Chants to Presence the Energies of the Dragon

The Dragon is the Void itself—the primordial force behind all manifestation, creation, destruction, etc. undescribed by myth and unlimited by causality. The Greek phrases exclaimed to close the rituals of the Draconian Tradition, being Ho Drakon Ho Megas [the Great Dragon] and Ho Ophis Ho Archaios [the Ancient Serpent], are used alongside the Enochian word Vovin [Dragon] to refer to the Dragon. Rites of the Draconian Tradition, as written by Daemon Barzai, often begin with the phrase In Nomine Draconis [in the Name of the Dragon].

Most rites of the Draconian Tradition begin with an exclamation of the word "Melez!" This word means "Hybrid" and carries the magickal energies associated with the term. It is another term for the void.

The Void/Dragon is a conscious entity which can be manifested like a deity or demon. It describes itself as "black, dark, and Devilish." It appeared to me as a four-legged, red-eyed, black dragon without wings, though I sensed that it could manifest grey and black wings if it wanted to. It told me, "I am cool and strident. I am undivided and powerful."

My channeled secret names for the Dragon are Rakorigon, Nakhatal, Lakarithor, and Makoriton. Calling Upon the Dragon via either the name-vibration formula or the chant formula below will empower the astral double for travel, empower the natural psychic defenses, strengthen the Black Flame, and empower the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra alongside the minor chakras in the head which aid in clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc.

The energies of the Dragon will also empower whatever magickal defenses the location where the rite is being performed has or begin developing defenses against intruder entities which will do whatever the Black Flame/internal nexion of the magickian commands (note: the Black Flame is sentient, but these defenses will remain inert unless the Black Flame of the magickian has been awakened enough to act independently of her conscious instruction).

Vovin + Lakarithor + Vovim + Nakhatal + Vovina + Rakorigon + Makoriton
This Name-Vibration Formula Consists of Four Channeled Names for the Dragon and Three Enochian Words Meaning Dragon. The Draconian Tradition was Named after Sevekh, whose Name Literally Translated to “Seven,” so this Formula Consists of Seven Names & WoP’s.

Capimao Vovim! Rakorigon! Lakarithor! Ho Ophis Ho Archaios! Vovin! Makoriton! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Capimao Vovim is Michael Kelly’s Magickal Chant to Call Upon the Energies of the Draconian Current. The Rest of this Formula Requires No Explanation.

What follows is a ritual designed to construct a sacred space via the energies of the Void and call it forth to empower the celebrant.

IMG_2985 (2)Above: Channeled Sigil for the Void

The Atlantean Rite of the Dragon

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Melez! In Nomine Draconis,
[Numinous (is) the Alchemical Work and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! (Name for the Void/Dragon)! In the Name of the Dragon,]

Vovin + Lakarithor + Vovim + Nakhatal + Vovina + Rakorigon + Makoriton

Agios Es, Makoriton, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Ornate Lakarithor Divinitas Ex Acharayim! Veni, Veni, Nakhatal– Divinitas Et Creatrix! Induperator Est Rakorigon Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Makoriton! Agios Es, Nakhatal, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Ornate Rakorigon Divinitas Ex Acharayim!
[Numinous Art Thou, Dragon, Spirit and Shapeshifter! I Praise the Void, Deity of the Backwards Tree! Come, Come, Dragon-- Goddess and Creator! The Dragon is the Lord of the Kingdom of Manifoldness! I Reach for the Great Emissary of the Left Hand-- I Call the Void! Numinous Art Thou, Dragon, Spirit and Shapeshifter]

Capimao Vovim! Rakorigon! Lakarithor! Ho Ophis Ho Archaios! Vovin! Makoriton! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
[(Chant to Call the Energies of the Dragon)! (Name for the Void)! The Ancient Serpent! Dragon! The Great Dragon)]

Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat!
[In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It is So]


  1. briansnellinsnellingJune 21, 2018 at 10:40 AM

    Definition of 'Melez'; Mongrel, half-breed or hybrid.
    I assume in this sense that the human is a mongrel, half-breed or hybrid of the Dragon/Void.

  2. Hi there,

    I've studied and practised the Draconian Current of the Black Flame as well and find it very useful at times. As well as totally fascinating from an occultist' point of view.

    I'm catching up with a few of the Wordpress blogs that I'm subscribed to as it's been a busy year for me. Rest assured though that I do read your blogs that I receive via email. Just thought that I'd let you know that.

    Blessed Be & Namaste🙏🏻

  3. I read your blog largely for two reasons. One. I take what you blog as my starting point, I get results: more comfortable with demons and more reliant my ‘gut feeling’. Two You are honest when you are ignorant of various specifics. If I were located nearer to you, I would ask you to point me to a mentor. So if I gave you my contact and if you knew of a mentor in my city, would you ask that person if they were interested to contact me?

  4. Melez, in modern Turkish now commonly spelled "Meles" is a river of Homerian fame, and also a word simply translated as 'to mix.' Going beyond the linguistically unsound Pokorny PIE of the 1970's, the root "mel" relates to smelting, as in to refine and forge a mess of ore into an object of superior strength, durability, and integrity. Melez is a call to be forged anew.

    An interesting note: Meles dumps into the Gulf of Izmir (once Smyrna) which is today horrifically contaminated by the ore mining done (in the past and/or present) in the mountains surrounding Izmir as all streams in those mountains dump into the Gulf.


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