Channeled Table of Correspondences
Element: Air; Fire
D/N: Nocturnal
Direction: Northeast
Planet: Neptune; Saturn
Sacred Numbers: 6, 8, 13
Colors: Pink, Red, Yellow, Indigo, Purple, Grey
Qliphothic Attribution: Every Qlipha on the Middle Pillar
Lesser Attributed Qliphas: Golachab; Gashkelah
Primary Tunnel of Set: Gamaliel-Thagiriron
Secondary Tunnel of Set: Thaumiel-Thagiriron
Other Attributed Spiritual Plane: Purgatory (the Core of the Earth)
Table of Correspondences in Hebdomadry
Sinister Tarot: Atu XVIII (the Moon)
Musical Key: G Major
Opposite/Counterpart: Atazoth
Archetype: The Black NightRider
Motivation: Retreat into the Deep Self
Dark Light: Sinister Imagination
ToW Pathway: Qamar-Utarid
Above: OOT61M's Rendition of Shugara's Sigil in Hebdomadry
The Nature of Shugara
Shugara originated as the Japanese witchcraft deity most commonly referred to as Shagura-- a name meaning "Autumn Rain." Other name variates include Shigare, Shugara-a, and Shugra. While many Oriental divinities cannot be effectively conjured via Western magickal practices, Shagura and O-Yama/Emma-O certainly can. Some say that the manifestation of Shagura takes months of work to reach its full potential. She's described by David Myatt as one of the most hideous intrusions which can be engendered in the causal plane; Myatt calls her "very dangerous."
According to Temple of Satan*, Shugara is an entity of "fury and the bringer of death" "who lurks waiting in the pits of the Abyss!" The operators in this story call up Shugara by Enochian chant and are consumed upon the appearance of the entity. This narrative is true to life in that even experienced Niners and Hindus have had nightmaric experiences even evoking Shugara, who is referred to as "the Beast" in O9A literature.
Shugara manifests as male and female alike. She is partially demonic in the Goetic-Qliphothic since of the word. She has been known to manifest as the corpse of a female child, a wooden spider, a black figure, and more. Conjuring her can engender great change in your life, so if you intend to call upon her when you are possessed of desirable circumstances, seek advice from a tarot deck or your spirit guides first. Some even say that Shagura should only be called upon as a last resort, which is the same thing that S. Ben Qayin said about Azathoth.
Hagur describes Shugara as follows (note: English is not his first language):
Shugara, highly developed intellectually and greatly motivated achieves objectivity wherever he is found, bringing about the deep sinister intent.
I can thoroughly vouch for this description. Shugara is an incredibly wise and yet unpredictable goddess. She's a master tactician whose plans consistently exhibit an astounding brilliance and intricacy. One moment you think she's your enemy, the next minute she's giving you valuable (and cryptic) advice at random. I've had people send Shugara after me or my friends and wound up being called by the goddess to obliterate the magickians who sent her.
Shugara plays by her own rules. She may, under certain circumstances, involuntarily possess her worshiper's friend to convey a cryptic message. She may use unusually dramatic signs to demonstrate her presence. She may introduce herself to you by attacking you at random to test you and get to know you. It would appear that she's inclined to force you to witness the hidden ugly realities of the social circles you run in. But however unpredictable she may be, I have learned to trust the governing wisdom of her actions.
Shugara is known to be loving and kind and to forgive with great maturity. She may provide mundane blessings to the magickian at random-- little things that make your life better and easier. She is certainly possessed of a sense of humor as well. According to the writings of Hagur:
Shugara is compared with a frog revealing human heads within its mouth, exposing his unfettered passion for destruction, war and culling, his only pleasure and challenge. And, he does act through all those feeling attracted to the archetypal Dark God Shugara. He brings near all those with a rough ambition.
So, Shugara embodies aggression, as a strong will force working through human history from ages immemorial. He also shows forth that showing compassion whether towards oneself (self-pity) is dangerous and also hypocritical towards others, as the doer will pay the price for his emotional action. The risk is especially high when Sinister Satanists in temple ritual are exercising Black Magick over victims, and are at the same time tormented and beaten up by doing it, the price to be paid for the lack of character will be very high.
*Temple of Satan is part of the Deofel Quintet-- a series of five allegorical novels which impart certain magickal and philosophical teachings. Deofel is an Old English word for "Devil." Certain Niners do not acknowledge the fifth entry to the Deofel Quintet-- to them, Temple of Satan would be part of the "Deofel Quartet." There are two versions of the controversial fifth entry; the latter of which (being the one I recommend) was edited so that it would be more useful (i.e., contain more magickal knowledge).
Above: My Original Sigil for Shugara
Shugara in Witchcraft
Shugara's planetary attributions are to Neptune and Saturn, and she also holds authority over the spiritual realm of castigation within the core of the earth wherein dead souls suffer for their actions if they deserve it. On the Tree of Wyrd, Shugara is attributed to the pathway leading from Qamar [the Planetary Sphere of the Moon] to Utarid [the Planetary Sphere of Mercury].
In the Qliphoth, Shugara is attributed to all four Qliphas in the central column of the tree, which Qliphas are attributed to the three black planets and Thaumiel (Neptune & Pluto/ Moloch & Satan). She has lesser attributions to Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus) as well as Gashkalah (Jupiter/Astaroth)-- her attribution to Golachab is stronger than her attribution to Gashkalah. Her primary attribution in the Qliphothic pathways is to the Tunnel of Set between Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith) and Thagiriron (Black Sun/Belphegor), and her secondary ToS attribution is the pathway from Thaumiel (Neptune & Pluto/ Moloch & Satan) to Thagiriron (Black Sun/Belphegor). Note that the second Tunnel of Set that she's attributed to is the where Da'ath is located.
The auspices of Shugara are apt for lunar magick, casting runes, necromancy, astral projection, lethal and non-lethal execration, Qliphothic self-initiation, pyromancy, initiation through the spheres of the core of the earth and the moon, warding, shielding, exorcism, kundalini work, and chakra work.
Seek guidance before you work with Shugara. Ask whether or not you should use the O9A's sigils and chants and whether or not you should use my sigils and chants.
Shugara within Hebdomadry
While Sauroctonos and Gaubni were deities that I was meant to work with only and handful of times and thereafter forget about them, the goddesses which the O9A refers to as Davcina and Shugara are spirits that I will be working with for a very long time.
Sauroctonos is the deity known as Apollo in Olympian mythology and Abaddon in magickal demonology. While I am free to work with Apollo/Abaddon as I please, I was instructed to call upon the specific aspect of this deity which the O9A calls Sauroctonos only a handful of times. When you work with Sauroctonos, you will be given instructions of how many rites to him you should perform. If you call upon him one more time after the number of rites that Sauroctonos has instructed you to perform to him, he will castigate you. I'm told that if I had called upon him an additional time after that, I would have been punished.
My point in sharing that information about Sauroctonos is to show you that the Nekalah or "Dark Gods" venerated by the O9A are often manifestations of known Pagan deities which operate in a fashion particular to Hebdomadry (the magickal praxis of the O9A). While Sauroctonos is an aspect of Apollo, he will not act the same as Apollo generally would if called upon via the praxis of Hebdomadry.
While my intention in writing this article is to delineate facets of Shugara which were not integrated into the praxis of Hebdomadry, I will be discussing the representation of Shugara within the literature and magickal paradigm of the O9A later in the article. Regarding Shugara, Hagur writes:
Shugara influenced by the Moon knows the wilderness of the Dark Pool, the wilderness within us all. This may be the deepest value of such an experience when meditating on the Dark God, the recognition of our kinship with the Chthonic Underworld. Once entered into the Dark Pool, one becomes more reflective and responding to the persuasive pull of the Moon. In the Moonlight, the Sinister Man in communion with Shugara becomes a self-conscious part of the Pool, nature at night where the landscape is
muted, details are indistinct, and yet beautiful and mysterious.
Downward the Pool of the inner sinister self through meditation, "the spiral staircase is used to arrive in the Blue room", where the chaotic program (dark force and power, war, adversity, ark energy and sex) of Mars is evoked. The spiral staircase is man's unconsciousness, where his dark life energy is moving at incredible speed through atoms into cells, organs and body. "The Blue room" (indigo blue, almost black) stands for the sinister man's intelligence and ego under Moon control, becoming the perfected Sinister Satanist.
I begin to chant the name, Shu-ga-ra echoing throughout the darkness and filling my mind. I note under the incense a vague smell growing, and realise what it is- rotting meat. The stories are true, then.
I then stand up and begin my spiralling dance, feeling incredibly dizzy quite quickly. All throughout the rite I had felt a nagging doubt at the back of my mind. I feel unprepared, the sounds of civilisation are bothering me and I do not feel as engaged as I was the previous times I undetook the Dark Pathways. I feel this rite may be a failure. Regardless I carry on until dizziness forces me to the ground, out of breath and finishing the rite with a beseechment to Shugara. During the rite, I felt genuine fear at what I was calling, my mind imagining great black cat-like creatures peering through the darkness at me, with yellow eyes waiting to consume.
I sit in front of the altar afterward, wondering if it had been a success. I felt the doubt grow and turn into anxiety and then the anxiety give way to a vey uncomfortable feeling. I saw men, in ancient times, worshipping great slabs of rock smeared in blood and lit by fire, the horrors of war, the horror of being human in this vast world.
The terror slowly filled me, making me feel incredibly disturbed and jaded, as if I had witnessed a gruesome accident of some sort. I had wholly misinterpreted what Shugara’s essence was, and suffice to say, it was and is not a pleasant essence at all. Shugara is the pathway from the Moon to Mars, and quite fittingly...
...No frogs revealed human heads, just a stark and uncompromising view of what this world can offer in it’s most bloodied form.
Another Niner recorded his experience with Shugara as follows:
New: Approaching Shugara
Allow me to provide clarity on some of the concerns that I expressed in this article. We'll start by contrasting Shugara with Atazoth, whom Hagur provides as an exogenous counterpart, and Choronzon, whom Shugara is mistaken for by
Atazoth and Choronzon alike have both manifested to me as entirely lucid, rational, beneficent, and transcendentally wise intelligences. However, they have also both manifested to me as disharmonious forces whose mere presence was affliction. The reason for this is simple: Atazoth and Choronzon (and Shugal, for that matter) are, at their core, lucid, self-aware, and prudent intelligences, but should a person evoke one of them with the fear that she will be contacting a babbling and volatile deity, they would manifest in the very state of disharmony which the magickian was paranoid about.
This is what differentiates Shugara from Choronzon, Shugal, and Atazoth: Shugara is not possessed of whatever component-of-being causes Atazoth to manifest as a blaze of fury and idiocy when it is believed by the summoner that he will do so. On one occasion, I summoned Shugara on the fly with the O9A's chants, and she began joking around with me. Her words would have been the world's funniest joke if I hadn't misidentified them as hostile derision. I became worried that I might have accidentally caused her to manifset in the disharmony-of-composure that Atazoth embodies when he is summoned by someone who has taken the phrase "blind idiot god" too literally.
But I hadn't. Shugara fixed my problem, made a hilarious joke, and stayed around me for a day or so longer, giving me life lessons and emotional support via both astrally audible words and direct telepathic communication. My conversations with her produced very tangible changes in a couple situations of personal adversity.
So, now I see that Shugara, even when summoned in a frantic state of mind, even when summoned as a last resort, and even when she is summoned by using only the praxis of Hebdomadry, is a trustworthy goddess. If I compose myself as well as I intend to in future interactions with her, she'll never have to prove herself to me again.
When summoning Shugara, you can use any chants and any sigils provided for working with her by the David Myatt, yours truly, or any resources about Shugara which are truly worth reading. It doesn't make much difference; in her words: "You aren't powerful enough to control how I manifest."
Magickal Chants
Io Shagura-Khaosophoros
"Hail Shagura the Bearer of Chaos!"
Subrige Mater Shagura
“Arise Mother Shagura!”
Shagura Liftoach Qliphoth
"Shugara, Open the Qliphoth!"
Calls upon Shagura to strengthen the sacred space, strengthen the rite, and induce a gnostic state in a singular celebrant designated by intention.
Salve Shugara Matercula Nex
“Hail Unto Shugara, the Mother of Deathly Violence!”
Shugara O-Yama Emma-O Shagura Ramaphest
Two names of Emma-O, two names of Shugara, and a magickal word of power. This chant calls upon Shugara and Emma-O to open or close a portal to Purgatory. (Note: NEVER open a portal to Purgatory unless instructed to do so by your guiding spirits. Follow the hyperlink below for my video about Purgatory).
Sammitrakashah Shaloazoth Chasheinphos Shagura Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh
Shugara Xuliphazoth Saphorozos Shugara Aeonifer Goessabim Khaosophoros Diabalachara Shagura Mavethol Artorzozam Manifestos
This is a string of names and words of power which is used to call upon Shugara in the context of Qliphothic-Goetic rites of demon magick. Best used in the middle of the rite or at its end.
A Colastrina caps é determinado suplemento a camada de colágeno.
ReplyDeleteA masterpiece work.
ReplyDeleteWith your permission, I would add a little feature that She taught me about: She doesn't really want people to experience the darkest side of life, even though that usually ends up being the only way; She's more than anything willing to slowly people to understand something which is veiled in Liber Legis, much underrated and indeed very liberating: the (quoting) "Consciousness of the continuity of existence", the fact that pain is temporal while growing up is meta-temporal, and the fact the the Universe Always has plans to indemnify those who suffer in a wyrdful way (usually by erasing karma or speeding up evolution).
To discover that pain is not "the end of happiness" on a metaphysical level, and that living being (made of flesh or made of astral!!!) kills each other daily, why violence exists and how can it be re-amalgamated into somekind of serene illumination, eventually erasing the difference between the White and the Black path, THAT is what She told me She's up to.
It was Her who told me about the final demise of both Paths in front of the revealing Truth, and still it was Her who taught me about the very complex "math formula" to understand if an action is wyrdful or not. And more than anything, it was Her who taught me about the fact that losing a battle, experience undeserved suffering or defeat, pain in general, is Always indemnify (unless deserved!) and that means that all Existence answers to the same Laws of which Nekalahs are messengers, there is no difference between the angelic and the infernal, only entities different between each other like humans can be between ethnies. Nothing to necessarily avoid (beside stagnation), no thing to really wish for (beside intensity in everything you do), and no fear of suffering, I mean deep within you. Only peace and serenity while utterly understanding the dance of Existence, people murder people.
It helped me a lot, since I Always secretely considered pain an imperfection in creation, since perfection means supremacy and supremacy means overpowering anything, and when you overpower eveything you never lose therefore you never suffer. I was so convinced of this that the few times I ever suffered (I'm trying to change myself but my heart is really hard as stone and this gave me problems) I failed to go on because I felt that defeat humiliates the soul so much that I felt I couldn't have ever lived since on. I even came up to the point in which I perceived defeat so much of an un-healing injury on your soul, that I considered pacifsts philosophy 'cause I felt ashamed of ever defeating Others, feeling I was commiting their souls to oblivion, because that was the way I felt the very few time I ever lost in my life (imagine what I'm capable of doing in order to win).
Shugara helped me to understand that it was all just part of a game, that defeat is never forever and that Beyond some spiritual levels, pain doesn't even exists, not perceived as such I mean. Now destruction makes me feel comfortable, unless is driven by envy, stupidity, or unbalanced greed.She shown me the way to go Beyond opposites, now I take life as it is and see a Wyrd in it, as violent as the Infernal, and as clear and (on long terms) optimistic as the Divine. He who dies, revives embettered. You win, you become stronger. You lose, you become stronger. Strenght prevents despair and this will one day uproot evil. To creat such a paradise we must therefore fight (regardless victory or defeat) in orer to become stronger. Give and endure pain. She is all of this.
Shugara is one of the few entities along with Baron Samedi and his Ghede that is powerful enough for exorcism. I work closely with Asmoday and Azazel and both are indeed very possessing, hot and overly lustful. Especially Azazel likes to stir things up because all djinnic entities just are that way and you know what: even Azazel bows before her...She is not a last resort Goddess but she is a punishing spirit when it comes to baneful stuff without need...Her possessions are really like a psychosis. But she is like Erzulie Danto: a loving and tough mother.
ReplyDeleteYour a little bitch u fuckin weirdo dope fein
ReplyDeletethis fast spiraling energy that flows through the atoms into cells was called in India Rakshasa (there is also a group of demons the Rakshasas) and an excess or other alteration of this energy was held to be the reason for cancer.
ReplyDeleteEvery single encounter with Shugara is heavy. You can be kind or nasty, she will do her job and the Goetic Mass of her is really intense. Integrating the Shadow Self turns out to be the most unpleasant thing there is because you neither can destroy it nor transfer it to someone to bare it for you. Choronzon appeared to me also friendly, volatile and hypocritical and after a few days I thought I made it. But then came Shugara.