A Rite to Become Transformed Michael, Raphael, & Raziel
This ritual calls upon three archangels to transform the magickian, these being Raziel/Galizur, Raphael/Israfil, and Michael (also known as Michahel and San Migel). Names and words of power which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted. Translations of chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Artorzozam is a magickal word of power which serves to strengthen the summoning of any spirit or group of spirits.
Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil!
[Hail, Hail, Rezial-Galizur! Hail Hail Raphael-Israfil]
Michahel + Raziel + Raphael + San Migel + Galizur + Esrafil + Artorzozam
Ave Omnituens Rezial! Ave Domnus Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! Corire Omnituens Numen Michahel! Agios Sophos Raziel! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! Corire Omnituens Numen Michael!
[Hail the All-Seeing Rezial! Hail Lord Raphael! I Praise Israfil! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Michahel! Numinous (is the) Wise Raziel! King Raphael, I Adore You! Glory to the Eternal Raphael! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Michael]
Michahel + Raziel + Raphael + San Migel + Galizur + Esrafil + Artorzozam
Veni, Veni, Sancte Michael Archangele
Voco te Mikail– Invoco Archistrategos
Princeps Gloriosissime Caelestis Militia
Venire Regulus Michahel, Germinet Gnosis
Veni, O Veni, Aperiatur Caeli
Salve Michahel, Princeps De Seraphim
Agios Ischyros Dynastes Michael!
[Come, Come, Holy Archangel Michael/ I Call to Mikail– I Call to the Archangel/ Glorious Prince of the Celestial Militia/ Come, King Michahel, and Engender Spiritual Revelation/ Come, Oh Come, Open Up the Sky/ Hail Michahel, Prince of Seraphim/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Michael]
Raziel, Rezial, Galizur (x10)
Samgalatha + Adragragra + Sandragragra + Sagrathagra + Sagratora + Adrathal
[(Channeled Words of Power to Be Transformed By Michael & Raphael)]
Asaraga Narakala Haratora Arathagra Narakadra Arathora Royalagra Saearagra Saragandra Akatagra Soragathagal Aragrathagra Andrathal Haraga OH-raga Aragra Soragra Nostagra Saragra Omtamgra Arimga Katral
[(Channeled Incantation to Be Transformed By Raziel)]
As I Have Spoken, So Let It Be Done!
V. Which demon is responsible for cognitive advancement and increased intelligence. I need a ritual with nootropic effect.