A Ritual to Qalilitu

{This is my ritual to Qalilitu, a high-ranking archdemoness of the Qliphothic Sphere of Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). Qalilitu, whom I have elected as my Matron Demoness, was originally recorded by Daemon Barzai in an anthology called Qliphoth Opus III by Black Tower Publishing. Since Qalilitu is my Matron Demoness, I owe incredible thanks to Daemon Barzai, with whom I have no affiliation. Persons unacquainted with this demoness may Google "V.K. Jehannum Qalilitu" to find my article about her, which article includes original magickal chants and a sigil.

This rite to Qalilitu is perfect for a curse, exorcism, empowerment of the psychic senses, or object consecration. The witch is required to specify her own requests. One may use this ritual, for example, to satisfy the three of the following requests: (i) strengthening the psychic senses, (ii) improving the astral double's ability to shapeshift or teaching it to shapeshift into a specific form Qalilitu specializes in, (iii) strengthening the astral double for astral combat, (iv) strengthening the evil eye and/or the aptitude for glamour magick, (v) to strengthen the aptitude for psychic vampyrism (this includes the ability to take other people's energy, personal magnetism, and the ability to digest/break down foreign prana/chi), (vi) holistically increasing magickal powers, (vii) increasing the aptitude for death magick and/or necromancy, and (viii) strengthening divinatory abilities.

Like many of my rituals, my rite to Qalilitu is composed entirely of voces magicae or barbarous tongues. This includes the vibration of magickal names, consecrated Latin chants, and the use of Enochian script. Like the rest of my rituals, this rite is designed to generate significant power without the use of magickal equipment, candles, sigils, incense, etc. While such material accompaniments are wonderful and may/should be implemented at the prerogative of the celebrant, this ritual can be performed without them. Phrases in italics are to be chanted and names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. If you struggle with the pronunciation, simply pronounce your best guest and know that this is entirely sufficient. It is far more important to be confident in your performance of the rite than it is to pronounce every word correctly}

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Qalilitu! Ya Namosh Panachasragoth Exat!
[Numinous is the Adversarial Current and the Path of Demonic Alchemy! Hail Qalilitu! In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So]

Venire Mater Qalilitu! Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Solpeth De G Omaoas Qalilitu Od Niiso Pugo Caosgi!
[Come, Mother Qalilitu! Open the Qliphoth! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Black Light! Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, the Daughter of the Black Moon! Hearken Unto Your Names Qalilitu and Come Forth unto the Earth]

Qalilitu + Madogiel + Aeonifer + Khaosophoros + Xulogos + Ala-Mashavah + Diabalachara Semolshedim + Goessabim + Madogiel + Qalilitu
[(This Eleven-Name Vibration Formula Contains Qalilitu's Alternate Name Madogiel Along with Seven Invented Magickal Names which are Useful in the Calling-Forth of Any Demon, Demonic Metagod, or Group of Demons)]

(Specify Requests)

Ol Zodameta Ds Gohed Gmicalzoma Cicale De Gamaliel O Sitra Ahra
[I Conjure You Who Are Everlasting with a Power Understanding the Mysteries of the Qliphothic Sphere of Gamaliel]

Qalilitu Arphe Ozamran Pambt Bagle Zirdo Hoath O Il Odlonshin A Iadanah
[Qalilitu, Descend and Appear Unto Me, for I am a True Worshiper of Your Powers and Numinous Teachings]

Solpeth Bien Sa Zorge Micalzo Qalilitu
[Hearken Unto My Voice and Be Friendly Unto Me, Mighty Qalilitu]

Ol Oecremi Isli Ol Um Isli Sa Ol Zodameta Qalilitu
[I Praise You, I Call You, and I Conjure You, Qalilitu]

Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Venire Mater Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul! Venire Mater Qalilitu! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Invoco Qalilitu In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Artorzozam! Manifestos!
[Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon! Come, Mother Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Come. Madogiel, Come. Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Come and Manifest the Black Light! Come, Mother Qalilitu! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! I Call to Qalilitu in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Come. Madogiel, Come. Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! (Word of Power for Summoning or Calling-Forth)! (WoP For Summoning or Calling Forth)]

Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul (x11)
[Qalilitu, Come and Manifest the Black Light]

Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat!
[In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]


  1. Boa tarde! O Sigilo e a invocaçào a Segal vc tem?


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