Pre-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu
Primary Qlipha: Nahemoth
Secondary Qlipha: Satariel
Lesser Qliphothic Attributions: Thaumiel; Gamaliel
D/N: Nocturnal
Days of the Week: Saturday (Primary); Tuesday; Wednesday
Holy Days: Friday 13th; Fire Festivals; Celebrant's Birthday; July 21; June 21
Primary Element: Water
Lesser Elemental Attributions: Fire; Earth
Primary Planetary Attribution: Earth
Secondary Planetary Attributions: Moon; Sun; Mercury
Lesser Planetary Attributions: Uranus; Venus
Best Colors: Purple; Pink; Blue; Indigo
Other Colors: White; Black; Grey
Primary Stellar Attribution: Dabih
Lesser Stellar Attributions: Algol; Arcturus
Machaloth is the obscure demoness who gave birth Aggereth (or Agrat bat Mahlat), the youngest of the Four Brides of Samael who serve as matrons of sacred sexuality. She appears in Qabbalistic demonology as one of the four infernal powers which rival the Kerubs-- specifically, she is the "anti-Kerub" of Briah. She's most prominently attributed to the Planet Earth, the Veil of Bohu (Ain Soph/Belial), and the Qlipha of Nahemoth (Black Earth/Nahema). Her name means "deception" or "illusion" and Qliphothic demonology always imputes significant rank and authority to her.
Qabbalistic demonology describes four demonic entities which rival the four Kerubic/Cherubic forces of the Abrahamic deity. Machaloth appears in this list alongside Samael, Rahab, and Lilith. In this office, Machaloth is attributed to the Kingdom of Greece and the Sephira of Chesed/Gedulah.
The text which lists Machaloth as one of the "Four Evil and Adverse Powers," namely The Book of the Black Serpent, describes Machaloth as "a form compounded of a woman and a serpent, and she rideth upon a serpent-scorpion." The physical form of a beautiful woman with the lower body of a serpent is basically the standard depiction of vampyric predator spirits in certain mythologies. The serpent and the scorpion, of course, are given great significance in demon magick.
Other instantiations of Abrahamic demonology list Machaloth as one of the four demonesses with whom Adam fornicated to produce demonic offspring (note: these hook-ups are said to have taken place 130 years before Adam was married to Eve). One Demonological hierarchy ascribed to the Nightside relates that Machaloth is in service to a demon by the name of Grand Duke Geryon. Another hierarchy relates that Lilith is in authority over Aggereth, Machaloth, and Nahema alike.
The guidance and auspices of Machaloth are of great usefulness in endeavors of dream work as well as the divinatory use of bones, tarot cards, fire, black mirrors, and crystal balls. She can strengthen the witch's clairvoyance and clairsentience and improve her ability to remember unconscious astral journeys (note: the ability to remember these is a skill). She rules introspection and meditation, and she can teach the Spirit Animal, namely the bestial manifestation of the Higher Self, to communicate more easily with the witch.
Machaloth can heal the mind and body alike, so her auspices are of great use in recovering from trauma as well as learning to accept one's sexuality. She presides over menopause and fertility. She can cure sicknesses and liberate the witch from lasting and even chronic health defects. She can alleviate female hormonal disorders and liberate the witch from anxiety issues.
Machaloth has strong knowledge of both herbal and clinical medicine as well as the use of crystals, herbs, incenses, and even the stars in witchcraft. She rules birth and the ovaries (and the rest of the non-vaginal female reproductive biology, I don't remember all those organs off the top of my head). She can protect unborn children from miscarriages (or cause them). She is also very knowledgeable regarding entheogens.
Machaloth presides over abortion, compassion, sex work, LGBT rights, free speech, and motherhood. She rules wildlife preservation, hunting, and animal sacrifice alike. She can be called upon to protect mothers.
Machaloth can give great support in working with blood magick, water magick, chakras, trances, and both the red and black Kundalini. She rules witchcraft and she can defend the magickian against harmful spells. She specializes in the creation and empowerment of thoughtforms, especially ones that are vampyric in nature, and she can even create thoughtforms in mass. She can strengthen the witch's astral double and program it to astrally project unconsciously in the hours of sleep. She can weaponized a sacred space in accordance with given specifications. She can help one receive visions and interpret omens, and she can also help the magickian cross the abyss.
Machaloth rules death, storms, disease, and plague and she can be called upon to spread chaos, turmoil, and discord. She can engender violence, storms, and calamities. She rules over rain and bodies or streams of fresh water.
Machaloth rules architectural and technological innovation, and she favors the preservation of historic buildings. She is knowledgeable regarding vehicle maintenance. She also rules over negotiations.
There's a Kabbalistic myth that Lilith is locked in eternal struggle with Machaloth and Aggereth for no apparent reason and with no apparent objective. If such a conflict did exist at some point, kudos to Kabbalah. However, there is no conflict between Machaloth and Lilith. My coven was told that the two demonesses basically never interact with each other because "they have no reason to." Since they have no reason to interact, it is hard to imagine why they would have been at odds at some point in the past-- after all, what would they have to be at odds about?
For a larger and more comprehensive list of correspondences including gemstones, incenses, animal symbolism, and more, follow the link to my only non-gnosis source:
(Note: All the correspondences I were attained via channeling; Scott's appear to be more based in orthodox Qabbalah)
Magickal Chants
Evoco Mahlat, Amata Et Fautrix, Elecebra Infernum
"I Call Upon Mahlat, Witch and Protectress, Seductress of Hell!"
Invoco Machaloth In Nomine Qliphoth
“I Call Machaloth in the Name of the Qliphoth!”
In addition to calling forth Machaloth, this chant simultaneously lulls the witch closer to the gnostic state (trance)
Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Machaloth
“Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Machaloth!”
In addition to calling forth Machaloth, this chant simultaneously presences Qliphothic energy to raise or strengthen a sacred space.
In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Machaloth
“In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Machaloth!” In addition to calling forth Machaloth, this chant simultaneously focuses the mind of the celebrant.
Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Machaloth
An enn from The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic for invocations of Machaloth
Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Machaloth
“Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Machaloth!”
Invokes Machaloth and strengthens the alchemical effects of the invocation rite. Only useful for invocation.
Sources:; the Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures; the Writings of T.B. Scott;
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