Magickal Chants for Egyptian Paganism
Agios Ischyros Anubis-Anpu Ala-Mashavah
"Numinous and Mighty is [(Two Names of Anubis & Invented Magickal Name)]!"
Agios Anoup-Anpu
"Numinous (is) [(Two Names of Anubis)]
Agios Ischyros Yinepu
"Numinous and Mighty is Yinepu/Anubis!"
Anpu Anubis A-Na-Pa
[(Three Names of Anubis)]
Khenty-Imentiu Yinepu Anubis
[(Three Names of Anubis)]
Amplaudate Yinepu Coeles Autem Sa-Ka
"I Praise Yinepu, Deity of Sa-Ka!"
Agios Ischyros Basileus Asir
"Numinous and Mighty is King Asir/Osiris!"
Adoro Te Aethereus Asir
"I Admire You, Eternal Asir!"
Asar Un-Nefer Osiris Asir
[(Four Names of Osiris)]
Agios Es Aeviternitas Kheper
"Numinous Art Thou, Everlasting Kheper!"
Salve Dominator Chepri
"Hail Lord Chepri!"
Ave Sagax Khepera
"Hail to the Wise Khepera!"
Invoco Khepera; Divus Sophos Chepri
"I Call Khepera; Theomorphic, Wise Chepri!"
All of these chants were written, empowered, and consecrated by me. Like all of my original chants and sigils, these chants are uncopyrighted and make be used by any person in any forum, publication, etc. for any reason with or without giving credit to me or linking to my website. The numbers 7 and 13 are sacred in Egyptian magick, so if one of these chants is added to your rite, it should be recited either 7 or 13 times. To find descriptions, sigils, and magickal hymns on my site for these three deities, follow the hyperlink below:
Do you have any chants from Thursatró?