
Showing posts from February, 2018


Names: Ziz, Ziz Saday, Renanin, Sekwi, Bariuchne D/N: Diurnal Sacred Numbers: 14, 9, 29 Colors: Green, Pink, Purple, Grey Direction: Northwest; Northeast; South Stellar Attributions: Algol; Polaris; Capella Qliphothic Attribution: Gamaliel; Satariel; Gamchicoth Planetary Attribution: Uranus Mars Mercury Neptune Earth Element: Ziz is Equally Attributed to All Four Elements Above: Original Sigil of Ziz (You'll like the sigils I make. Their appearances will disappoint you, but their manifestations will not!) Interpreting the Mythology of Ziz While Behemoth is the apocalyptic beast of the earth, Ziz is the apocalyptic beast of the air and aerospace. Ziz is held to be the ruler of all birds. He is described as an enormous bird, and his size has been compared to that of Leviathan. Hebrew lore depicts him sitting atop the earth with his head reaching far into the sky. It is said that his wingspan can block out the sun, and that when he does unfurl his wings to that extent, he shields the ...

The Nemean Lion

Names: Leonta Nemea, Moles Nemeaea, Leon Nemeaios,  Leo Nemeaeus,  Neméos Léōn, Leon Nemeios, Leo Nemeum D/N: Equally Diurnal & Nocturnal Sacred Number: 10 Element: Water Colors: Indigo, Yellow, Grey, Green Stellar Attributions: Arcturus; Sirius Planetary Attributions: Mercury; Venus Direction: Northwest; Southwest Attributed Rivers of Hades: Cocytus; Lethe; Styx Miscellanious Attributed Realms: Wernes; Sokar; Olympus Attributed Norse Worlds: Muspellheim; Helheim; Asgard; Jotunheim Attributed Non-Qliphothic Planetary Spheres: Falak Al-Aflak; Shams Qliphothic Attributions: All 10 Qliphas; All 22 Tunnels; All 4 Hidden Tunnels; All Three Trans-Qliphothic Veils; Daath; the Vaults of Zin Above: Original Sigil for the Nemean Lion Referred to as "the mightiest dread of Nemea", the deity known as the Nemean Lion is held to be the offspring of one of my favorite goddesses: Luna/Selene. I've always had wonderful experiences working with the obscure mythological offspring of the...


Colors: Green, Purple Planetary Attribution: Saturn Direction: North (Primary); Southeast D/N: Equally Nocturnal & Diurnal Trans-Qliphothic Veils: Tohu; Bohu; Chasek Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Sathariel Other Qliphothic Attributions: Gamaliel; Golachab; Nahemoth Above: Original Sigil of Ustrina (You'll like the sigils I make. Their appearances will disappoint you, but their manifestations will not!) Ustrina resides beyond the Qliphoth alongside Hecate and Samael, and yet she's attributed to all Three Veils Before Samael as well as to four Qliphas. Her primary Qlipha assignment is to Sathariel (Saturn/Lucifuge Rofocale), and yet she is attributed to three other spheres, which three other spheres are precisely tied for second place, which is something unusual. These other three Qliphas as Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith), Nahemoth (Black Earth/Nahema), and Golab (Mars/Asmodeus). It is interesting to note that Gamaliel and Nahemoth are both ruled by succubi-- specifically two...


D/N: Diurnal Direction: Northeast; South Element: Watery Part of Earth Sacred Numbers: 7, 17, 18, 21 Dates: February; Late Winter Greater Stellar Attributions: Capella (Primary); Deneb Lesser Stellar Attributions: Algol; Arcturus Colors: White, Green, Blue, Indigo Planetary Attributions: Moon (Primary); Uranus; Neptune (Lesser) Non-Qliphothic Planetary Sphere: Qamar [Sphere of the Moon] Primary Tunnel of Set: Samael-Golachab Secondary Tunnel of Set: Golachab-Sathariel Qliphas (Listed from Most to Least Significant): Gamaliel; Golachab; Nahemoth Ingredients & Substances Attributed: Narcissus, Rose Petals, Jasmine, Patchouli, Motherwort, Cinammon, Sandalwood Above: Original Sigil of Unsere Unsere is one of the nine demonic divinities integral to the praxis of Traditional Demonolatry. He's a demon of life and growth-- a spirit of gnosis and sorcery who presides over matters of sorcery, fertility, family, and motherhood. While most practitioners of demon magick experience Unsere as...


Channeled Table of Correspondences Element: Air; Fire D/N: Nocturnal Direction: Northeast Planet: Neptune; Saturn Sacred Numbers: 6, 8, 13 Colors: Pink, Red, Yellow, Indigo, Purple, Grey Qliphothic Attribution: Every Qlipha on the Middle Pillar Lesser Attributed Qliphas: Golachab; Gashkelah Primary Tunnel of Set: Gamaliel-Thagiriron Secondary Tunnel of Set: Thaumiel-Thagiriron Other Attributed Spiritual Plane: Purgatory (the Core of the Earth) Table of Correspondences in Hebdomadry Sinister Tarot: Atu XVIII (the Moon) Musical Key: G Major Opposite/Counterpart: Atazoth Archetype: The Black NightRider Motivation: Retreat into the Deep Self Dark Light: Sinister Imagination ToW Pathway: Qamar-Utarid Above: OOT61M's Rendition of Shugara's Sigil in Hebdomadry The Nature of Shugara Shugara originated as the Japanese witchcraft deity most commonly referred to as Shagura-- a name meaning "Autumn Rain." Other name variates include Shigare, Shugara-a, and Shugra. While many Orie...

Magickal Chants to Baubo or Tassatowah

I have two videos about this entity which explain what I know of him/her and my experience with him/her. (S)he's a direct emissary of Hecate of great significance in Primal Craft and the Eleusinian Mysteries. Above: Original Sigil for Baubo/Tassatowah Baubo-Goetrianmol Liftoach Mavethol "Baubo/Tassatowah/Goetrianmol Open the Qliphoth!" Consurge Baubo, Penitrale Ab Khaos "Rise, Baubo, Spirit of the Primordial Chaos!" Salve Baubo Genitor-Genetrix Goeteia "Hail Baubo Father-Mother of Chthonic Sorcery!" Vorneleusis Tassatowah Baubo Daasachara Four Names of Tassatowah/Baubo Goetrianmol Et Tassatowah-- Anodos Pandendam "(Two Names of Baubo/Tassatowah)-- Spread Alchemical/Magickal Transformation!" -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Semyaza

Above: Original Sigil of Semyaza My magickal hymns may be incorporated into any ritual or may be recited alone with a predetermined intent (such as spiritual empowerment) as a spiritual exercise in themselves. This hymn may be recited once or recited repeatedly. The more you work with a spirit, the easier it becomes for you to manifest them. While magickal hymns will generally produce small amounts of spiritual development if recited one time every once in a while as a stand-alone exercise, but the fact is, every time you take the two minutes it takes to empower yourself by reciting one of these hymns, you are developing an energetic rapport with the entity you are calling on that will benefit future workings to them. This hymn calls to Semyaza. Invito Semyaza Dominus Siderum Adpara Alogos Azza-Shemhazai Sapiens Semiazaz-- Adveni Potens Opservator Adlaudate Uzza Genitor Iyrin Ave Dominator Shemyazaz Aperi Caelus-- Obveni Erus Semihazah [I Call Semyaza the Lord of the Stars/ Impart...


Names: Behemoth, Behemot, B'hemot, Behemuth, Behamoth, Bahimuth, Bahamut, Gahim-Geakyrna, Nahilithisat, Dundatannin Direction: Southeast; Southwest; South Gematria: 447; 453 D/N: Equally Nocturnal & Diurnal Holy Day: Summer Solstice Colors: Yellow, Purple, Grey, Green, Blue, Indigo, Red, Purple Elements (Listed from Most to Least Significant): Fire; Earth; Air Greater Planetary Attributions: Earth; Pluto; Uranus Lesser Planetary Attributions (From Most to Least Significant): Jupiter; Saturn; Mars Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Nahemoth (Black Earth/Nahema) Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: Aogiel (Uranus/Baelzebuth); Satorial (Saturn/Lucifage) Stellar Attributions: Algol (Primary); Arcturus; Sirius; Spica Above: Original Sigil of Behemoth Behemoth appears in the tradition of Primal Craft as the Dragon of the Earth and in forgotten Qablistic lore as a regent of Nahemoth (Black Earth/Nahema). In Demonology, Behemoth is said to reside in an invisible desert east of the Garden of ...

Third Magickal Hymn for Primal Craft

A few days ago, I wrote a magickal hymn to the triumvirate of Qliphothic-Atlantean deities venerated in Primal Craft and the Draconian Tradition, which triumvirate is known as the Trident. The Trident consists of Lucifer, Belial, and Hecate, and the tradition known as the Primal Craft, being established by Mark Allan Smith, is a self-initiatory paradigm of demon magick purposed towards the pursuit of black magickal and alchemical self-deification. Generally, my magickal hymns can be incorporated into any rite for any intended purpose-- usually magickal self-empowerment and alchemical transmutation. Alternately, my magickal hymns can be used as magickal exercises in and of themselves-- one hymn can be recited repeatedly or a handful of my hymns can be recited once (or more). The first hymns I wrote called upon deities I wanted to work with closely in the future when I wasn't ready to work closely with them at the time-- by incorporating these hymns to deities I had yet to pursue a r...

Magickal Chants for the Tunnels of Set

My invented magickal names Aeonifer , Khaosophoros , Semolshedim , Diabalachara , Ala-Mashavah , Xulogos , and Goessabbim can be used as “god names” of any demon or group of demons. That is to say, these magickal names can be used to call upon any archdemon of the Tunnels of Set and/or Qliphothic armies. I have two invented magickal names which refer to all the Qliphothic armies of the ToS as a singular proper noun: Diazosiasmola & Goreshiaphos . I have a handful of invented magickal names which refer specifically to the ruling archdemons of the ToS as a group. These are  Semolatheon , Xulatheioi (all used like singular nouns), and Kelippadaimones (used like a plural noun). However, these names are only to be used for these entities in ritual, spellwork, and prayer, not essay format or on the street (use their actual names for that). Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola-- Invito ______ "I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand-- I Call ______" Evoke Any Spirit Liftoa...

Rite to Tiamat, Absu, & Kingu

This rite calls upon Tiamat, Kingu, and Absu to manifest one or more specified intentions after presencing Qliphothic energy and the energies of the Draconian Current to make a solid sacred space. In order for this rite to make sense to you, you will have to read the section of the post linked to below that describes Tiamat, Kingu & Absu and my chants to them: This rite can be performed with or without materials, music, etc. While material accompaniments and other ritual-strengthening objects & techniques will be of use to the celebrant, she need not have them for this rite, and if she intends to incorporate them, she is to do so at her own discretion. Phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets & explanations or instructions appear in parentheses. This rite, like almost all of my rites, is made to be applicable to all or almost all of the schools of tho...

Magickal Chants to the Entirety of the Infernal Divine

Panachasragoth + Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Goessabim + Khaosophoros + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Xulogos + Artorzozam Panachasragoth is my invented magickal name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine, which this vibration-formula was created to call upon. Artorzozam is a word of power used to presence one or more spirits. Every "word" in the formula except Artorzozam and Panachasragoth is a magickal name which can be used to refer to and call to/on any demon, demonic metagod, or group of demons. Ya Namosh Panachasragoth Exat “In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So!” Panachasragoth is my invented magickal name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine. This chant calls on Panachasragoth to make the energies which the witch is exposing herself to much easier for her to process as well as to prevent the witch from unknowingly struggling against the integration of said energies. I generally use this when I’m closing a rite, but this chant can be used whenever. Laudate...

Chants for Luciferian & Draconian Magick (Tiamat)

The Nemean Lion Obveni-- Voco Te Leo Nemeum "Come-- I Call to the Nemean Lion!" Invoco Leo Nemeios-- Megist Dominator Anados "I Call the Nemean Lion-- Great Lord of Alchemical Ascent!" Ave Leonta Nemea "Hail the Nemean Lion!" Agios Ischyros Leo Nemeum "Numinous and Mighty is the Nemean Lion!" Above: Original Sigil for the Nemean Lion Tiamat, Kingu, & Apsu     [gallery ids="25732,25731,25730" type="rectangular"] Tiamat, Kingu, & Apsu are the principle deities and original creators of all practitioners of vampyrism. These three entities are invested in the success and magickal development of vampyres-- they want the best for vampyres and are pretty much always inclined to grant them assistance. In  The Grimoire of Tiamat , Asenath Mason provides a mantra for calling forth Tiamat:  Ummu Tiamat, Ummu Hubur . In  Unholy Goddesses of the Nightside , Daemon Barzai presents his mantra for Tiamat:  Hubur-Tiamat-Vovin  (Vovin is...

Words of Power for Draconian & Qliphothic Sorcery

Aeonifer This is an invented magickal name which can be used to refer to any demon or group of demons. It means “Bearer of Aeons.*” Aeonifer can be vibrated to strengthen the calling forth or summoning (invocation & evocation alike) of any demon, group of demons, demonic metagod, or selection of demons (i.e. all the demons being called on in the rite). I have constructed other invented magickal names which have an identical use & effect to Aeonifer: Semolshedim, Khaosophoros, Diabalachara, Ala-Mashavah, Xulogos, and Goessabbim. Artorzozam An invented magickal word of power which serves to strengthen an evocation or calling-forth of any spirit or group of spirit. Orbiazozoth Empowers Any Rite & Brings the Witch Deeper into a Spiritual State Pyroshee-Alogater Prescences Qliphothic Energy & Arouses Both the Black & Red Kundalini Serpents Chasheinphos Presences Qliphothic Energy and Strengthens Sacred Space Sammitrakashah  Empowers Any Rite and Presences Qliphothic Ener...