Magickal Chants to Semyaza or Shemyaza
Ia, Ia, Azza-Shemhazai "Hail, Hail, (Two Names for Semyaza)!" Adoro Te, Aeviternitas Azza "I Adore You, Everlasting Azza/Semyaza!" Agios Omnituens Semyaza "Numinous (is the) All-Seeing Semyaza!" Voco Te Seminator Shemyaza "I Call You, Father Shemyaza!" Agios o Domine Shemyaza "Numinous is the Lord Shemyaza!" RAY-kuh-TOUR-UH-loth Yakathandra Yalatagora Rakoratagandra Yakalathoth Yalagor Channeled Chant to Evoke or Invoke Semyaza. The first word is broken up into syllables. Syllables equivalent in sound to English words appear as those words in all caps. Toragotha-Yalagor Rimkandra Rimkathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Semyaza Rakatora Rimkathagala Rimkathagandra Rimkatal Channeled Chant to Evoke or Invoke Semyaza Above: My Original Sigil for Semyaza Being the person who created all these chants, I give everyone permission to use them for any reason in any context from a forum post to work published for profit without direct permission from...