The Spider Queen or Spider Goddess (Sepheranz, Arachne, Illivryn)

Direction: Northwest (Primary); West
Colors: Red, Brown, Purple, Green, Pink
D/N: Nocturnal
Elemental Attribution: Spiritus
Stellar Attribution: Procyon
Planetary Attributions (from Most to Least Attributed): Moon; Black Sun; Saturn; Uranus; Sun; Earth; Mercury

Above: Channeled Sigil for the Spider Queen

No article about any god has ever been more difficult to write-- I have revised this essay innumerable times, and no matter how many times I do, I cannot present even two percent of this goddess to the public. She is one of the most multi-faceted, powerful, amazing, confusing, mysterious, and all around wonderful spirits I know.

This article is dedicated to the divinity that is variously referred to as the Spider Queen, the Spider Goddess, the Hanged One, the Black Womb of the Universe, the Weaver of Numerous Chains, the Spider Mother of the Draelith, the Valsharess of the Draelith, the Spider Goddess of Atlantis, the Goddess of Weaving, the Queen of Space, the Queen of Isolation and Fire, the Goddess of Da’ath, the Queen of the Atlantean Gods, and the Ruler of the Black Plane of Chaos.

Mark Allan Smith calls the Spider Goddess Sepheranz. The Temple of the Ascending Flame calls her Arachne, Arachnidia, and Ka-Ra-An. The Temple of Maergzjirah calls her Illivryn. My channeled names for her are Latismock and Niesiealin (KNEE-SEE-ah-lyn).

A couple friends of mine have their own names for the Spider Queen to contribute. The first friend, who goes by Sauroc 777 on YouTube and Saurious777 on Wordpress, knows the Spider Queen by the name Seraphanz (pronounced "Saraphawnz").  The second friend, who goes by Zee Nehemoth, taught me the name Arachnetheia, which name can be appropriately used to call on Sepheranz and Lilith's spider aspect alike.

In the Atlantean Current of the Draconian Tradition, Sepheranz is the hidden fourth point of the Atlantean Trident, a group of witchcraft gods including Lucifer, Belial, Hecate, and Sepheranz, which group is exoterically described as only having three members (i.e., Sepheranz is excluded).

In the Maergzjiran tradition, the Spider Queen is the goddess of Charnaggen d'Oloth, the Queen of the Draelith, the patroness of the Tower of Cressen, and one of the Thirteen Blighted Lords and Ladies-- a group of divinities held to be incarnations of the Inexorable One. According to Somnus Dreadwood, "Illivryn is the manifestation of Akraeoth's ambition, the pursuit of self-mastery and perfection, the bridge between living mortal races and the infernals and immortals... She is that ambition, and the wrath, and the vengeance, and that constant quest to better oneself, to be more perfected, to be a true master, so that none can stand before you and challenge you."

In my personal gnosis, the Spider Queen is the Mother of Aradia who resides in the Grave of Davcina and rules the Trans-Qliphothic Labyrinth. She is the Consort of the One True King of Demons, who leads the Infernal Divine through her. Death Itself answers only to the Spider Queen, and the Goetic metagod is her pet. She is absolute darkness, and protection is the essence of her being. She is one with Lilith, yet nonetheless, the eleven lords of the Qliphoth speak to her, and not the other way around.

The Spider Queen is powerful enough to kill most other deities. She destroys those who try to enter the Qliphoth in the hopes of imposing boundaries upon black magickians who enter the Nightside to be freed of their Cosmic restrictions. She can destroy a human to the extent that they no longer have a path in life.

The Spider Queen rules the web which connects the Qliphothic and Sephirothic realms. She has the keys to the many concealed temples scattered amongst the Qliphothic regions and established between worlds, and she can help the witch self-initiate through any part of Sitra Ahra.

The Spider Queen is a protectress of the Black Lodge who watches over all of those on the magickal paths established by Lucifer. She guides the magickian through the Vaults of Zin, which no human could ever navigate without such a guide. She can meet you anywhere you like in the Qliphoth and take you wherever you want to go.

The Spider Queen endures much altercation on behalf of those who pursue Qliphothic alchemy. She, determines when and how (some?) black magickians will die, which presumably involves saving their lives on one or more occasions until the time is right.

The Spider Queen appears to give different stories about her origin to everyone. To Mark Alan Smith, she claimed to be the daughter of Lucifer and Hecate. To Somnus Dreadwood, she claimed to be an incarnation of the Inexorable One. To me, she claimed to be the first thought that separated itself from (what she refers to as) God. Various other stories of her origin exist throughout world mythology.

If you practice traditions lost of alchemy reserved for only a few, there may come a time when the permutations of the Spider Queen are recommended highly. The changes which she can bestow upon you will be required for you to proceed, but her alchemies come with great risk.

The Spider Queen embraces the enchantress who pursues true alchemy. She's sadistic, but her tortures and trials serve a higher purpose. She has confirmed that, of the thousands of magickians she has tested, most wound up insane, dead, or both, and her tests must be face if the magickian is to work with her. She aggressively challenges the witch until everything is laid bare via intimidation, psychic attack, and what I would describe as verbal abuse.

The Spider Queen is vengeful and cruel with those who would chicken out of rituals she recommends, and she is also brutally honest regarding whether or not the magickian is capable of enduring the practices she is engaged in. She may tell you to back down and try to scare you into doing so, but this is a test, and she will not let you back down. She may offer gifts which the witch is often better off not accepting, which gifts often remove consequences or offer grant questionable coping mechanisms. Sometimes her tests include orchestrating horrible life events for her chosen ones, sometimes at early ages, and sometimes long before they get into the Occult. The things she does to people really are horrible, but unfortunately, for some of us, they are necessary. No matter what she does to you, she might just be the most important ally you have.

The Spider Queen does not concern herself with the doings of other (read: lesser) deities for the same reason a wolf does not concern herself with the doings or happenings of sheep. She speaks often of a True Way, explaining that all religions are merely branches of the same tree. She can manifest as male, female, hermaphroditic, etc.

The Spider Queen has appeared to me as a black dragon, a levitating hermaphrodite with some type of black sphere or disk suspended behind her head, a woman with a vortex for a body, a winged woman with a sword and the lower torso of a spider, a panther, a werewolf, and a vampyric/ghoulish looking anthropoid.

Apparently this form of prolific shapeshifting is normal for her, as many forms are described in The Scorpion God and ToAF literature: some cited in those appearances match one another in connotation but not in detail– most often amounting to a goddess affiliated with snakes, spiders, or dragons.

Somnus Dreadwood's description of her differs, of course, since his gnosis of her centers around her rulership of the Draelith and Charnaggen d'Oloth. Practitioners of the Maergzjiran tradition believe that there are numerous depictions of the Draelith throughout world religion, such as the descriptions of the dark elves in Norse mythology. To learn more about the Draelith, I highly recommend The Black ScripturesRites in the Thirteen Tongues, and Profane Seals by Somnus Dreadwood.

The Spider Queen destroys the “worst kind of child molesters,” being those who molest children in attempt to further the agendas of the Black Lodge. If I understand this correctly, she will devour their souls for eternity.

The Spider Queen intrudes upon spirits which would repress your magickal ascent, and she is the destroyer of those mechanisms of causality which hamper our pursuits to be liberated from the cycle of reincarnation. She annihilates those who try to engender the downfall of those who pursue the True Path behind and beyond all religions.

The Spider Queen rewards the true magickian via the devourment of the algorithm—the mechanism of the Cosmos which serves to hamper the true magickian’s ascent. She describes herself as being "everywhere and nowhere" at once.

The Spider Queen presides over paradigms of magick which magickians of great power undertake at a point beyond what most sorcerers will ever achieve– the point of no return. She tests the magickian’s soul for all manner of corruption, flaws, and weakness and helps her surrender vices, hang-ups, fetishes, etc. She is knowledgeable regarding invocation, evocation, nature magick, necromancy, magick calling upon bodies of water, pendulum use, lunar magick, the secrets of immortality, psychic vampyrism, shielding, death magick, shadowmancy, and macroscopic alchemy. She can transform the essence of your being with Qliphothic energy, infernalize your third eye, and fill your soul star chakra with the fire of Thaumiel. She can guide you through the astral planes to locate grimoires. Her alchemy mutilates and reconstructs the subtle body of the witch– Smith describes being lacerated with scales and poisoned by insects, and I’m pretty sure we can all add to his list.

The Spider Queen is a diabolic goddess of witchcraft who begets both Qliphothic and Trans-Qliphothic alchemy, and she personifies both the lightest and darkest attributes of what I term pre-primordial divinity. She imparts alchemical change which is reserved for advanced magickians. She can empower the solar plexus chakra in such a manner that the entire subtle body is empowered. She can also empower minor chakras in your head right next to your temples, and/or invert the minor chakras in one of your hands.

The Spider Queen has a sense of humor, understands sarcasm, and has a gentle side.

The Spider Queen can strengthen the astral double, as well as give it the ability to shapeshift into a ghost (a spirit composed of the death essence), such that in doing so, it may detach from the physical body easily like a carrier pigeon and accomplish whatever is needed while you are doing whatever day-to-day shit you were doing before you sent it off.

If you like, you can call on the Spider Queen to generate a handful of a certain species of protector spirits which assist in spirit communication and prevent ritual interference. These spirits are very psychically subtle and difficult to sense– or at least, they can be. I watched these spirits crawl out of Arachne once-- it was a horrifying. They were literally born with swords. Swords. How can anything be born with a sword? Why does her womb spawn weaponry? Is there a forge in there? I don't fucking get it, and it scares me.

Magickal Chants

Seraphanz Moryazzenna
Channeled All-Purposed Summoning Chant for the Spider Queen

Latismock Orzarallyn
Channeled All-Purposed Summoning Chant for the Spider Queen

Niesiealin Orgarannon
Channeled All-Purposed Summoning Chant for the Spider Queen

Adoro Te, Aeviternitas Sepheranz, Meticulosa Deitas Inferorum
"I Adore You, Eternal Sepheranz, Fearsome Goddess of Hell!"

Laudate Era Sepheranz, Auguratricis Et Versipellis
"I Praise the Lady Sepheranz, Sorceress and Shapeshifter!"

Evoco Aranea Aeternalis-- Interveni Sepheranz
"I Call the Everlasting Spider-- Come, Sepheranz!"

Amplaudate Arachne-- Sepheranz Gloria
"I Praise Arachne-- Glory to Sepheranz!"
Useful for any Sephirothic or Qliphothic Sphereworking or Pathworking, as Well as Any Rite to Arachne.

Conlaudate Matercula Arachne-Sepheranz
"I Praise Mother Arachne-Sepheranz!"

Evoco Arachne, Domina Sitra De-Smola
“I Call Arachne, Lady of the Sinister Left Side!”
Calls Upon Arachne for Any Working to Her. Also Useful for Empowering Any Qliphothic or Sephirothic Sphereworking or Pathworking, as Well as Empowering Any Rite to Work with the Trans-Sephirothic Labyrinth.


  1. “Arachne.” Occult World,

  2. Ashwood, Moonwater Chalcedony. “Arachne: Goddess of Weaving, Mistress of Labyrinths.” Arachne,

  3. Dreadwood, Somnus. The Black Scriptures. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.

  4. Smith, Mark Alan. The Scorpion God. Primal Craft Occult Publications, 2012.

  5. Temple of the Ascending Flame. The Rite of the Spider Goddess. 2015.

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia



  1. Sepheranz reigns upon the Atlantean realm, it is not the Qliphoth per se. This realm is outside the universe of man (tree of life/death), below Daath itself and concealed until now for obvious reasons. These Gods have now once again access to our universe through the world soul as it was permitted by the Elder Ones and the work of Mr Smith and others recently...

    It also should be known that Asenath Mason failed in this Work, betraying the Gods by refusing to perform the rite necessary to create the temple of Lucifer and then lied about the whole thing. And it was soul dedication job... Since 2012 this woman pretends to be a guide on a path she leaved. Now she's publishing books with people of her kind like Mr Kerval by sucking off the knowledge displayed by Mr Smith. And people think it's good to follow someone like that ! Wake up !

    If you want genuine people about this path or Gods, ask directly Mark Smith or one of the PC temples.

  2. Based upon my knowledge/tradition, I would best describe her as Trans-Qliphothic in nature. Can I ask what you think of my original insights into her? You're clearly far better informed in these matters than I.

  3. I kept seeing Arachne's name in my mind's eye recently. This was soon before I decided to do your satanic initiation rite. I saw her name again and felt like someone was there with me last night. I asked her politely why/if she was contacting me. She said that she was, and told me many things with the main part being that she wanted to protect me on my path and for some reason needed my permission to do so, as the source really likes me, but wouldn't allow her to just do as she pleases with me for some reason and I had to ask for her help. She said that it almost upset her, because normally she can do as she pleases with most mortals but that I was a special case, because of my own gnosis w/ source. Which is weird because I feel like I'm being attacked or drained from something sometimes, and when I get a feeling for it I have to cut a chord which usually takes care of it immediately. So, the source is allowing me to be attacked but not automatically helped unless I specifically ask an entity. I had not taken her up on the offer yet because I wanted to do more research on her. Anyways I decided to look up Arachne on your site to see if you had any info on her and low and behold you state that "protection is the essence of her being." Fast forward to today and as soon as I got home I started feeling extremely tired for some reason and instinctively feeling like something was wrong. I tried to cut the chords, but it wasn't working at all. Then I remembered her offer of protection and asked for it and immediately it stopped and I actually started feeling empowered instead!

  4. Hey VK, I’ve been watching your YouTube for awhile & I need some advice on a famous haunted house in Hanover Pa. It was featured on Dead Files, The Haunted etc. The owners say it is a portal & Mastema is the “leading” entity so to speak. Is “Mastema” Samael? A “Cult of Mastema(if it even exists, never heard of it)”. This couple is really nice & can not get rid of it. I hope you do a YouTube video or something of it. I have “Wastebook”, but I never use it anymore. I’ll give that out. I just want to know what advantages I can gain from this being. I met the couple twice now & the next time I go she said I can get the tour👍. I hinted aroud ‘bout them trying a black magician but they said Amy Allen of the Dead Files recommended a “warlock” who was suppose to be there “3 days(I take it he was Wiccan)”, but the guy was so arrogant he said “3 days? I can have it done in hours”. They said he left puking on their front lawn. And that’s just 1 of their stories. Hit me back at my e-mail if you can. Later.

  5. Yeah, there’s so typos in my message. All well.

  6. Sorry, the sentence “I’ll leave that” or something I was going to put an email address. It’s all good.

  7. "there are only two deities in existence whom she cannot destroy or command."

    I'm assuming Sanatas is one of these... who is the other, if you don't mind my asking?

  8. I have been possessed on at least one occasion where I have attacked others. I have no memory of the events. You say this is something she does, so with that information, I believe it wasnt Persephone (like I originally thought) who attacked a witch who was trying to attack me via dreamscape with a hit and run incident that was precognitively shown to me in the dreamscape, but her (since you say protecting those in the black lodge from those who enter who try and infringe on my practices like this person was doing).
    Plus the events of my life and the early tragedy and hardship I faced as a child and teen and even recently line up with her methods. What now? What comes next? I feel very connected to Persephone and that she protects me, but what about Arachne? What does she want from me?

  9. There's a book called "The Deplorable World" by Constantine Charagma and Erica Frevel that mentions Sanatas, and I think the deity known as the "The Dark Mother of Monsters" might be closely linked with Sepheranz. It's at least worth looking into, even if its conception of Satan is a bit off.

  10. […] they begin to crave it, etc., but I’ve never seen this to be the case… For example, VK Jehannum suggests one shouldn’t give blood to Arachne/Sepheranz because she will crave it, but in my experience this hasn’t been true as I’ve worked […]

  11. […] they begin to crave it, etc., but I’ve never seen this to be the case… For example, VK Jehannum suggests one shouldn’t give blood to Arachne/Sepheranz because she will crave it, but in my experience this hasn’t been true as I’ve worked […]

  12. […] they begin to crave it, etc., but I’ve never seen this to be the case… For example, VK Jehannum suggests one shouldn’t give blood to Arachne/Sepheranz because she will crave it, but in my experience this hasn’t been true as I’ve worked […]

  13. […] for my personal development. I love her and her energy, but many people do not. For instance, VK Jehannum recommends not calling on Arachne/Sepheranz for any reason other than she’s alread… or your tradition requires a very high level of personal alchemy. She demands people are serious […]

  14. I got a visit from Sepheranz yesterday, for a short time. Long black foggy hairy spider legs, high pitched voice, checking my magical items. I asked her whether she comes from Lucifer's crew that he shortly replied with "eee-Yesss". After that Satan and Met Kafou jumped from their Govi (all of my spirits have their Govis, get food and drink, incense, music, presents - like a family) and asked if there is any problem and maybe they could help her and why she is desperately seeking something - she jumped quickly out of the window and was gone. Quiet funny.

  15. Yesterday after writing a letter to Lucifer (he has a little post-office in my room where I can write messages and send them) and asking Met Kafou, now I got a Yes. Intruders, synthetical egregores produced by sects and secret societes are flooding people's minds, mostly via the interNET. She can detach you from that. Yes, she demanded blood but I got no answer if bloodpowder from animals is OK. We will see. Lucifer says: "slowly, very slowly!". She has humor, yes. She said about cleansing: use more plants, Sage, Oregano, simply eat the leaves, do not act foolish with too complex cleansing rituals, you need to ingest the cleansing herbs. Funny, that Ukobach lead me to her, the little Wizard who has so much more power than his appearance and behaviour would suggest. About Krishna: "forget him!". Raphael told me, too, that she is good for those who are seeking real progress. She herself recommended working with a demon who has strong medical skills, for example Uphir.

  16. […] for my personal development. I love her and her energy, but many people do not. For instance, VK Jehannum recommends not calling on Arachne/Sepheranz for any reason other than she’s alread… or your tradition requires a very high level of personal alchemy. She demands people are serious […]

  17. VK, you need an editor. Very interesting article though!

  18. The Spider Queen destroys the “worst kind of child molesters”. Yes. Project ARACHNID is an organisation that specialises in tracking child pornography. Appropriate name eh? x

  19. What have I just read?


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