Useful Sigils for Demon Magick

A few weeks ago, I took the time to disperse my batch of 43 freshly created original sigils amongst the relevant articles on my website-- many appear in the articles in the Demonology & Paganism section, several appear in the Magickal Chants section (i.e., the article in the Magickal Chants section which compiles the chants I use to call on Moloch now features my original sigil of Moloch). I also appended a few sigils to rituals I've written in the past (I don't have an article about the Fates, so I added their sigil to a post in the new Magickal Calls section entitled "Calls to Qemetiel, the Fates, Nemesis, Cernunnos, Agaliarept, & Abraxas").

While I am no artist, all reviews of my sigils are unanimously positive. I've generally been told that they are very potent, which is a relief for two reasons: (i) I've made a real and positive contribution to the Black Lodge, and (ii) people are willing to try my sigils despite the fact that they're poorly drawn on printer paper with sharpie and photographed with an Iphone. Some people have even told me they liked some of my designs from an aesthetic point of view, which is cool.

If you've been wanting sigils for Nemesis, Demeter, Lykania, Scylla, the Fates, Samael, Magot, Qayin/Cain, Taninniver, Tiamat, Kingu, Absu, Syrach, Surgat, Eisheth Zenunim, Qemetiel, A'athiel, Semyaza, Osiris, Poseidon, Khepri, Nahema, Rahab, Amiahzatan, Taninsam, Hecate, Anubis, Arachnid Lilith, Persephone, Eris/Discordia, the Raviasamin, Nyx, Alefpene'ash, Adam Belial, Azazel, Euronymous, Merihim, Behemoth, Claunech, the Nemean Lion, Qalmana/Luluwa, Ziz, Moloch, or Aggereth (Agrat bat Mahlat), then what you've been wanting is now available on my website.

It's worth mentioning at random that if a witch is worried that she does not know how to draw the sigil she wants to use, she should just give it her best go and know that her efforts were sufficient.

In this article, I will present a series of sigils which I think would best be introduced in a post of their own. Some of these are of my own invention, and those released by others will be properly credited and will be removed at the request of the designers should they request it (the best way to reach me is Facebook Messenger). Of the sigils I created, some are somewhat recent creations, and others I have worked with for quite a while but haven't revealed to the public (I just never got around to it). We'll start with a few sigils that have been circulating Pinterest for a while:



[gallery ids="25757,25756" type="rectangular"]

I'd be surprised if these sigils did not at least seem familiar to you. They commonly appear in sketchy-seeming Pinterest images which present these symbols alongside a handful of other characters purported to strengthen rituals to summon demons. Of all the symbols which appear on the Pinterest images, these four were individually vouched for by the archdemon Niantiel. You will want to have a single piece of paper with these four characters drawn alongside some of the other characters I'll be providing in this article. Don't write these particular four symbols on your skin, because that will not have any significant effect-- you are better off looking at them than adorning yourself in them.

The goal here is to have a few sheets of paper for you to place on your altar or lay on the floor of your ritual chamber, which piece(s) of paper will strengthen every rite of demon magick you perform. When you're drawing these characters, visualize the ink you're forming them with glowing with spiritual energy as you focus upon the intent to empower rituals of demon magick. Drawing these in a raised sacred space will produce better results, as will facing the north when drawing them. Remember that this piece(s) of paper isn't helping the demon manifest-- it's helping you summon the demon.


The three characters above are sigils of the Qliphoth which John Putigano designed back when he was a Niner and a Satanist. These sigils are conducive to all rituals of demon magick. Despite the fact that John Putigano was an Anti-Cosmic Satanist when he designed these symbols, they are still 100% appropriate for use by Satanists, Demonolaters, Luciferians, etc. who are entirely opposed to Anti-Cosmic Satanism's end-goal of destroying the physical universe and/or opposed to the Order of the Nine Angles.

If you follow the hyperlink below (this is Wordpress, so the hyperlink may appear as a picture instead of an HTML. I still haven't figured out how to control the way my articles display hyperlinks), you will be taken to an image of the ZD Sigil (also known as the DZ sigil). The ZD Sigil is the sigil of the Nine Demonic Divinities (Lucifer, Satan, Belial, Ustrina, Unsere, Verrine, Amducious, Euronymous, Leviathan)-- a group which serves the function of a "go-to higher power" in both the magickal praxis and celebratory customs of Traditional Demonolatry.

The ZD Sigil calls upon all nine of these deities, unless the intention of the witch determines otherwise: it can serve as a sigil for a given singular spirit (i.e., any of the aforementioned Nine Demonic Divinities). The ZD sigil is often used to empower rituals of invocation, but it may be used to empower all other workings of demon magick as well. The ZD Sigil might or might not have been created by someone among the personnel of OFS Demonolatry; I really want to give its creator credit but I have no fucking idea where it came from. Either way, I learned about it from OFS Demonolatry, so thank you, OFS Demonolatry. I use this symbol frequently.

If you follow the hyperlink (which might be a picture-- the suspense is killing me!) below, you will be taken to an image of a magickal glyph called the Clavicula Nox [Key of Night], which originated from a black magickal lodge known as Dragon Rouge. This sigil is used for all rites of the Draconian Tradition and the Atlantean Current, and may be used for all rites of demon magick. It can also be meditated upon for the purpose of enantiodromia, individuation, and connection to the Higher Self. Like the ZD Sigil, the Clavicula Nox is often draw in the air like a banishing pentagram.

If you follow the hyperlink below, you will arrive at an image of a sigil called the Universal Gateway-- a magickal character blessed by Hecate whereby the magickian can gain access and/or entrance to any given spiritual plane. Draw it on a piece of paper-- presumably the same piece you drew all the other sigils on. I just use it as an altar piece.
(Note: the Universal Gateway was designed by Mark Alan Smith, appearing originally in his grimoire Queen of Hell, which grimoire is the first installment in the trinity of texts whereby the magickal curriculum of Primal Craft is codified. It is far more powerful than the other sigils mentioned here-- so powerful it astonished me.)

You're most likely aware that the hakenkreuz or "Nazi swastika" is a deliberate inversion of the original swastika, which original swastika operated as a spiritual glyph in many Pagan religions, but what you don't know is that the Nazi swastika can be used productively in Qliphothic magick.

Bear with me.

The original swastika has a very different meaning when it is used in Judao-Mysticism than it does when it is used in the esotericism of Nazi Germany. In Judao-Mysticism, the original swastika symbolized Kether or Keter (the highest realm of the Abrahamic heaven in Judao-Mysticism) and the sun of our solar system; its four wheeling legs are held to symbolize the four letters of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH).

A spiritual glyph or magickal sigil can be inverted to create a new symbol which manifests the opposite properties of the original character. When the Nazi swastika hakenkreuz is used in demon magick, it is a glyph of the infernal equivalents of the attributes symbolized by the original swastika. The demons themselves use the hakenkreuz in magick,* as do three black magickal lodges that I can name off the top of my head. In the Black Lodge's traditions of modern demon magick, the hakenkreuz has nothing at all to do with white nationalism and is in no way a dog whistle. The hakenkreuz symbolizes Azerate/Chavajoth (HVHI), the Black Sun** of Thagirion, and the penultimate Qlipha (Thamiel or Thaumiel).

*When I occasionally came to during a particular bout of ritual possession, I would find my body sprawled in the shape of a Sowilo rune twice and the hakenkreuz once.

**The Black Sun in Qabbalah has no more relation to the so-called Schwarze Sonne [Black Sun] of Nazi esotericism than the Black Sun of Aztec cosmology has to the 'black suns' of the Nazis and Black-Solar Qlipha alike. The Nazi "Schwarze Sonne" was always referred to as the Sonnenrad [Sun Wheel] in original/legitimate Nazi esotericism-- the moniker Schwarze Sonne was only coined by non-Nazis much later.

Here's one sigil I designed for multiple purposes: (i) strengthening your act of raising a sacred space, (ii) strengthening your act of opening any Qlipha or Tunnel of Set, and (iii) strengthening your act of calling any or all of the four alchemical elements:


What follows are five magickal glyphs I constructed which serve to strengthen any rituals of demon magick performed in their location. My sigils tend to be a lot less visually appealing than those offered by most Occult authors, but the demons tell me that the sigils I design are some of the stronger sigils being pumped out by the Black Lodge right now.



[gallery ids="25767,25766,25765,25764,25763,25762" type="rectangular"]

You'll find those five to be very effective. Just draw them on a piece of paper and keep that paper around during ritual-- these sigils don't have to be looked at.

The following sigils were channeled by Sanat Kumaras (my apprentice and covenmate). He uses them with great frequency. The first serves the purpose of generating positive energy and causing home purification. The second is a empowerment sigil-- the Sigil of the Outcast-- which can be used in almost all rituals. The third one (I had to channel its effect myself) engenders self-transformation via the Black Light of Sitra Ahra-- it may be meditated upon to great benefit or be left on the altar or floor during rituals for a productive outcome like the rest of the sigils on this page.


The following sigil, which I designed, will be of greater interest to the audience. This sigil can be drawn on a piece of paper and simply kept present during a rite of demon magick-- in that situation, the sigil will simply empower all rites of demon magick like the five provided before it. That is this sigil's first intended purpose. Its second purpose is to serve as a gateway whereby any Tunnel of Set can be visited either by astral projection or meditation journey. The idea is to travel through the sigil in the second scenario-- either project your astral double through it or enter it via meditation journey.


I designed this next sigil to be left atop the altar or on the floor. It will make it easier for you to see and hear any demons you attempt to communicate with.


Lastly, here follows a sigil which was channeled by Rick DeMusis during a working with Astaroth. According to one of my spirit guides, the sigil symbolizes the transformation of the "inner mind," or psyche. The effects of the sigil which were related to me are that the sigil serves to dissolve the ego and alchemically transmute the psyche. The sigil which Rick DeMusis channeled appears below:

Astaroth and Rick DeMusis

The numbers 11, 9, 18, 7, 777, 87, 72, 13, 91, 32, 66, and 37 are apt for all rites of demon magick. These may be written on the same piece(s) of paper as these sigils for the same purpose. The number 87 is of supreme importance and is useful for black magick of any kind. The pronunciation of the number 87 in Enochian (Don-Graph) may be vibrated at the beginning of one's rites to empower them.

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


  1. You know that the second sigil Sanat Kumaras "channeled" is from Dishonored, right? It's almost the same sigil. So, is this chaos magick? Or are you trying to say that this symbol found in-game has real magickal power? I am genuinely wondering.

  2. It would appear that he channeled a magickal variant of a fictitious symbol, which is less strange than it might sound.


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