Enochian Invocation of Noctulius

{While I am a staunch critic of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository for real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their teachings was stolen from Kenneth Grant. It was originally an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set who told me the O9A’s deities were worth working with, and I have found this to be true. Working with these deities is different from working with most other pantheons, so seek guidance before endeavor. It is up to the celebrant to decide what, if any, equipment and materials she will employ in the performance of this ritual}

Zacam Micalzo Noctulius
[ I Move You, Mighty Noctulius]

Noctulius Ol Um Od Ol Zodameta
[Noctulius, I Call and I Conjure You]

Solpeth Pambt Noctulius Nonci Tabaan De A Dosig
[Hearken Unto Me, Noctulius, Oh You Governor of the Night]

Niis Noctulius Nonci Gah De Teloch Sa Ors
[Come Noctulius, Oh You Spirit of Death and Darkness]

Tabaan O A Cicle De A Pleiades
[Governor of the Mysteries of the Pleiades]

Gohed Noctulius Gah De Drilpi Ananael Od A Dosig
[Everlasting Noctulius, Spirit of Great Wisdom and the Night]

Arphe Noctulius Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi
[Descend, Noctulius, So that I May Behold Your Power]

Niis Noctulius Micalzo Tabaan Qamar
[Come Noctulius, Mighty Governor of the Sphere of the Moon]

Ils Chismicaolz Od Gohed Noctulius
[You Are Mighty and Everlasting, Noctulius]

Noctulius Carma De Zomdv Paradial Sa Zacare Caosg
[Noctulius, Come Out of Your Dwelling and Move to the Earth]

Zirdo Noctulius A Drilpi Gah O A Graa
[I am Noctulius, the Great Spirit of the Moon]


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