Fill-in-the-Blank Magickal Chants

Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, ___________, Khaosophoros Pneuma
“Children of the Unwritten Gnosis, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, ___________, Chaos-Bearing Spirits!”
Summon Any Named Group of Demons (e.g., any Qliphothic army, the Tentatores, one of the groups of Azazel's emissaries that E.A. Koetting wrote about, etc.). One of my invented magickal names for the group of the ToS’s ruling archdemons or my magickal name for the group of Qliphothic armies could be inserted into the blank on this chant.

Agios Es, __________, Divum Et Vorsipelle!
“Numinous Art Thou, ________, Deity/Spirit and Shapeshifter!”
This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit-- Invocation, Evocation, and More!

Corire Omnituens Numen _____________
"Appear, All-Seeing Spirit _________!"
This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit-- Invocation, Evocation, and More!

Superveni _____________ Maximus Lar
"Arrise, ________, Elder Deity!"
This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit-- Invocation, Evocation, and More!

Exorna Alogos, Praegrande _____________
"Provide the Unwritten Gnosis, Powerful _________!"
This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit-- Invocation, Evocation, and More!

Ornate __________ Divinitas Ex Acharayim
“I Praise __________, Goddess of the Backwards Tree!”
This Chant Can be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit. It Can Be Used for Evocation and Invocation Alike, as well as Any Other Kind of Calling-Upon. Despite the Fact that the Chant Refers to the Spirit as a Goddess, it is Programmed to Be Useful for ANY Spirit, So You Can Use the Chant for Anything You Like.

Veni, Veni, _________-- Divinitas Et Creatrix
“Come, Come, _________--Goddess and Mother!
This Chant Can be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit. It Can Be Used for Evocation and Invocation Alike, as well as Any Other Kind of Calling-Upon. Despite the Fact that the Chant Refers to the Spirit as “Mother” and “Goddess,” it is Programmed to Be Useful for ANY Spirit, So You Can Use the Chant for Anything You Like.

Induperator Est __________ Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim
“__________ is Lord/Ruler/Director/Leader of the Kingdom of Manifoldness!”
This Chant Can be Used to Call Upon Any Spirit—Invocation, Evocation, Whatever. It Does Refer to the Spirit as a Regent of the Nightside, But Poseidon, Dagon, Shugara, Nyx, Velpecula, etc. all have Qliphothic Attributions, So Don’t Hesitate to Use This Whenever it’s Appropriate.

Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito ______
“I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call ______”
Evoke Any Spirit

Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco ______________
"Open the Qliphoth; I Call to _____________"
Mavethol is an invented magickal word of power which empowers any given working or spell. Its linguistic use is to serve as a name for the Qliphoth, but its effect is not tied to the Qliphoth at all. This chant is used to call forth any demon.

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet _________
“Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth _______!” Presences Qliphothic energy to strengthen a sacred space while calling forth the demon named.

Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo ___________
“Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call __________”
This Chant is Useful in Invocations of Any Demon

Salve ___________ Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola
“Hail ___________ Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side!”
Invoke Any Demon

Sagax Coelestis __________ Gloria
“Glory to the Wise and Numinous ________!”
Invoke Any Spirit

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco _________
“Open the Qliphoth; I Call to __________”
This chant can be used for invocations of any demon, and in addition to invoking the demon called upon, the chant has the effect of increasing the alchemical/transformative/self-deifying effects of the invocation being performed.

Invoco ___________ In Nomine Qliphoth
“I Call to _________ in the Name of the Qliphoth”
Used to call forth any demon– Goetic, Qliphothic, Grimoiric, whatever– while simultaneously bringing the celebrant closer to a gnostic state.

In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet ______________
“In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth _________”
Used to call upon any demon. This magickal chant calls forth the demon named and focuses the celebrant’s mind.

Corire _________, Penitrale Gehennae
"Come Forth, ___________, Infernal Spirit!"
Used to summon any demon (evocation or general calling-forth, not invocation)

Adoro Te ___________, Pentrale Ex Mavethol
"I Adore You, __________, Spirit of the Qliphoth!"
Used to invoke any demon

Praedicate Aethereus Divus __________
"I Praise the Eternal Spirit _____________!"
Invoke Any Spirit

Being the person who created all these chants, I give everyone permission to use them for any reason in any context from a forum post to work published for profit without direct permission from me. While it is not necessary to give me credit (you won't find me under your bed), it is a courtesy I would appreciate.

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


  1. […] If you follow the hyperlink below, you will find a long list of fill-in-the-blank chants with various effects which can be used to invoke, evoke, and otherwise call upon Raum and any other demon: […]

  2. […] If you follow the hyperlink below, you will find a long list of fill-in-the-blank chants with various effects which can be used to invoke, evoke, and otherwise call upon Malphas and any other demon: […]

  3. Great article! Cheers!

  4. […] If this list of magickal chants is not enough for you to use in the creation of your own rite to Haniag Bael, just look at my list of fill-in-the-blank magickal chants via the hyperlink below. These chants can be used to call upon any spirit: […]

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