Names: Ziz, Ziz Saday, Renanin, Sekwi, Bariuchne D/N: Diurnal Sacred Numbers: 14, 9, 29 Colors: Green, Pink, Purple, Grey Direction: Northwest; Northeast; South Stellar Attributions: Algol; Polaris; Capella Qliphothic Attribution: Gamaliel; Satariel; Gamchicoth Planetary Attribution: Uranus Mars Mercury Neptune Earth Element: Ziz is Equally Attributed to All Four Elements Above: Original Sigil of Ziz (You'll like the sigils I make. Their appearances will disappoint you, but their manifestations will not!) Interpreting the Mythology of Ziz While Behemoth is the apocalyptic beast of the earth, Ziz is the apocalyptic beast of the air and aerospace. Ziz is held to be the ruler of all birds. He is described as an enormous bird, and his size has been compared to that of Leviathan. Hebrew lore depicts him sitting atop the earth with his head reaching far into the sky. It is said that his wingspan can block out the sun, and that when he does unfurl his wings to that extent, he shields the ...