Names: Surgat, Surgatha, Aquiot, Aquiel
Time: B/t 10th & 11th Hours of Night
Day: Sunday
Element: Air
Sacred Numbers: 19, 21, 37, 38, 31
Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck)
Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: A’areb Zaraq (Venus/Bael)
Compass: Northeast
Fixed Behenian Star: Capella
Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek (Ain Soph Aur)
Planetary Attributions (From Primary to Least): Black Moon; Jupiter; Venus Illegitima; Venus
Surgat is a gatekeeper and witch god of the Black Moon who presides over numerous Qliphothic and Sephirothic gateways alike, holding dominion over the most abstruse Qliphothic pathways which will only open to those who have received great approval from Chavajoth. He presides over the dissolution of the ego and the mysteries of the Qliphoth. He can expose you to every part of yourself. Mark Allan Smith describes Surgat as ruling "nightside rites of power" and "interdimensional work to other realms through portals and gateways". Jake Stratton-Kent provides a speculative etymology in The True Grimoire: "Latin surgo, rise, get up, stand up, arise, spring up, grow."
Surgat can create portals, gateways, nexions, and ripples in the Chaosmos (the primordial precursor to and opposite of the Cosmos). He can teach the magickian to shapeshift her astral double into a lion, a ghoul, a snake, a bear, and a two-legged four-winged dragon (no, I didn't get that backwards). He can also teach the magickian to shapeshift her astral double into something which resembles an anthropoid formed of total darkness-- a form primarily composed of the Death Essence and having Daathic energy and the Black Light of the Qliphoth as significant portions of its energetic make-up. There's another form he can teach the witch to assume-- I only saw a vision of it. It was an insect-like anthropoid with four dragonfly-looking wings and red eyes like a mosquito. I used to think having Mormo teach me to assume the form of a ghoul was the coolest thing ever, but those last three things sound amazing-- I can't wait to explore those paths.
Surgat can give instruction or aid in the act of astral projection from dreams. He can strengthen the personality traits conducive to mindfulness, leadership, foresight, decision-making, and organization skills, or give auspices and/or 'spiritual guidance' in scenarios or tasks requiring these things. He can give instruction and auspices for homicide and burglary and attune one to her True Will.
Surgatha presides over the Evil Eye, and his auspices are useful for healing. The divinatory mechanisms which he specializes in are runes, pyromancy, Ouija boards (which he can enchant/consecrate), and hydromancy.
Surgat is primarily attributed to the Mercurial Qlipha and secondarily attributed to the Venusian Qlipha. His primary planetary attribution is to the Black Moon, but he is not attributed to the Qlipha of the Black Moon. Planetary attributions and Qliphothic attributions are not the same thing. I think the relationship between the planet Venus and the Venusian Qlipha is the same as the relationship that tornados and wind have with the alchemical element of air, whatever that relationship may be. Think about how Surgat, a spirit whose only elemental attribution is air, can specialize in hydromancy and pyromancy.
Surgatha can make the witch a better liar and improve her seduction skills. He can also teach the witch to use deception to seduce. He has powers pertaining to love, concealment, and sex. If you're a transperson, you can call on him for all three at once (kidding).
Surgat appeared to me as a figure in a black cloak with a black longsword. Mark Allan Smith noted the demon to be a prolific shapeshifter, describing one manifestation as a shadowed, angel-esque male, and another aspect as a huge theomorphic "being" with the head of either a bison or ram. According to Mark Allan Smith, Surgat may simultaneously manifest as both the dark angelic spirit and beast-headed god by way of bilocation in certain workings.
The auspices of Surgat are useful in rituals to Jotunheim, and he can give assistance and instruction in operations of the magick of Thursatru. That is, he specializes in Thursic magick. You know, Frost Giant shit. Nonetheless, he does not have any form of hierarchy-style authority in Jotunheim.
My spirits confirmed that Surgat's rulership of portals and gateways is the same kind of ability that Lepacha/Lepaca is known for, but the two spirits have their own preferred methods, designs, etc. There are a lot of advanced practitioners who stumble across gateways or "nexions" opened by those witches who adhere to the Order of the Nine Angles when they're traveling the astral planes, laugh to themselves, close the nexion, and go on their way. It's a little like discovering a dying bird while going on a walk-- you just step on the thing and carry on about your day. If I ever find one, I'm going to summon Surgat and ask him for ideas.
Surgat is knowledgeable regarding Hoodoo, Voudon, Santeria, and Quimbanda. He can strengthen the natural psychic defenses of the magickian and he can teach her mathematics and astronomy. He can help a person acquire friends or cause somebody to lose them, and he can also influence legal matters. Warding, shielding, and egregores are a few other magickal specialties of his. He is very knowledgeable regarding stars, planets, and your true self.
Mountains, crossroads, and forests are all especially apt locations for a working to Surgatha-- graveyards are great for him too, but of course, graveyards all good for all demons. Surgat can open internal pathways within the soul and impart or strengthen the faculties required to interpret one's drems. He presides over the Black Kundalini, subpersonal chakras, and what I've been calling the shadowside chakras-- the seven which descend from the pelvis through the feet.
The Grimoiric tradition basically simplified Surgat's role to locks. He can open anything which was locked or shut. He could teach you how to to open locks. He can open every lock. The pendulum says I could get him to open a deadbolt lock if I could look past various mental blockages. I'll be keeping that in mind if there's some kind of apocalypse. The Grimorium Verum lists Surgat as one of the 18 demons under Duke Syrach (Claunech is the only other demon from this list that I've written an article about). The number 18 is extremely significant in demon magick and Qliphothic sorcery.
While the tradition of Primal Craft relates that Surgatha is an emissary of the Trident,* Grimoiric tradition places him under the inferal duke Syrach. There's a very obscure tradition which lists the cardinal demons of various planets wherein Surgat is held to be the cardinal demon of the Sun. This is false-- he is not solar in nature, let alone the cardinal demon of the Sun. However, he can help the magickian self-initiate through Tiphereth/Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun], so it's an understandable mistake.
*The Atlantean Trident of the Draconian Current is comprised of Lucifer, Hecate, and Belial-- Sepheranz is the hidden fourth component of that group. It was Hecate who brought my first magickal group the Coven of the Second Torch together. I remember thinking that I was designing the first rituals and magickal practices we engaged in-- it felt like trial and error, but some reason, for the first time in my magickal life, I had complete assurance in everything we did. Before our first ritual to Hecate and her daimones, I said that we should all vibrate the name of the demon Syrach. At the time, my thinking was that Syrach was said to cause witches to see strange creatures, so maybe the name Syrach was a good word of power for clairvoyance. The shift in our voices was immediate and dramatic. We vibrated the names beyond our lung capacity-- it was impossible not to notice, and soon, it became the norm. At the time, I did not know who Surgat was, but now, I know that Surgat was present. It was as I was doing the research for this article that I realized that Surgat was acting on behalf of Hecate, and now I know that Surgat is held to serve the duke Syrach in grimoiric tradition. Once the rite was performed, the results were nothing like I expected-- I was being guided; I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. After the rite began our first seance; we met the daimones (not demons) which Hecate had assigned to us. The books I'd read obsessively during the past five years before that night have been of great benefit to this day, but I will always follow a path of Hecate, Qliphoth, and Drakosophia. While I continue to call myself a Demonolater, I shall always follow a path that no book or tradition can identify. I've initiated more than 15 persons in my real life, but of all those who came and went, all original members of the Coven of the Second Torch are in the Invisible Cult of the Phoenix.
V.K. Jehannum
Time: B/t 10th & 11th Hours of Night
Day: Sunday
Element: Air
Sacred Numbers: 19, 21, 37, 38, 31
Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck)
Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: A’areb Zaraq (Venus/Bael)
Compass: Northeast
Fixed Behenian Star: Capella
Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek (Ain Soph Aur)
Planetary Attributions (From Primary to Least): Black Moon; Jupiter; Venus Illegitima; Venus
Above: Traditional Sigil of Surgat
Surgat is a gatekeeper and witch god of the Black Moon who presides over numerous Qliphothic and Sephirothic gateways alike, holding dominion over the most abstruse Qliphothic pathways which will only open to those who have received great approval from Chavajoth. He presides over the dissolution of the ego and the mysteries of the Qliphoth. He can expose you to every part of yourself. Mark Allan Smith describes Surgat as ruling "nightside rites of power" and "interdimensional work to other realms through portals and gateways". Jake Stratton-Kent provides a speculative etymology in The True Grimoire: "Latin surgo, rise, get up, stand up, arise, spring up, grow."
Surgat can create portals, gateways, nexions, and ripples in the Chaosmos (the primordial precursor to and opposite of the Cosmos). He can teach the magickian to shapeshift her astral double into a lion, a ghoul, a snake, a bear, and a two-legged four-winged dragon (no, I didn't get that backwards). He can also teach the magickian to shapeshift her astral double into something which resembles an anthropoid formed of total darkness-- a form primarily composed of the Death Essence and having Daathic energy and the Black Light of the Qliphoth as significant portions of its energetic make-up. There's another form he can teach the witch to assume-- I only saw a vision of it. It was an insect-like anthropoid with four dragonfly-looking wings and red eyes like a mosquito. I used to think having Mormo teach me to assume the form of a ghoul was the coolest thing ever, but those last three things sound amazing-- I can't wait to explore those paths.
Above: My Original Sigil of Surgat
Surgat can give instruction or aid in the act of astral projection from dreams. He can strengthen the personality traits conducive to mindfulness, leadership, foresight, decision-making, and organization skills, or give auspices and/or 'spiritual guidance' in scenarios or tasks requiring these things. He can give instruction and auspices for homicide and burglary and attune one to her True Will.
Surgatha presides over the Evil Eye, and his auspices are useful for healing. The divinatory mechanisms which he specializes in are runes, pyromancy, Ouija boards (which he can enchant/consecrate), and hydromancy.
Surgat is primarily attributed to the Mercurial Qlipha and secondarily attributed to the Venusian Qlipha. His primary planetary attribution is to the Black Moon, but he is not attributed to the Qlipha of the Black Moon. Planetary attributions and Qliphothic attributions are not the same thing. I think the relationship between the planet Venus and the Venusian Qlipha is the same as the relationship that tornados and wind have with the alchemical element of air, whatever that relationship may be. Think about how Surgat, a spirit whose only elemental attribution is air, can specialize in hydromancy and pyromancy.
Surgatha can make the witch a better liar and improve her seduction skills. He can also teach the witch to use deception to seduce. He has powers pertaining to love, concealment, and sex. If you're a transperson, you can call on him for all three at once (kidding).
Surgat appeared to me as a figure in a black cloak with a black longsword. Mark Allan Smith noted the demon to be a prolific shapeshifter, describing one manifestation as a shadowed, angel-esque male, and another aspect as a huge theomorphic "being" with the head of either a bison or ram. According to Mark Allan Smith, Surgat may simultaneously manifest as both the dark angelic spirit and beast-headed god by way of bilocation in certain workings.
The auspices of Surgat are useful in rituals to Jotunheim, and he can give assistance and instruction in operations of the magick of Thursatru. That is, he specializes in Thursic magick. You know, Frost Giant shit. Nonetheless, he does not have any form of hierarchy-style authority in Jotunheim.
My spirits confirmed that Surgat's rulership of portals and gateways is the same kind of ability that Lepacha/Lepaca is known for, but the two spirits have their own preferred methods, designs, etc. There are a lot of advanced practitioners who stumble across gateways or "nexions" opened by those witches who adhere to the Order of the Nine Angles when they're traveling the astral planes, laugh to themselves, close the nexion, and go on their way. It's a little like discovering a dying bird while going on a walk-- you just step on the thing and carry on about your day. If I ever find one, I'm going to summon Surgat and ask him for ideas.
Surgat is knowledgeable regarding Hoodoo, Voudon, Santeria, and Quimbanda. He can strengthen the natural psychic defenses of the magickian and he can teach her mathematics and astronomy. He can help a person acquire friends or cause somebody to lose them, and he can also influence legal matters. Warding, shielding, and egregores are a few other magickal specialties of his. He is very knowledgeable regarding stars, planets, and your true self.
Mountains, crossroads, and forests are all especially apt locations for a working to Surgatha-- graveyards are great for him too, but of course, graveyards all good for all demons. Surgat can open internal pathways within the soul and impart or strengthen the faculties required to interpret one's drems. He presides over the Black Kundalini, subpersonal chakras, and what I've been calling the shadowside chakras-- the seven which descend from the pelvis through the feet.
The Grimoiric tradition basically simplified Surgat's role to locks. He can open anything which was locked or shut. He could teach you how to to open locks. He can open every lock. The pendulum says I could get him to open a deadbolt lock if I could look past various mental blockages. I'll be keeping that in mind if there's some kind of apocalypse. The Grimorium Verum lists Surgat as one of the 18 demons under Duke Syrach (Claunech is the only other demon from this list that I've written an article about). The number 18 is extremely significant in demon magick and Qliphothic sorcery.
While the tradition of Primal Craft relates that Surgatha is an emissary of the Trident,* Grimoiric tradition places him under the inferal duke Syrach. There's a very obscure tradition which lists the cardinal demons of various planets wherein Surgat is held to be the cardinal demon of the Sun. This is false-- he is not solar in nature, let alone the cardinal demon of the Sun. However, he can help the magickian self-initiate through Tiphereth/Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun], so it's an understandable mistake.
Queen of Hell by Mark Allan Smith
The Red King by Mark Allan Smith
The Scorpion God by Mark Allan Smith
The True Grimoire by Jake Stratton-Kent
Mark of Qayin by Asha'Shedim (John Putigano)
*The Atlantean Trident of the Draconian Current is comprised of Lucifer, Hecate, and Belial-- Sepheranz is the hidden fourth component of that group. It was Hecate who brought my first magickal group the Coven of the Second Torch together. I remember thinking that I was designing the first rituals and magickal practices we engaged in-- it felt like trial and error, but some reason, for the first time in my magickal life, I had complete assurance in everything we did. Before our first ritual to Hecate and her daimones, I said that we should all vibrate the name of the demon Syrach. At the time, my thinking was that Syrach was said to cause witches to see strange creatures, so maybe the name Syrach was a good word of power for clairvoyance. The shift in our voices was immediate and dramatic. We vibrated the names beyond our lung capacity-- it was impossible not to notice, and soon, it became the norm. At the time, I did not know who Surgat was, but now, I know that Surgat was present. It was as I was doing the research for this article that I realized that Surgat was acting on behalf of Hecate, and now I know that Surgat is held to serve the duke Syrach in grimoiric tradition. Once the rite was performed, the results were nothing like I expected-- I was being guided; I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. After the rite began our first seance; we met the daimones (not demons) which Hecate had assigned to us. The books I'd read obsessively during the past five years before that night have been of great benefit to this day, but I will always follow a path of Hecate, Qliphoth, and Drakosophia. While I continue to call myself a Demonolater, I shall always follow a path that no book or tradition can identify. I've initiated more than 15 persons in my real life, but of all those who came and went, all original members of the Coven of the Second Torch are in the Invisible Cult of the Phoenix.
Magickal Chants
Cohenestate Surgat, Multus Domnus Sitra Ahra
"I Praise Surgat, Great Lord of the Other Side!"
Adveni Pernimius Surgat
"Come, Great Surgat!"
Erige Surgat Divinitas Autem Acharayim
"Rise, Surgat, Divinity of the Backwards Tree!"
Lonthiggandra Surgat Allintorra Mindretharra
This is from a list of demonic enns I channeled for the Grimorium Verum:
He shows strong similarities with Met Kafou (Maitre Carrefour) vom Petro-Vodou. Love it!