Invocation of Eurynomous

.This ritual was written using Enochian script, my own magickal chants, and channeled magickal phrases, some of which channeled phrases have been written such that they may be most easily sounded out. I broke a few of the words of power in the channeled chants down to their syllables, capitalizing syllables which equate to English words. Translations of the Latin and Enochian appear in brackets. The witch may incorporate however much or however little equipment & materials she deems appropriate into her performance of this ritual.

Onkonjurral Lonkarrathor On-POUR-uh-thall Onkonriggor Lonkarrathor
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Eurynomous
[Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomous]

Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Ol Zodameta Od Zacam Gohed Eurynomous
[I Conjure Thee and I Move Thee Everlasting Eurynomous]

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Eurynomos
[Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomos]

Ol Um Isli Eurynomos Gohed Tabaan Teloch
[I Call Thee, Eurynomos, Everlasting Governor of Death

Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Onkorratharra Larrin-TOUR-uh ON-CHORE-uh Lonkorra Onkarra
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Onkorrathar Lankanrikkor ON-TOUR-ih-GAUL Lonkorrathor ON-POUR-uh-GAUL
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Eurynomos
[I Shall Rise as Eurynomos]

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Euronymous
[Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomous]

Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar
[Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous]

Zirdo Eurynomos A Gohed Tabaan Teloch Sa Vonpha
[I am Eurynomos, the Everlasting Governor of Death and Wrath]


  1. Euronymous is an awesome guy. He shares many similarities with Baron Samedi what means that he willingly will eat the shit the mage produced out of his arrogance, knowingly and unknowingly - as long as the mages intentions are not sinister. Otherwise he will let you rot.


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