
Archdemon Correspondences

Gematria: 160; 395; 783
D/N: Diurnal
Color: Red, Yellow, Blue
Planet: Mercury; Moon; Saturn; Earth
Compass: Northeast (Primary); South
Element: Fire (Primary); Water
Primary Stellar Attribution: Beetelgeuse
Secondary Stellar Attribution: Algol
Lesser Stellar Attribution: Arcturus

Tunnel Correspondences

Tunnel of Set: 16 (Gashkalah-Ghogiel)
Hebrew Letter: Vau
Musical Key: C Sharp
Qliphothic Army: Adimiron
Tarot: Atu V (the Hierophant)


The Nature of the Spirit

Uriens is a psychopompic archdemoness and the matron of a demonic species/army known as the Adimiron [Bloody Ones], and she often appears to magickians as male. She rules over everything created from death and dissolution. Uriens can grant the witch faith in her personal path and impart openness to the influences and guidance of the Numinous. She presides over the pathway between the Qliphothic Spheres of Gashkalah (Jupiter/Astaroth) and Ghogiel (Uranus/Baelzebuth).

The teachings and auspices of Uriens are apt for shielding, exorcism, necromancy, martial arts, fencing, the use of firearms, alchemical operations of blood magick, tarot divination, divination by Norse runes, tactics and warfare, psychic vampyrism, enchanting staffs, bone divination, self-initiation, ritualized witchcraft, lunar magick, hydromancy. Her support is also greatly advantageous in matters involving a haunted house. She rules the principle of "As Above, So Below."

Uriens can increase the witch's bone density and the sturdiness of her vehicle. She engenders the revelation of things and the unification/connection of separate forces. Swords are sacred to her, and weapons of any kind are apt for rituals to her. She can initiate a new cycle of something and switch the polarities of things. She rules the Eye of the Qliphoth and the phenomena of renewal and sudden creation. She can teach the magickian to peer through a person and into her essence.

Uriens can impart physical strength and strength of character unto the witch or a specified person. She can freeze, halt, or petrify a given force and she rules over the power of Manna. Uriens can presence sustaining energies and ensure the continued living and/or existence of persons or things. She can be called upon to support and perpetuate your magick. She rules over the bearing of life.

Identifying the Spirit

I've already written an article about the Goetic demon known as Orias, wherein I identified Orias with Ornias, a lesser-known demon from Qabbalah (Ornias was written about long before anyone knew Urien's name). But what about Uriens? Is she to be identified with Ornias and Orias?

I'm gonna be honest with you: I don't know. Uriens and Orias sure fucking seem similar, but my pendulum keeps telling me different things. It appears as if they're separate aspects or different manifestations of the same entity, but I am not going to give any sort of conclusive ruling when I'm this unsure.

And what about Oriens? I know there's a demon named Oriens attributed to one of the cardinal directions, and I know Oriens's name is often times spelled Uriens. Just because Oriens/Uriens shares the name of Uriens from the Tunnels of Set doesn't mean the two spirits are one-- after all, there's both a Devil and an archangel bearing the name Samael.

My guides had told me that Uriens was separate from Ornias before I summoned Uriens, and come to think of it, some reason I didn't ask a handful of the questions I usually ask when I was channeling my gnosis of Uriens. I think I would have an answer if I'd asked those questions. I hit up a gifted psychic on Facebook messenger and sent her a picture of Uriens's sigil and a picture of Orias's sigil and asked her to use her psychic senses to sense whether or not the sigils conjured the same spirit. She said they did feel the same, observing that "one seems to have a different purpose." Maybe this is a different aspect of Orias, and maybe two different faces (Ornias and Uriens) of Orias have been revealed via Qabbalah by separate prophets. I don't have a conclusion, but I do have a pretty dope article about Ornias/Orias.

Update: I have a conclusion. Orias and Uriens are two separate manifestations of the same demonic entity, and the demon known as Oriens is the same being as Uriens.

Update to the Update: Uriens is indeed Oriens, but Mark Allan Smith is right when he asserts that the demon, in fact, rules the WESTERN gate, not the Eastern as asserted by orthodox Demonology.

The Nature of the Tunnel

Regarding the Tunnel of Set ruled by Uriens, Linda Falorio writes:

The sigil of Uriens is painted on an inverted triangle reaching deep into the bowels of the Abyss. This entrance to the Tunnel suggests the gaping vulva of the goddess Iyemoja, Mother of Fish, source of the manifested universe which is borne upon the shoulders of Atlas/ Oriens/ Uriens. It is girdled with 16 writhing Gorgon serpents, anemone arms, enticing us within. Here is power of the feminine to turn strong men to stone, here is the deep, instinctual mesmerizing power of the yoni to exalt the phallus.

Dark and evil enter at the cross-quarters of the compass, at the cross-quarter celebrations of the year, so that Medieval churches planted gargoyles at the corners of cathedrals, stone demons peak out kitty-corner from the feet of saints.

In the northwest corner are remnants of the sacred Labyrinth, the senseless twistings leading nowhere, travails, confusions, convoluted paths of those who dare seek a Hierophant in this Dark Aeon. These are youths led in sacrifice to be devoured by the monstrous Minotaur, here are false prophets drugged with mad effluvia of primitive backbrain instincts, repressed, perverted by overweening solar consciousness.

In the southeast is the Jackal Throne of Samael-Set-Satan, covered with geometrical designs of the kingdom of Mali, Africa, home of the Dogon tribe, ancient keepers of the secrets of the extraterrestrial Nephilim, sojourners from the dog-star Sirius. Upon this throne sits the Elder Lilith, one of the Nephilim, depicted in Ishtar's temple at Asur wearing goggles, spacesuit, and other strange devices of the star-traveller—a holographic image of our far-future selves, projected from the past. Accompanied by her raven familiar, She is mute, implacable. A shaman, wielding the sympathetic magick of the horned mask of Samael beseeches Her for strength, power, and protection, for Initiation into mysteries of Horus-Maat. The quest is ill-directed, dangerous, for: "There is no god where I am."

Falorio continues:

The need to work with the energies of Uriens may be signaled by encountering in oneself or others a tendency to depend upon authority for validation, and direction, attendant upon belief in a Higher Power, belief in an Ultimate Meaning for our earthly existence. Here too, we may encounter belief in all varieties of divine salvation, from Second Comings of the Christ, and a benevolent God, to UFOs and extraterrestrials who come upon a cloud (or in spaceships) to save humanity from their folly with their greater wisdom. Here too, may be found spiritual pride, arrogance, excessive ego. On the other side, when we experience run-ins with "the Law," we know we have fallen into the tunnel of Uriens.

The powers of this tunnel are the ability to ground oneself in self-validation. Here is found inner strength, with the courage to live by one's convictions, even against "common sense" and one's "better judgment." Here is ability to face unafraid the awe and naked horror of existence, stripped of childish illusions of divine protection. Here too, we may experience innocent trust in the rightness of our personal path, no matter how unfortunate it may seem to the outer world, with humble receptivity to divine inspiration.

Magickal Chants

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Uriens
"Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Uriens!"
This Chant Calls Forth Uriens While Presencing Infernal Energy to Raise or Strengthen a Sacred Space

Advoco Uriens, Magistra Necromantia, Sapiens Patronus Nex
"I Call Uriens, Governess of Necromancy, Sagacious Patron over Death!"
Since Uriens appeared to me as female but to Cort Williams as male, I have written this chant to acknowledge both genders of Uriens's manifestation-- Patronus is clearly a masculine noun, and Magistra clearly is not.

Cordatus Phasma Uriens-- Concalo Immortales Penitrale Ex Qliphoth
"Wise Spirit Uriens-- I Call the Immortal Spirit of the Qliphoth!"
Since Uriens's gender varies, I'm using gender-neutral vocabulary

Rimkathankandrah Linkathaggorra Linkathaggorra Linkathaggalla Uriens
My Channeled Magickal Chant for Calling Forth Uriens


Liber Azerate
Nightside of Eden
Liber 231

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia



  1. Is there more info you could possibly impart as far as Uriens likes/dislikes from your own personal experience? Things I should perhaps do or say or not do... I believe Uriens is one I have been searching for, so I must thank you for your recent YouTube post or more specifically, your comment in regards to the tunnels.


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