Magickal Hymn to the Mother of Blood
While I am very critical of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository of real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their tradition was stolen from Kenneth Grant. Many of the Nekalah (the deities the O9A venerates) are very much worth working with, Baphomet being one of them. While most Satanists use Baphomet to refer to whatever they interpret the Goat of Mendes to represent, the O9A uses the name Baphomet in reference to a divinity which is, in truth, nothing less than the very Planetary Spirit of the Earth (that means that everyone can work with her). This hymn calls upon the Planetary Spirit of the Earth to impart magickal empowerment to the celebrant. When I wrote it, even I was surprised by how potent the hymn turned out to be.

Ave Baphomet,
Ave Baphomet,
Agia H Baphomet.
Ave Baphomet,
Agia H Baphomet.
Agios Sirena Sinistra,
Agios Mater Baphomet,
Sancta Regina Rubedo.
Agios Mater Baphomet,
Sancta Regina Rubedo.
Veni, Regina Mundis;
Aperiatur Mushrati, Mater.
Aperiatur Mushrati, Mater.
Agios ischyros Baphomet;
Veni, veniat ad me.
Agios o Baphomet;
Veni, et germinet anados;
Veni - aperiatur Mushrati.
Veni, veniat ad me.
Agios o Baphomet;
Veni, et germinet anados;
Veni - aperiatur Mushrati.
[Hail Baphomet/ Hail Baphomet/ Hallowed be Baphomet// Hallowed Darksome Spirit Maid/ Holy Mother Baphomet/ Sacred Mistress of Alchemy/ Descend, Queen of the Earth/ Open the sphere of Jupiter, Mother// Hallowed is the Sacred Baphomet/ Come, come unto me/ Hallowed be Baphomet/ Come, and bring about magickal ascent/ Come; open the sphere of Jupiter]
I tend to believe that ONA Baphomet is indeed Kali/Azanigin AND Hecate Herself. I know that both of them are linked to Saturn but I consider this more of a vibrational level than a true planetary or astrological association. Maybe She is indeed Damkina, which I came to perceive as Satan's female counterpart. But the very rare times that Baphomet manifested during one of my seances, She felt very much like Kali (I practice Aghori since I had contact with one of them almost ten years ago) and I had a lot of confirmations about the fact that Kali is indeed Azanigin, which is Gaia, Mother Earth, Hecate (this last association is supported even by my anthropological studies outside occultism) and supreme Queen of the Nekalah's pantheon. I know At-Azoth to be said to be more powerful than all of Them but my seances lead me to believe that He is more like what Azerate is to the Eleven qliphoth, a collective consciousness which can be summoned in a coherent/avataric form, with Azanigin as the more powerful "individual" Nekalah (and entity on Earth) and I have been told even that some times, "He" is Azanigin in disguise, playing genderswap
ReplyDeleteI'm really not into soft polytheism tbh
ReplyDeleteYeah I know :-) you often said that most of entities are simply "themselves" and that it is un-true to boil out their individual identity :-)
ReplyDeletebut consider this: how were they born? I mean, acausal doesn't mean "need-less of explaination". what is acausal for us is simply 5 dimensional, but 5 dimensional beings are born at a certain "time", though it is difficult to ascertain since they can travel through Time, even reaching ages where they still were not "born yet", but they got a "situation" in which they were born. Beside eggregores and djenoun (plural for djinn) which are the answer for much of those "deities", ACTUAL entities could REALLY be so... numerous?
it's a crowd in the astral! Furthermore, when two deities are very similar, it is likely that they are the same entity, even you endorsed this (seldom, I have to admit) :-)
anyway, it's just my stuff. I Always take consideration of the fact that the Nekalahs sometimes LIE to people because they aren't ready for the actual Truth and They do not want to be un-polite, so They told this person a simplyfied version of the Truth. Maybe it's what is happening with me! But I have collected really a lot of stuff in my almost 20 years of seances, and I swear, they stick together.