Introduction to Qliphothic Self-Initiation

I now have rites of initiation for all 10 Qliphothic spheres, all 22 Tunnels of Set, and the 4 hidden Tunnels of Set, and all of them are to be found in the Qliphothic Self-Initiation category of my website. So, where do you start?

If the idea of Qliphothic sphereworkings is new to you, read these:

If you would like to pursue Qliphothic self-initiation in the future but think you should be more experienced before you try it, I have good news. The spirits, energies, power, etc. of every Qliphothic sphere can be called upon without engendering a sphere initiation. The more you work with these spheres, the more accessible they will be when you do pursue sphere initiations. I have advised black magickal neophytes to recite one of my magickal hymns to the Infernal Divine with the intent of self-empowerment so as to develop an energetic rapport with the foremost divinities of demon magick. I have one short magickal hymn which calls upon the entirety of the Infernal Divine that salutes each Qliphothic sphere individually (first hyperlink) and a long hymn to the 22 ruling demons of the Tunnels of Set (second hyperlink). Regular or occasional use of these hymns will make your future workings of Qliphothic initiation far, far easier. I have sigils, chants, and lists of magickal specialties for the demonic species or "Qliphothic armies" specific to particular Tunnels of Set (third hyperlink), and I think you'll find them astoundingly useful. Workings to them will also pay off when you start up pathworkings.

If you're ready to start, all 10 Qliphothic Sphereworkings are provided in one article:

If you would like to initiate through the ten Sephirothic spheres, I have created an e-grimoire entitled the Drakosophian Book of the Emanations which outlines a ritual praxis for this purpose which is wholly suited to the black magickian.

My ritual to self-initiate through Daath or "cross the abyss" is exclusively provided to Patreon donors of $9 and over. To support me, follow the hyperlink below:

Once you've finished the sphereworkings (note: if you feel led to do some pathworkings before you've "made it all the way there," definitely do it), you're ready to self-initiate through the twenty-two paths or "Tunnels of Set" between the Qliphothic realms:

Once you've finished the 22 Tunnels of Set, you're ready to self-initiate through the four hidden Tunnels of Set with a ritual that Mephistophiles helped me write. Yes, you'll be self-initiating through all 4 at once. Consult your guiding spirits!

If you are ready to initiate through the six spheres beyond Thaumiel and Kether, I have an e-grimoire that will teach you how to do exactly that:

I've written rituals that will re-subject the witch to the initiatory forces she's already contacted so that (i) the changes made to her physis can be increased and (ii) there are probably some spheres or paths that you were poorly aligned with, and that hindered your results, so I'm giving you a way to go back and fix that. These rites are called the Three Refinements of Adamas Ater (don't read the URLs, I had to change them in the past but I posted them in the right order):

I wrote another ritual which I've titled the Hidden Refinement of Adamas Ater. There's a reason I haven't listed it as one of the 'official' Three Refinements of Adamas Ater. The HRoAA calls upon the initiatory forces of each Planetary Sphere between Mercury and Uranus (excluding the Sphere of the Sun) without using the Sephiroth, Qliphoth, or any other schema. If you'd like to try this rite, be my guest:

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

The Above Image Was Created by Daemon Barzai. It's a Symbol Apt for Any Operation of Demon Magick and thus All of my Qliphothic Self-Initiation Rites

14918857_690450204464951_703160017727663082_oThe artwork above, having been created by GAR (G.A. Rosenberg), can be used by a witch seeking to experience Nahemoth (Black Earth/Na'amah) via vision journey. Stare at the image and repeatedly chant Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach Nehemoth, Sitra Ahra Gloria. Shut your eyes when you feel led to do so and begin the vision journey. Let the daydreams come to you, not the other way around. While most people call this a pathworking exercise, the word "pathworking" in the context of my website's Qliphothic Self-Initiation category means "self-initiation through one of the Tunnels of Set" and has nothing to do with meditation journeys.



  1. DeviL Lady Astaroth's DevotedJuly 16, 2018 at 1:12 PM

    Hallo V.K. Jehannum,

    I have been watching several of your videos & read some of your posts, all of which are intriguing (so say the least). Even goddess *Lady Astaroth* her self highly recommended this "Qlippoth Self-Initiation" for me & I have done it, though I am not entirely sure how it works or what is it that supposed to happen after...if any thing.

    Could you please help enlighten us further in the mechanism as to how this works & what kind of results or "symptoms" we are supposed to experience?

    Thank You For Your Time,
    ~M.G.II [s.s.s.]🌹🐉


    P.S: I am in need for some help in A rather personal issue, I honestly don't know where else to turn & pretty much desperate. I hope you are able to get my E-Mail address through this post, so that we could communicate more privately & one-on-one. I understand that you are probably very busy with A lot of things, but any time you could spare would be A great help for me & would bring great pleasure to "Our Benefactors". We hope to hear, read & see from you soon!


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