Haniag Bael

Names: Haniag Bael; Haniag
Colors: Pink, Yellow, Purple, Blue
Elements (from Most to Least Attributed): Earth, Azoth, Fire
Sacred Numbers: 7, 18, 21, 12, 28, 37, 40, 31
D/N: Equally Diurnal & Nocturnal
Primary Planetary Attributions: Saturn; the Black Earth
Secondary Planetary Attributions: the Moon; Pluto
Tertiary Planetary Attribution: the Sun
Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus)
Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: Nahemoth (Black Earth/Naamah)
Tertiary Qliphothic Attribution: Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith)
Trans-Qliphothic & Trans-Sephirothic Veils: Ain Soph; Tohu

img_3011.jpgAbove: Channeled Sigil for Haniag Bael

Haniag Bael is an unrecorded ba’al, a demonic king, and a god of love and destruction. He has connections to Edom and is attributed to Ekron and Araq, and he was involved in what the person who told me about him described as “holy/unholy plagues.” His symbol is the scarab. He serves Baelzebuth, the lord of all ba’als.

Haniag Bael can help the enchantress come by blood dolls, fix romantic relationships, gain friendships, and acquire partners for sex. He specializes in shielding, sanguine vampirism, necromancy, blood magick, Norse runes, binding spells, death magick, vampiric execration, pyromancy (divination by fire), shadowmancy, the consecration of magickal equipment, and of course, projection to the ethereal plane and beyond. He can give aid in psychic vampirism and grant instruction in advanced methods of it. His support is auspicious for the consecration of a Ouija board and candlesticks as well as for strengthening one’s natural psychic defenses.

Haniag Bael destroys the initiatory spirits of Jehovah and all those who would impose upon the forces of the Nightside. He renews all things, engenders re-initiation, and returns to all to the Nightside. He imparts Numinous inspiration. He accepts all manner of offerings and imparts all forms of power.

One can only understand the truth of Haniag Bael’s character after having undergone deep initiation.

Haniag Bael initiates those who foster destruction, violence, chaos, power, and death (the last one may be a metaphor for initiation). He bestows power and wisdom as he guides the magickian into the unknown. He continuously seeks knowledge and shares it with black magickians who pursue their own evolution, but he bestows even greater knowledge to those who work to engender macroscopic initiations. The Path is his sole pursuit, and his wisdom sees his endeavors succeed.

In rites of atavistic partial possession, Haniag Bael can possess the initiate through the atavisms of the hawk, tiger, bear, and serpent.

Haniag Bael is a fighter, a black god, and a Diabolic spirit of fiery illumination with Grigoric and djinnic aspects to his biology. Unlike most other demons I know of, he may be accurately described as a fallen angel—this is something very few know about him.

Magickal Chants

Haniag Bael Melech Ha-Ekron
“Haniag Bael, King of Ekron!”
Chant to Call Upon/Forth Haniag Bael

Qodesh La-Haniag Bael
“Holy to Haniag Bael!”
Chant to Call Upon/Forth Haniag Bael

Isti Ad Me, Haniag Bael
“Descent to Me, Haniag Bael!”
Chant to Call Upon/Forth Haniag Bael

Vocavi Te, Haniag Bael
“I Summon You, Haniag Bael!”
Calls upon Haniag Bael to Engender Attunement to the Planetary Energies, Fortification of the Ethereal Body, and the Healing of All Open Chakras.

If this list of magickal chants is not enough for you to use in the creation of your own rite to Haniag Bael, just look at my list of fill-in-the-blank magickal chants via the hyperlink below. These chants can be used to call upon any spirit:

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


  1. Beautiful work V.K.
    Discovering new grounds is what you do best! Originally Belial pushed me in your direction and Im glad he did. You can add him to the list of spirits recommending your Wordpress/yt channel to people. ;)

    Great work as always! I might reach out to Haniag bael, the sigil is a bit complicated, would you do an artistic interpretation like the Goeticon?

  2. So Haniag Bael has a Facebook page?

    (Coming from a dude who has singlehandedly personified
    Prince Sitri) #kettle

    Love your blog!

  3. Apparently there's a Facebook user with the name Haniag Bael in his username. I've reached out to the dude but I didn't hear anything.

  4. Interesting. I've meant this entity under the name Bel-Haniag as he revealed it to me. Seems like a direct match.


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