Invocation of Ziz

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros!
[Numinous is Octinomos-Drakosophia! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos]

Ziz + Renanin + Bariuchne + Ziz Saday + Sekwi

Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Sagax Coelestis Renanin Gloria! Devoco Ziz, Seminator Alogos, Et Aedifex Aeva Et Azoth! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Bariuchne! Induperator Est Sekwi Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Sagax Coelestis Ziz Saday Gloria! Agios Es, Ziz, Divum Et Vorsipelle!
[I Call Ziz, Harbinger of Aeonic Progression, Lord of the Infernal Plane! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Renanin! I Call Ziz, Father of the Unwritten Gnosis, and Father of Birds and the Astral Light! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Bariuchne! Lord is Sekwi over the Infernal Plane! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Ziz Saday! Numinous Art Thou, Ziz, Deity and Shapeshifter]

Obveni Ziz, Exorna Xul, Aperi Sitra Achara (x9)
[Come, Ziz, Provide the Black Light of the Qliphoth, Open the Other Side]

Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola (x9)
[I Call to Ziz, the Bearer of Aeons, Lord of the Sinister Left Side]

Io Io Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! Ia Mavethol-Adhassyth! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros!
[Hail, Hail the Abyss! Hail the Nightside and the Abyss! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos]

Sekwi, Ziz Saday, Bariuchne, Renanin (x14)

Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Ornate Renanin Divinitas Ex Acharayim! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Sekwi! Sagax Coelestis Renanin Gloria! Agios Es, Ziz, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Devoco Ziz, Seminator Alogos, Et Aedifex Aeva Et Azoth! Obveni Ziz, Exorna Xul, Aperi Sitra Achara!
[I Call Ziz, Harbinger of Aeonic Progression, Lord of the Infernal Plane! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! I Praise Renanin, Divinity of the Infernal Plane! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Sekwi! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Renanin! Numinous Art Thou, Ziz, Deity and Shapeshifter! I Call Ziz, Provide Demonic Light, Open the Infernal Plane]

Sekwi, Ziz Saday, Bariuchne, Renanin (x14)

Ia Ia Sekwi-Renanin! Ho Ophis Ho Archaios! Io Io Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros! Ia Ia Sekwi-Renanin! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat!
[Hail, Hail Sekwi-Renanin! (Moniker for the Force of Magick Within and Beyond Us)! Hail, Hail the Abyss! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos! Hail, Hail Sekwi-Renanin! In the Name of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, it is so]


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