Invocation of Naberius (Cerberus)

Invoco Nebiros In Nomine Qliphoth! Zacam Od Ol Zodameta Drilpa Od Micalzo Gah Ol A Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Solpeth Bi-En Sa Solpeth De G Omaoas Od Niiso Fafen Acharayim Pugo Caosgi!
[I Call Nebiros in the Name of the Qliphoth! I Move You and I Conjure You, Great and Mighty Spirit of the Kingdom of Manifoldness! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Open the Infernal Plane! Let There Be Demonic Light! Hearken Unto My Voice and Hearken Unto the Names and Come Forth from the Backwards Tree Unto the Earth]

Naberius + Cerberus + Ala-Mashavah + Nebiros + Aeonifer + Naberus + Xulogos + Khaosophoros + Cerberos + Diabalachara

Mia-Orda-Iessa-Ar (x3)
[(Channeled Chant for Invoking Naberius)]

Io Naberius Domnus Kunes Aidao! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Naburus! 
[Hail Naberius, Lord of Hellhounds! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Naburus]

Naburus, Kerberos, Naberios, Cerbere (x7)
[(Magickal Chant Composed of Naberius's Different Names)]

Salve Sanguinarius Et Sapiens Nebiros! Adveni Dominator Magnus Kerberos! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Nuberus! Perveni Colestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth-- Excieo Cerbere! Io Naberius Domnus Kunes Aidao! Adveni Dominator Magnus Kerberos!
[Hail to the Wise and Bloodthirsty Nebiros! Come, Great Lord Kerberos! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Nuberus! Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth-- I Call Cerbere! Hail Naberius, Lord over Hellhounds! Come, Great Lord Kerberos]

Or-zar-tor Yaka Naberius (x11)
[(Channeled Chant for Naberius)]

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Cerberos! Salve Sanguinarius Et Sapiens Nebiros!
[Open the Qliphoth; I Call Naburus! Hail to the Wise and Bloodthirsty Nebiros]


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