
Above: Unrelated Magickal Artwork for Meditation Journeys by GAR
Archdemon Correspondences
Color: Grey, Yellow, Green, Blue
D/N: Diurnal
Tunnel of Set: 31 (Samael-Nehemoth)
Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek; Bohu (Secondary)
Direction: North; Northwest; Northeast (Lesser)
Elements (In Order of Relevance): Water; Earth; Fire
Gender: Usually Male; Occasionally Female
Lesser Planet: Earth; Saturn
Primary Planet: Neptune; Mercury; Moon
Gematria: 171; 500; 1485
Channeled Magickal Names: Simkallathawn, Emkallanthorr
Primary Stellar Attributions: Algol; Regulus
Lesser Stellar Attributions: Aldebaran; Dabih (Least)
Qliphas Attributed (Listed from Primary to Least): Nahemoth, Gamaliel, Satariel
Pathway Correspondences
Planet: Pluto
Tarot: Judgment
Musical Key: C
Atavism: Prima Materia Manifesting in Corrupted Form
Siddhi: Transformation; Disappearance/Invisibility
Hebrew Letter: Shin
Yoruban Power Zone: Manamana; Orun-Apadi; Biri
Disease: Lethal Fevers; Non-Lethal Fevers Which Produce Insanity
Location: Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck)-Nehemoth (Black Earth/Na'amah)
The Nature of Shalicu
Shalicu's Occult specialties include necromancy, geomancy, pyromancy, solar magick, green witchcraft, the Higher Self, the Black Flame, warding, shielding, shadowmancy, mirrormancy, execration, exorcism, and execration. He gives guidance and auspices in the divinatory use of crystal balls, tarot cards, bones, and Norse runes, and he imparts the gifts of transformation and invisibility.
Shalicu teaches the witch to understand the nature of the nightside energies and magickal influences that make the Qliphoth what it is. He imparts unwritten gnosis of the nature of the Qliphoth and teaches the forms of witchcraft which put the Qliphoth to optimal use. He can be called upon to stop a given spell from manifesting.
This archfiend can help the witch attune herself to the spiritual realities around her, awaken her latent abilities, and sharpen her astral senses. Shalicu can break any kind of barrier and teach the initiate to see through the illusory nature of the perceived limitations which impede her becoming and the manifestation of her Will. He can impose the phenomena of expansion, judgement, resurgence, reversal, change, alteration, termination, departure, and disappearance upon whatever you need them imposed upon.
Above: Two Original Sigils of Shalicu by an Anonymous Contributor
Shalicu can increase the witch's physical fitness and bone density, and he can improve her cardio as well. He rules weaponry, war, warriorhood, bravery, violence, and destruction. He is knowledgeable regarding vehicle mechanics.
Shalicu can modify the witch's personality, making her more assertive and/or aggressive. He can make the witch a better liar and a better lay and improve her aptitude for manipulating people. He can make her a more industrious person and/or make her less of a push-over.
The auspices of Shalicu are of great use in object enchantment, such that he can even consecrate a chess board for magickal use (ask him to explain this because I can't). He guides the aimless youth of our society who struggle with ADHD. Shalicu loves kids, so he protects children. He can be evoked to heal or at least permanently decrease the sympthoms of ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, dyslexia, anxiety, and stomach problems.
I'm going to copy and paste a series of phrases that my literary sources have listed amongst the attributes of Shalicu which I either don't know how to interpret or think would best be presented to the reader as part of the following incoherent list. I'm going to emulate the original format that these two sources presented the information in and copy and paste the listed traits verbatim.
Shalicu: The final sparks of creation, transformation and invisibility, the change of reality, the force to become a new form, to extend energy of your need into the world, the union of two powers to create anew, energy of fire, ruler or head of the Qlippoth realm lies here, sealing the final touches, the fires of lust and sex.
If you'd like a sigil of Shalicu which you should print instead of draw, click this image to go to Daemon Barzai's original sigil of Shalicu:

The Nature of Shalicu's Tunnel
Shalicu governs the Tunnel of Set between the Qliphothic Spheres of Samael and the Black Earth, which pathway Ford describes as the "Choronzonic transformation by struggle and fall" in The Luciferian Tarot. A musical project called y3mk has a magickal track for this tunnel (I haven't listened to it, so don't take this as a recommendation), which track is accompanied by the following description:
This song corresponds to the tunnel of Shalicu in an ongoing series on the Tunnels of Set. It has been created as the result of a personal exploration of the tunnel of Shalicu, which is related with fire, judgement, and the disruption of mental conditionings. Shalicu is the death of personality through fire, but it is also resurrection and the hope of leaving every attachment behind, therefore the promise of freedom. It is a journey through the Underworld, a cleansing which deconstructs the individual and even shatters him into pieces with which he can build again from scratch.
According to The Shadow Tarot by Linda Falorio:
here is the fire which purifies gross matter, the dross is burned away, the spirit is set free, with the power to reincarnate, and to move between the worlds at will. This is the tunnel of Plutonian forces, the tunnel of deep transformation/ mutation/ evolution of the psyche and the DNA. This lies beyond the energic bonds of matter at the interface of being and non-being, of time and anti-time. Gate for the Aeon of Maat, its appearance rises, fleeting, flickering in the waters of nether space, Night, Nothingness."
...The need to work with the energies of Shalicu may be signaled by experiencing resistance to, or fear of change, experimentation, innovation, anarchy, chaos. There may be feelings of alienation, of nonconformism, which result in feeling oneself to be "a rebel without a cause," or, there may be over identification with prevailing social norms, and bowing to peer pressure... Among the powers we may achieve through working here is the ability to shed limitations of preconscious human pasts, to de-condition our responses, thus breaking free of crystallized, arbitrary definitions of self, as well as ingrained emotional patterns and ways of interpreting reality. Thus we are able to re-learn to view Self objectively, outside of space, time, and society, being detached from social, cultural, and national identities, customs, mores and beliefs.
Magickal Chants
Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Shalicu
"Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Shalicu"
Invoco Shalicu In Nomine Qliphoth
"I Call Shalicu in the Name of the Qliphoth"
Devoco Shalicu Divinus Erus Prophetarum
"Come, Shalicu, Immortal Spirit-Ruler of Prophets."
Agios Es, Ambrosius Divus; Perveni Shalicu
"Numinous Art Thou, Everlasting Spirit; Come, Shalicu."
Sallimkatha-Thah-Galla Limkathorra Linkatha-Ka-Kalla Limkorra-Kalla Shalicu Linkathaggallla
This is a Channeled Summoning Chant for Shalicu
In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Shalicu
"In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Shalicu"
The First Book of Luciferian Tarot by Michael W. Ford
Liber Azerate from the 218 Current
The Howling of Liber 231 by Frather Zephyros
The Shadow Tarot by Linda Falorio
Have you ever contacted any unknown gods/goddesses out in the astral?
ReplyDeleteThere's one person who came across a goddess named Heralah saying she's very powerful but she's a strict one and she can be terrifying as well. I wouldn't want to mess with a deity like that.
You should hit up Chris Paige & Austin Blackstone for information on this.
ReplyDeleteHow and where did you read about Heralah??? In "Become A Living God"
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this information. :)
ReplyDeleteI just worked with Shalicu for the first time. I saw him as a giant griffin before he turned into a 30 something man. What did you see him as? How does he normally appear?
I like what Micheal Ford says above, “Choronzonic transformation by struggle and fall”. He carried me to the moon, then Lilith told me to jump back to Nehemoth. That was quite the fall...
I'm afraid I don't remember, it's been a while since I worked with the spirit. By the way, I stumbled across one of your articles on Google a week or so ago. I plan on reading more of your work when I get the chance.
ReplyDeleteNo worries! That'd be awesome. :)
ReplyDeletemade observation when you do a spell and a line of words is wrong you can say loud Shalicu! to remove those words from being incorporated into the spell.