The Esotericism of the Fourteen Planetary Spheres
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1: Bapki is the Planetary Sphere of the Earth, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Malkuth. Baphomet of Albion, being the O9A's Mother of Blood, is the Planetary Spirit of the Earth. One is the number of the Supersoul, which Supersoul is manifest and fulfilled within the causality of Bapki, and which Supersoul has been misidentified with deities such as Krishna, Odin, and Jehovah. Baphomet of Mendes, being the iconography of Eliphas Levi, is an apt depiction of the Supersoul, which is properly addressed as Baphomet and Abraxas.
2: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Earth is the precursor to Bapki, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Nahemoth (Black Earth/Na'amah). Nahemoth is the manifestation and fulfillment of Drakosophia, the energetic undercurrent of all demon magick. Two is the number of the so-called Adversary as the harbinger of manifoldness, isolate consciousness, and the inner nexion of man which we known as the Black Flame.
3: Qamar is the Planetary Sphere of the Moon, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Yesod. It's known as the Garden of Eden; it's the immediate astral/spiritual plane. Three is the number of the Triple Moon. The three heads of Hecate originally referred to her chthonic aspect-- she was not considered lunar until later on. The three heads are the crossroads (compare the three heads of Asmodeus), which crossroads symbolize and can emulate a nexion via symmetry magick.
4: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Moon is the precursor to Qamar, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Gamalielim/Gomaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). This is the Nightside and underlying reality of the Garden of Eden. Four is the number of manifestation, and the Black Moon is the middle man which allows the Black Light of Thagirion to manifest within Qamar.
5: Utarid is the Planetary Sphere of Mercury, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Hod and the Qliphoth as Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck). Utarid connects to both Qamar and its precursor/underlying reality: Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). The difference between a Qlipha and a Sephira is which middle pillar it connects to. Five is the number of the father and the pentagram, the glyph of magickal ascent which the Mesopotamians drew point-downwards. Observe the five A's in Abrahadabra.
6: Zuhrah is the Planetary Sphere of Venus, which may be approached as Netzach and Herab Serapel (Venus/Bael). Six is the number of the mother and the hexagram. The hexagram and the pentagram combine to make eleven, the number of the Magnum Opus [Great Work].
7: Shams is the Planetary Sphere of the Sun, which is Qabbalistically accessed via Tiphereth. Seven is the number of completion and of the Numinous (supernal and chthonian alike). Seven is the finality which precepitates a cycle, and that the Sun is the center of the solar system is not lost on the archetypal interpretation of Shams.
8: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Sun, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore), is the precursor to Shams. Eight is the number of the Philosopher's Stone and of the Great Work's completion. Notice the similarity of eight to infinity.
9: Marikh is the Planetary Sphere of Mars, which planet is known as the Lesser Malefic, and which planetary sphere may be approached as Geburah or Golab (Mars/Asmoday). Nine is the number of Saturn, which planet is known as the Greater Malefic. Nine is also the number of infernality and the Black Flame.
10: Mushtari is the Planetary Sphere of Jupiter, which may be approached as Chesed and Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Ashtaroth). 10 is the number of the Divine Father: of Marduk, Zeus, and the Hidden/Demonic/Primal/Chthonian Male Face of Ishtar. Ashtaroth, appears as both male and female to practitioners of demon magick, and he/she does act differently depending on whether he/she manifests as female or male. Any research into Ishtar, whose Greek name is Astarte, will reveal how androgynous she was always held to be. The other Revealed Faces of Ashtaroth include Isis, Inanna, and Attar, the last of which appeared to different adherents by different genders.
11: Zuhal is the Planetary Sphere of Saturn, which may be approached as Binah and Sathariel (Saturn/Lucifugus Rofocalus). Within Sathariel are the thrones of Lilith and Eisheth Zennunim. Eleven is the number of the Great Work and the Infernal Divine. Observe the eleven letter's of Abrahadabra and the eleven A's of ZZNZ, the formula used to open the abyss. Saturn is the location of the gateway known as Falcifer-- the Roman deity Saturnus (Kronus/Cronos) was known as Deus Falcifer [Sickle-Bearing God].
12: Al-Kawakib Al-Thabitah is the Realm of the Heavenly Fixed Stars and the Planetary Sphere of Uranus, which may be approached as Chokmah and Ghogiel/Chaigidel (Uranus/Baelzebuth). Twelve is the number of the attainment of the gnosis which percolates the Messiah/Magus.
13: Falak Al-Aflak is the so-called Primary Emanation, which may be approached as Keter. Thirteen is the number of chaos and death.
14: The Planetary Sphere of Pluto and Neptune is the Primary Sphere of Chaos and Death and the precursor to Falak Al-Aflak which may be approached as Thamiel (Pluto & Neptune/Satanas & Asterius). Moloch/Asterius is known as Minos and the Minotaur. The Roman deities Pluto and Neptune were the rulers of the underworld-- while Pluto/Dis/Hades ruled the treasures within the Earth, Neptunus/Poseidon ruled the depths of the sea. Poseidon was one of the three deities, along with Ceres/Demeter and Persephone/Kore/Proserpina, of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Eleusinian Mysteries were the Greek religion which predates the polytheism of Olympus-- an initiatory tradition which pursued immortality in death via supplication of the deities of the Underworld. Cerberus and Mormo both appear in the Goetia.
Learning from archaeological evidence and the speculation of academics, I believe the Cult of the Minotaur, a continuation of the Cult of Ba'al-Moloch, was related to the Eleusinian Mysteries. At the very least, we know that bulls were especially sacred to Poseidon. Thaumiel is the precursor to and underlying reality of Kether.
-V.K. Jehannum
1: Bapki is the Planetary Sphere of the Earth, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Malkuth. Baphomet of Albion, being the O9A's Mother of Blood, is the Planetary Spirit of the Earth. One is the number of the Supersoul, which Supersoul is manifest and fulfilled within the causality of Bapki, and which Supersoul has been misidentified with deities such as Krishna, Odin, and Jehovah. Baphomet of Mendes, being the iconography of Eliphas Levi, is an apt depiction of the Supersoul, which is properly addressed as Baphomet and Abraxas.
2: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Earth is the precursor to Bapki, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Nahemoth (Black Earth/Na'amah). Nahemoth is the manifestation and fulfillment of Drakosophia, the energetic undercurrent of all demon magick. Two is the number of the so-called Adversary as the harbinger of manifoldness, isolate consciousness, and the inner nexion of man which we known as the Black Flame.
3: Qamar is the Planetary Sphere of the Moon, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Yesod. It's known as the Garden of Eden; it's the immediate astral/spiritual plane. Three is the number of the Triple Moon. The three heads of Hecate originally referred to her chthonic aspect-- she was not considered lunar until later on. The three heads are the crossroads (compare the three heads of Asmodeus), which crossroads symbolize and can emulate a nexion via symmetry magick.
4: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Moon is the precursor to Qamar, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Gamalielim/Gomaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). This is the Nightside and underlying reality of the Garden of Eden. Four is the number of manifestation, and the Black Moon is the middle man which allows the Black Light of Thagirion to manifest within Qamar.
5: Utarid is the Planetary Sphere of Mercury, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Hod and the Qliphoth as Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck). Utarid connects to both Qamar and its precursor/underlying reality: Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). The difference between a Qlipha and a Sephira is which middle pillar it connects to. Five is the number of the father and the pentagram, the glyph of magickal ascent which the Mesopotamians drew point-downwards. Observe the five A's in Abrahadabra.
6: Zuhrah is the Planetary Sphere of Venus, which may be approached as Netzach and Herab Serapel (Venus/Bael). Six is the number of the mother and the hexagram. The hexagram and the pentagram combine to make eleven, the number of the Magnum Opus [Great Work].
7: Shams is the Planetary Sphere of the Sun, which is Qabbalistically accessed via Tiphereth. Seven is the number of completion and of the Numinous (supernal and chthonian alike). Seven is the finality which precepitates a cycle, and that the Sun is the center of the solar system is not lost on the archetypal interpretation of Shams.
8: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Sun, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore), is the precursor to Shams. Eight is the number of the Philosopher's Stone and of the Great Work's completion. Notice the similarity of eight to infinity.
9: Marikh is the Planetary Sphere of Mars, which planet is known as the Lesser Malefic, and which planetary sphere may be approached as Geburah or Golab (Mars/Asmoday). Nine is the number of Saturn, which planet is known as the Greater Malefic. Nine is also the number of infernality and the Black Flame.
10: Mushtari is the Planetary Sphere of Jupiter, which may be approached as Chesed and Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Ashtaroth). 10 is the number of the Divine Father: of Marduk, Zeus, and the Hidden/Demonic/Primal/Chthonian Male Face of Ishtar. Ashtaroth, appears as both male and female to practitioners of demon magick, and he/she does act differently depending on whether he/she manifests as female or male. Any research into Ishtar, whose Greek name is Astarte, will reveal how androgynous she was always held to be. The other Revealed Faces of Ashtaroth include Isis, Inanna, and Attar, the last of which appeared to different adherents by different genders.
11: Zuhal is the Planetary Sphere of Saturn, which may be approached as Binah and Sathariel (Saturn/Lucifugus Rofocalus). Within Sathariel are the thrones of Lilith and Eisheth Zennunim. Eleven is the number of the Great Work and the Infernal Divine. Observe the eleven letter's of Abrahadabra and the eleven A's of ZZNZ, the formula used to open the abyss. Saturn is the location of the gateway known as Falcifer-- the Roman deity Saturnus (Kronus/Cronos) was known as Deus Falcifer [Sickle-Bearing God].
12: Al-Kawakib Al-Thabitah is the Realm of the Heavenly Fixed Stars and the Planetary Sphere of Uranus, which may be approached as Chokmah and Ghogiel/Chaigidel (Uranus/Baelzebuth). Twelve is the number of the attainment of the gnosis which percolates the Messiah/Magus.
13: Falak Al-Aflak is the so-called Primary Emanation, which may be approached as Keter. Thirteen is the number of chaos and death.
14: The Planetary Sphere of Pluto and Neptune is the Primary Sphere of Chaos and Death and the precursor to Falak Al-Aflak which may be approached as Thamiel (Pluto & Neptune/Satanas & Asterius). Moloch/Asterius is known as Minos and the Minotaur. The Roman deities Pluto and Neptune were the rulers of the underworld-- while Pluto/Dis/Hades ruled the treasures within the Earth, Neptunus/Poseidon ruled the depths of the sea. Poseidon was one of the three deities, along with Ceres/Demeter and Persephone/Kore/Proserpina, of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Eleusinian Mysteries were the Greek religion which predates the polytheism of Olympus-- an initiatory tradition which pursued immortality in death via supplication of the deities of the Underworld. Cerberus and Mormo both appear in the Goetia.
Learning from archaeological evidence and the speculation of academics, I believe the Cult of the Minotaur, a continuation of the Cult of Ba'al-Moloch, was related to the Eleusinian Mysteries. At the very least, we know that bulls were especially sacred to Poseidon. Thaumiel is the precursor to and underlying reality of Kether.
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ReplyDeleteVK, if scientists finds the planet X behind Pluto which some call Nibiru, where would you put that on the Qliphothic tree?