Tips, Fun Facts, & Guideliness: A Chapter I Removed from the Grimoire of Deathful Wombs
- If you summon a spirit for one purpose, abandon that purpose once the spirit manifests, and then ask for something else instead, the spirit will be furious. Making an additional request impromptu can go alright, so long as the additional request is not too much of a tangent from the original request.
- The Ars Goetia, which contains 72 demons, was a rewrite of an older grimoire containing 69 spirits. The Ars Goetia included four additional demons and excluded one named Pruflas, who I've covered on my website. 72 relates to the muliebral current of magickal energy (as described by a religion I’m unfamiliar with), total magickal empowerment, and the Ophidian (draconian/serpentine) current.
- If you disrespect the demons thoroughly enough, they might attack you even to the point of having deathly intent. Even when that happens, it is still entirely possible for the deities to forgive you and continue to further your ascent.
- Forgiveness is easy to get from most spirits, but sometimes forgiveness is partial. Articulated apologies and offerings both make forgiveness easier to get, and making spiritual progress is a big way to regain their favor. I once had a deity who introduced himself to me by attacking the entire inner circle of the Coven of the Second Torch apologize to all three of us and repeatedly ask us to work with him.
- Numbers which are sacred to Aeshugar are often simultaneously renowned for symbolizing or typifying the Great Work. 11, 66, and 777 are examples of this. 11 symbolizes the union of the macrocosm (hexagram) with the microcosm (pentagram) and the union of male and female. The number 13, sacred to demon magick, symbolized the path to spiritual immortality in Egyptian magick and relates to the thirteenth tarot card (Death). Nine is not quite the same, but close: it's sacred to the Infernal Divine, as exhibited by the Nine Goetic Kings, the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, and the Nine Demonic Divinities. It also symbolizes the Black Flame.
- Each of us will resonate better with some demons than others from the very beginning of our work. This this is based partially upon the idiosyncracies of our physis—you will get the strongest manifestations by working with a demon whose physis is comparable to yours. Invocations of various demons will help you identify which type of spirits you resonate with. The ones most divorced from your physis will be difficult to invoke. By deliberately working with those spirits, you become gradually attuned to their physis. Not only will this give you the ability to effectively access greater portions of the Numinous, it will strengthen the weak points in your spirituality and balance your own physis. The more balanced your energy is, the more powerful it is.
- All the deities have their own character, preferences, values, etc. Ra hates psychic vampyres to the extent that he is liable to attack entire covens of them unprovoked, but Tiamat, Qingu, and Absu all love vampyres and are quite interested in their success, evolution, and well-being. Shugara judges people based on character, deeds, and potential. Samael is more strict than most deities.
- You don’t get over shit, you get through it—grieve normally. If you still have an emotional attachment to a bad memory, that means there’s something about it you still haven’t processed. Spells for emotional healing don’t make you weak—they just allow you to cooperate with the spirits who care about you. To rephrase that last sentence: team work makes a dream work.
- Refuse to distance yourself from the persons and spirits important to you during times of hardship—that’s one of the worst things you can do.
- Do not neglect your own well-being and mundane life for magick. The spiritual high can distract you from your outside life and incline you to procrastinate and neglect your obligations.
- You’d be surprised how early in your life certain spirits may have had their eyes on you. Your relationships with them may go back to past lives and/or activities between incarnations. Don’t let it bother you if you aren’t one of these cases.
- If spirits call you a fool, that means you’re doing the right thing: exploring unfamiliar territory. The Fool symbolizes the initiation process, as does death. Death also symbolizes change, transformation, evolution, etc.
- Angels can be easier to hear during telepathy and are less likely to speak in riddles than demons. The riddles which demons communicate with expand the consciousness of the witch. Always record the messages you receive, as the implications of gnosis you don't understand can turn out to have completely obvious implications when reviewed. One of the most important axioms of Thelema seemed innocuous and trivial to Aleister Crowley when he first channeled it.
- Entities who are of a similar spiritual nature to yours or which share the disposition of your personality will easier for you to sense, see, hear, channel, evoke, and invoke. There are many factors defining the nature of your personal spiritual make-up including the state of your alignment with the various planetary forces, your Zodiac sign and its alchemical element, your alignment with the other alchemical elements, your attunement to various types of spiritual energy, and the position of your personality on the spectrum from feminine traits to masculine. Personally, I have always resonated very strongly with necromantic divinities. The first seven demons I summoned had distinct necromantic attributes—I was drawn to that trait of their physis because it resonated with me, even though I didn’t know it. Not only was I completely unaware that most of those spirits had necromantic specialties, I didn’t even know I was attuned to necromantic forces.
- Some spirits have their own signature ways to give omens to the magickian-- Shugara uses the rain, Surgat tampers with locks, and so forth. Omens often times simply serve to either let the witch know the spirit's interested it her or assure the witch of their presence. It's not too uncommon for spirits to hide your shit, appear in clouds, etc.
- As far as I know, no perfect or omnipotent beings exist.
- The gods destroy people all the time. Sometimes this can be so subtle that a magickal adept can be destroyed by a deity and think it's helping him the whole time.
- If a spirit tells you something you already know or reminds you to do something you already planned on doing, she's doing it for a reason.
- Offerings do not have to be given during ritual, and you'd be surprised how many different types of viable offerings there are. You can offer fur shed by your pets to a demon (burn it). Mercy-killing an animal on the side of the street can be an offering-- so can stepping on an ant. Incense and lit candles used in ritual can serve as offerings.
- Demons require offerings for sustenance, but they will only demand them of you if you did something wrong-- unless a given offering is simply necessary for a ritual.
- Ask the demon what they call themselves. If necessary, ask them to explain the symbolism of that title.
- Consuming part of an offering to a deity takes the essence of that entity into your being.
- Most practitioners of demon magick have a matron or patron demoness. When a spirit offers to fill this role, make it official with a personally designed ritual. You can use the magickal chants listed for each demon in the Demonology & Paganism category of my website or search the Magickal Chants section for a huge list of chants to make your rite as powerful and convenient to write as possible.
- Refusing to speak about a rite will greatly increase its power, but speaking about it isn’t the end of the world.
- Just because the numbers 10 and 12 are mostly known their Abrahamic significations doesn't mean that they aren't sacred to a some demons.
- If a deity asks why it should fulfill your request, the right answer is always something to the effect of “I just wanted your help.” Anything else is technically a lie. Lying to a spirit about why you want what you want is a huge mistake, but even the most trustworthy spirits may lie to you about certain things either for your own benefit, to prevent you from knowing a truth you are not ready for, or even just to patronize you. This does not count as hypocrisy on their part-- deity-human interactions are a special case.
- You’ll wind up looking back at problems you could’ve solved with black magick.
- Chavajoth does not want to destroy the universe. It wants to destroy the universe as you know it.
- Chances are that whether or not human or animal sacrifice is immoral depends entirely on whether or not it is immoral to kill the person or animal in the first place.
- Demons hate child abusers.
- Destructive magick “thins the veil,” furthering the alchemical refinement of our universe.
- Inverting a symbol can reverse its significations. The hakenkreuz or so-called Nazi swastika is useful for all demonic and Qliphothic magick-- the reasons for this are 100% unrelated to Nazi esotericism. In Qabbalah (which Nazis hate), the regular swastika as used in Hinduism signifies the four letters of Jehovah's name. It relates to the Sun, the highest Sephira, and Jehovah himself. Ergo, in demon magick, the hakenkreuz symbolizes the Black Sun, Chavajoth, and the highest Qlipha. The hexagram, a common symbol in countless Pagan religions but mostly known as the Star of David, can be drawn on its side to make a symbol useful for calling on Leviathan, Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Flereous, and Gargophias. A diagonal hexagram with its highest point at the upper left is apt for calling forth Lucifer, Lilith-Akhathil, Taninniver, and Euronymous. A diagonal hexagram with its top point at the upper right is apt for rites to Samael, Michael, Metatron, and Laylah.
- Love and lust are very magickally powerful, and sexual interactions with a deity increase your energetic rapport with them.
- Drawing one of the Goetic sigils is often enough to get the attention of the demon it's attributed to. The demon may even manifest while the sigil is being drawn. Simply looking at any given sigil can make the sigil more powerful permanently. It is even possible to subconsciously activate a sigil by looking it-- this is not a bad thing, nor does it mean that you are being vampyrized by whoever designed the sigil.
- Some demons think less of you when you think less of yourself. If this becomes a problem with a spirit, tell them you're trying to fix whatever problems you have and ask for your assistance. That's worked for me before.
- Force yourself to be confident about the effects of a rite during, before, and after its performance.
- If a particular spirit fills you with intrigue and/or excitement, this means they want to interact with you.
- When a spirit manifests to give you instructions or warnings, the advice is often as simple as “do this.” “Pay more attention to your surroundings.” “Don't trust this person.” “Pay attention while you're driving.” If a demon tells you things like this, the advice is often necessary for your well-being in your immediate situation. If you plan on doing a rite in the next couple hours and a spirit suddenly tells you to do it at 10:30 specifically, you might find that this is necessary to avoid a grave intrusion. It does not mean that 10:30 is some sacred time of day.
- If a demon suddenly possesses you in your daily life and you can't stop growling, this probably means that you should exit your present location immediately. And if you can't or shouldn't leave, avoid doing whatever you were about to do.
- Unless you specifically expect a demon to adhere to its recorded appearance, it will often assume an appearance hitherto unrecorded, even to the extent of changing genders.
- Demons don't mind having kinky sex with you so long as you legitimately respect them and see them as more than sex objects.
- Chavajoth hates Atheists, Christians, Muslims, pedophiles, and more. While almost all the gods hate liars and traitors, people who do not pursue evolution are hated by many spirits.
- Even spirits renowned to be the most harsh, demanding, cruel, etc. often turn out to have a kinder side.
- You should only offer your blood to the most important spirits in your path-- always seek the guidance of your matron or patron and/or Higher Self before you offer blood to a new spirit. My Higher Self told me that I should not offer blood to most of the 11, but that offering blood to the metagod Chavajoth was advisable and different in effect. Once you've offered blood to a spirit, they are always with you, and their ability to influence you increases. This does not mean that they will take control of you at some point the way some people infer. Any amount of blood offered is sufficient to create this connection, and offering more blood later will not strengthen this connection.
- Sperm can be offered to far more spirits than blood without being a mistake. Sperm gives spirits more control over your physical body, whereas blood is more known to increase their influence over the spiritual aspects of your person.
- Cemeteries are great places for demon magick-- just don't use them without guidance.
- Do not think the demons are limited to their recorded ranks and attributions. The Ars Goetia lists one color correspondence for each demon. While these color attributions are always reliable as far as I know, even the accidental thoughtform of a meth head would have more than one color attribution.
- The more you work with, pray to, meditate on, and research an entity, the stronger your energetic rapport with them grows. Generally speaking, when you are thinking of a demon, it is thinking of you.
- The idea of historical facts is a relatively new invention. Mythical stories often served to contain truth instead of fact. Imagine that a given mythological figure is recorded to have given his last piece of food to a stranger. Such a story would most likely not be intended to relate a specific and factual historical event. Instead, such a story might just serve to convey the mythological figure's generosity.
Hi can you please share your email address. Or reach out to me via email directly. My email address is given below. Don't want to discuss over public forum.
ReplyDelete6 * 9 is 54.
ReplyDeleteOops... Hahaha...
ReplyDeletePut the 6 over the 9 and you has 8, multiply with 9 and you have 72, isn't that magick?
ReplyDelete6 ist the god number you can see the number in many ancient pyramids, the complement of 6 is 9 together is it an 8, this is the next god number,
ReplyDelete6+9=15=1+5=(6); 6*9=54=5+4=(9); together the "infinity" number 8;
...and 6-9=-3; 9-6=3; -3+3=0; isolate the sign (+)/(-) from -3 and you has 3; 6*3=18=1+8=9; 9*3=27=2+7=9; or
ReplyDelete18=3*6=666 the number of the beast...
for better understanding,
ReplyDeletewhat means the f... numbers for you?
ok, here is the key for you,
(+) = Power of the devil gods
(*) = Power of heaven gods (ADONAI)
what we know,
together you have the "infinity" number. (Full power = two wings).
(((9)-(6)=(3))+((6)-(9)=-(3)))=0; (Your dragon can not fly with one wing)
so, that means for the full infinity power you need the devil power and the god power,
u need the light and the dark, not only one wing (left or right) you need two wings to bring the dragon to fly.
Knowledge is the power of magick
Great summary. Thanks for sharing -Arachnia
ReplyDeleteHello, I have been immersing myself in Theistic Satanism for a while, but it is not clear to me yet. If I understand correctly, do you believe in reincarnation? Do you get a new life in this universe after death? Or does the reincarnation only take place within the spheres of the qlippoth? What I also often hear is that some want to go to the chaos dimension after death? If you are then, what can you do there? Can you also enjoy the things that you have enjoyed in life? And become a god in the afterlife?
ReplyDeleteTranslated with google translate
[…] Basics:… […]
ReplyDelete"The gods destroy people all the time. Sometimes this can be so subtle that a magickal adept can be destroyed by a deity and think it’s helping him the whole time."
ReplyDeleteThis part has been haunting me for a while. As a new magician, how do I tell the difference between being destroyed subtly and being refined through "trials by fire"? Since I began practising (using that term loosely, as my observances are inconsistent), I've been through many trying experiences, the majority of which I felt were simply means of burning out my weaknesses. I didn't pick the easy path, after all.
But this little bit has been nagging at me.
Would I have to offend a god in order to merit their wrath?
If a god doesn't wish to work with me, and I do rituals to them, would that offend them?
I can't tell if Belial wants me to work with him or not. My blood flowed freely during my rituals to him, and I took that as a sign that he accepted my offerings.