The Draconian Sacrament of Sitra Achara
{This is a very short ritual which calls upon the Azerate and the guiding spirits, to which spirits I have ascribed the invented magickal name Apsidotheoi, of Drakosophia-- the undercurrent of Western black magick. Octinomos is a name for Baphomet, used here as a glyph for adepthood, and "the Numinous" is a synonym for "the Divine" which incorporates both beautiful and terrible aspects. Azerate, Havayoth, El Acher, and Deus Alienus are names for the Elevenfold Divinity of the Qliphoth, and Belia'al, Qemetiel, and Gothiel are the Archdemonic Divinities which preside over the Three Veils Before Samael. Self-identification with the divine is a practice of Egyptian magick which was incorporated into Greek magick and has been incorporated here. "The Great Dragon" is a name for the entirety of the universe. The phrase in italics is meant to be chanted, and translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets}
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia!
[Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors]
Ave Deus Alienus
[Hail to the Foreign Divinity (of the Qliphoth)]
Zirdo Qemetiel
[I am Qemetiel]
Zirdo Belia'al
[I am Belia'al]
Zirdo Gothiel
[I am Gothiel]
Ili-Ilu El Acher
[ My God is the Other God]
Agios o Azerate
[Numinous are the Azerate]
Eko, Eko, Apsidotheoi (x11)
[(Chant to Summon the Guiding Spirits of the Draconian Current, Used Here in Pursuit of Magickal Empowerment)]
Ave Havayoth! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
[Hail unto Havayoth! The Great Dragon]
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