raise Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Qliphoth! Let There Be Infernal Light]

Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca
(Mesphito’s Demonic Enn)

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Mephistophiles
(Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Demon)

Ol Zodameta A Micalzo Od Gohed Gah Methosophiles
[I Conjure Thee, the Mighty and Everlasting Spirit Methosophiles]

Baruch Ha-Mephist Mephir Ha-Gadhol
[Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer]

Veni, Veni Mephistophile
[Come, Come, Mephistophile]

Niiso Arphe Sa Zacare Mephistophiel
[Come Forth, Descend, and Move Mephistophiel]

Ol Oecremi Mephist-Hemostophile-Mesphito
[I Prase (Three Names of Mesphito)]

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Megastophiles
(Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Demon)

Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran
[Hail Mephisto, (Word of Power to Presence Qliphothic Energy)]

Niis Od Caosgon Memostophiles Odzamran Pambt
[Come and Be to the Earth, Memostophiles, and Appear Unto Me]

Veni, Veni Mephistophile
[Come, Come, Mephistophile]

Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca
(Mesphito’s Demonic Enn)

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Mephistophielis
(Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Demon)

Salve Mephitophiles, Salve Mephistophiles, Salve Mephistophiles.
[Hail Mephistophiles, Hail Mephistophiles, Hail Mephistophiles]


  1. to eve the art of witchcraft..... Mighty V.K Your work is fast becoming the standard to which all things demon and diabololical will be compared to.

  2. Thank you. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now.

  3. Amateur: I can sense a presence with this one.


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