The Grimoiric Rite of Anodos

{This ritual calls upon Malaphar/Valefor, Qalilitu/Madogiel, Mesphito/Mephistophiles, Amducious, and Raflifu to impart various kinds of magickal empowerment to the celebrant. The implementation of magickal equipment is to the option of the celebrant. This rite can be performed without such accompaniments, but you know what they say: smoke 'em if you got 'em. Anodos/anados is a Greek term for progress of any kind, referring here to the magickal variety, which literally translates to "ascent." Physis is another Greek term which denotes the internal essence of a person or thing}

(Vibrate ZODAMRAN thrice to presence Qliphothic/infernal/demonic energy)

I call unto Valefor to empower my personal magnetism and strength of will in furtherance of my becoming. Arise, Goetic Fiend of Dabih and manifest for the purpose of my alchemical anados.

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Malaphar! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Od Gohed Valefor! Baruch ha-Valephar Geber ha-Qliphoth! Keyman Vefa Tasa Valefor! Vallafroth Valkothoth Vallatho Valefar! [Open the Demonic Kingdom, and Bring Forth Malaphar/Valefor! I Call the Mighty and Everlasting Valefor! Blessed is Valefor the Warrior of the Qliphoth! (Demonic Enn for Valefor)! (Magickal Chant to Summon Valeor)]

I call forth the Witch-God and Dweller within the Wombs of Mercury and the Black Sun who is known as the Grimoiric Initiator Mesphitophiles! Descend from the heights of infernality to empower my psychic sight and memory of dreams! Appear unto me!

Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran! Baruch ha-Mephist Mephir ha-Gadhol! Liftoach Qliphoth B'Shem ha-Mephistophilus! Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca! Porro Triumphator in Inferno Sunt! Ol Zodameta Oheloka Mesphito! [Hail Mephisto, (Word of Power to Raise Qliphothic Energy)! Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer! Open the Qliphoth in the Name of Mephistophilus! (Demonic Enn for Mesphito)! Victory Shall Lie with the Infernal! I Conjure Thee, Duke Mesphito]

I call forth the Atavistic Leopard-King of the Fire Festival to engender the refinement of my physis and elevate the caliber of my soul. Manifest from the solar pathway of your dwelling and impart black magickal ascent unto me.

Niiso Odzamran Raflifu Gohed Gah O A Qliphoth! Rattimgethall Onkimgallor Raflifu Onjurrawl! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Raflifu! Fam-Tal! Melus De Quo Magma! Baruch ha-Raflifu!  [Come Forth and Appear, Raflifu, Everlasting Spirit of the Qliphoth! Open the Demonic Kingdom, and Bring Forth Raflifu! 208! Reality Emanates from the Demonic! Blessed is Raflifu]

I conjure forward the Mermaid Destructrix of the Acausal Moon whose triple sight scours the planes of the ether. Empower my faculty of spirit communcation and my connection to my Higher Self!

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Venire Mater Qalilitu! Et Revertetur ad Tenebras! Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon! Come Mother Qalilitu! And Return all to Darkness! Qalilitu, Come. Madogiel, Come. Open the Infernal Plane and Bring Forth Qalilitu]

I call forth the Duke and King Amducious who resides in the Womb-Sphere of Neptune and Pluto to empower my person however he sees fit. Depart now from the Nightside Palace of Da'ath as I utter the formulas of your conjuration!

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Amdukias! Athimgattor Amdusias Ackallathandra Emkimguthalla Astengarra! Denyen Valocur Avage Secore Amducious! Baruch ha-Amdusias, Geber ha-Thaumiel! Zacare Sa Arphe Amdusias! [Open the Demonic Kingdom, and Bring Forth Amdukias! (Magickal Chant to Summon Amducious)! (Demonic Enn of Amducious)! Blessed is Amdusias, the Warrior of Thaumiel Move and Descend Amdusias]

By the words of my enchantment, so let it be done.


  1. I like the way you began to give the literal translation of the different words and phrases of power. Plus, I'm also glad you are using Hebrew phrases in your invocations. You are the first Black Magician I've come across who has began to do that. It's not that I'm Jewish or anything, but because there are probably a few Satanic cults who are probably getting pissed off with you for using Hebrew in your calls. Most are probably too dumb to realize it's Hebrew they're reading anyway. Until now. LMAO.... oh those petty little pencil dicked cuntwaffles!

  2. Cuntwaffle? You've watched Hellsing OVA Abridged, haven't you?

  3. Lol, I became familiar with term cuntwaffle from a friend I used to chat with on Facebook. He would refer to feminist​ like Big Red and Jigglypuff as cuntwaffles. It would always make me think of the term "Blue Waffle Disease"... And that's just nasty.


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