
Rank: Duke
Sacred Number: 7, 9, 11
Element: Fire; Air
Colors: Orange, Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Purple
Attributed Qliphas: Ghagiel; Samael; Satariel
Attributed Non-Qliphothic Spheres: Falak Al-Aflak; Shams
D/N: Equally Diurnal & Nocturnal
Plantetary Attributions: Venus; Saturn
Trans-Qliphothic Attributions: Tohu; Bohu; Chashakh/Chasek

Above: My Original Sigil for Syrach

Syrach holds authority and can give auspices in rituals to Acheron, Lethe, Cocytus, Irkalla, the Vaults of Zin, Shams [Planetary Sphere of the Sun], and Falak Al-Aflak [the Primary of the Spheres]. He can empower the shadow chakras which descend from the pelvis to the feet.

Syrach presides over concealment. He can grant one gnosis of her True Will and past incarnations and attune the magickian to the former. He can also strengthen one's personal magnetism, and his auspices and guidances are of great use in Hatha Yoga and Tantra.

Syrach can manifest as either gender. Working with him is an abnormally excellent way to improve clairvoyance, dream recall, clairaudience, clairsentience, and dream interpretation. He can fix romantic and sexual relationships and help a person come by one-night-stands, fuckbuddies, and significant others. He can also make one a better lay both via alchemy and the provision of advice, as well as help one last longer in bed. He can also help one get or keep friends. His auspices are also of use in mortiferous malediction and rituals to the planetary spirit of the earth.

Syrach presides over masculinity and writing. He can alleviate writer's block and heal one's learning disabilities. He can give auspices in binding spells, necromancy, sex magick, banishing, all forms of divination, the consecration of a Ouija board, the attainment of gnosis, and shapeshifting the astral double into any given form.

Magickal Chants

Agios Ischyros Aeviternus Syrach
"Numinous and Mighty is the Eternal Syrach!"

Praedicate Erus Syrach
"I Praise Lord Syrach!"

Adsurge Praevalidus Syrach
"Rise, Mighty Syrach!"

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


  1. Good job on this! As the Verum leaves out any sigils or conjurations regarding this Duke. A few questions if you don't mind emailing me. Could you tell me what ritual process you employed to receive the information and the correct pronunciations of your conjuration. Also.. Would you employ his sigil alone and that of one of his servators.


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