Magickal Hymn to Michael
{This magickal hymn calls upon Michael, known also as Mikhail and Michahel, for any determined purpose-- such as magickal self-empowerment, the strengthening of chakras, or the sharpening of the spiritual senses. A magickal hymn can be added to any rite or used as a spiritual exercise in and of itself. I would recommend that this hymn, if being used on its own, be recited either three or seven times.
Despite adhering to the dictates of the Abrahamic divinity, archangels are self-determined entities, many of whom willingly collaborate with magickians, Occultists, witches, etc. Michael has appeared to me many times, twice helping me in spiritual combat, once helping me compose a magickal chant, but usually to give me much-needed and very accurate advice. While his presence was always helpful and his insight was always good, Michael's presence always felt like an intrusion to me-- a latent threat. Fortunately, I have improved my understanding of things, and have left behind my old black-and-white conception of the gods. Every article I've read about Michael has gushed about how loyal, protective, and helpful he was-- these descriptions match my experience, and I'm a fucking black magickian. I despise Jehovah and Michael knows this, but he has had my back again and again regardless of the fact that I didn't even respect him or want him to be present. All the articles I've read say that Michael is here for EVERYONE-- all religions. So here is a magickal hymn to him}
Veni, Veni, Sancte Michael Archangele
Voco te Mikail-- Invoco Archistrategos
Princeps Gloriosissime Caelestis Militia
Venire Regulus Michahel, Germinet Gnosis
Veni, O Veni, Aperiatur Caeli
Salve Michahel, Princeps De Seraphim
Agios Ischyros Dynastes Michael!
[Come, Come, Holy Archangel Michael/ I Call to Mikail-- I Call to the Archangel/ Glorious Prince of the Celestial Militia/ Come, King Michahel, and Engender Spiritual Revelation/ Come, Oh Come, Open Up the Sky/ Hail Michahel, Prince of Seraphim/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Michael]
Michael's Sephirothic attributions are to Hod (Mercury) and Tiphereth (Sun), and his zodiac attributions are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. His color is red, his element is fire, and noon and Summer are apt for him. He engenders healing, courage, determination, motivation, guidance, organization, dependability, leadership, and stability. He rules over matrimony and music. He doesn't discriminate when it comes to religion. Legend says that he gave Solomon his ring. His directions are the north and the south. His sacred dates are Sep 29, Nov 8, Nov 21, Sep 6, & May 8.
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ReplyDelete[…] For my magickal hymn to Michael (the only deity from Queen of Hell this hymn excludes), follow the hyperlink below: […]
ReplyDeleteMichael confirmed as a "Badass". Independent from Yahwe, own free will, his static properties (by humans perceived as "good") are useful when launching attacks with demons (by humans due to their dynamic aspects perceived as "evil") to glue them together and boosting the yield into the megaton-range. ;-)