Magickal Chants to Qayin

Xaxora + Trastragra + Zondrora + Ziztadra + Jajanda
Channeled Secret Names of Qayin
Note: Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magick and Worship

Advenite Magnus Ab Rephaim Adiaphotos
"Come, Great Undead of Qayin/Adiaphotos!"
Calls Upon Qayin to Presence the Ghosts of Magickians Which Are Loyal to Him. This was made to manifest very quickly and easily so it could be used for magickal combat (especially self-defense), but it can also be used to presence a group of Qayin's ghost magickians to participate in a given ritual or commune with the magickian. Saying it out loud breaks down any energetic resistance which is meant to keep your spirits from manifesting, and therefore Qayin (and you) can presence the ghosts. Source: V.K.

Heil Kain Von Samael
“Hail Qayin Son of Samael!” Used to salute Qayin at either the start of the ritual or the start of the portion of the ritual or spell which beseechs Qayin directly. Source: V.K.

53613575_372069373635154_5147463096746377216_nAbove: Sigil of Cain's Fire Aspect Channeled By Augustus Grigori

The Qliphothic magickal chant which summon Qayin. Source: Liber Falxifer

Qayin, Mahan, Diaphotos, Qabeel, Barekhooh
A chant to Qayin/Cain composed of various names for him, composed of thirteen syllables, the numerical value of the name Qayin in Gematria. Source: V.K.

Agios Ischyros Ka-In Arotrios
"Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow!" Source: V.K.

Ave Qabil Adiaphotos
"Hail (Two Names of Qayin)!" Source: V.K.

Salve Cain Diaphotos; Agios Qayin Mahan
"Hail Cain the Enlightened One; Numinous (is) Qayin the Unmastered One!" Source: V.K.

53747558_599486483903622_5503201786036486144_nAbove: Sigil of Cain's Earth Aspect Channeled By Augustus Grigori

Interveni Qabil Diaphotos Mahan
"Come, (Three Names of Qayin)!" Source: V.K.

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


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