Magickal Chants to Amaymon
Above: Channeled Sigil of Amaymon
Evoco Dominator Amaymon
"I Call Lord Amaymon!"
Veni, Spiritus Tenebris-- Obveni Erus Amaymon
"Come, Dark Spirit-- Come Lord Amaymon!"
Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis
"Numinous is Amaymon the Lion Rider!"
Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra
“Hail unto Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane”
This chant can be used to simply call forth Amaymon in rituals which seek his influence or to call upon Amaymon to empower any rite of demon magick the sorcerer is performing or has just performed.
Sanda Zanda Zara Kon Zorta Thora Gal
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Lich Aspect (All-Purposed)
Aezon Zordon Fandar Zandor Aeza Sor
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Crocodile Aspect (All-Purposed)
Onsa Sorga Aega Farga Forza Nonzae Aental Saeth
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Alligator Aspect (All-Purposed)
Kondae Sorda Zalar Aefar Kortae Bandar Aezor Saeda Aez
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Leopard Aspect (All-Purposed)
Ortul Zondue Zaetha Ortae Gaedra Zorsae Zartor Gae
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Tiger Aspect (All-Purposed)
(Zondue is Pronounced zawn-DEW)
Sorzon Pargae Aephor Sorda Dondal Aega Sorza Sal
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Toad Aspect (All-Purposed)
(Sal is Pronounced Like the Name Saul)
Onspa Saega Torga Naeza Parga Thorta Pala Nondra
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Frog Aspect (All-Purposed)
(Pala is Pronounced Like the Name Paula)
Ontor Zordae Parkae Daezar Paldor Kaezor Tar
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Lion Aspect (All-Purposed)
Atala Zaga Saega Fora Zada Tora Zala Korza Zaeda Nondra Zaepa
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Tentacle Aspect (All-Purposed)
Saepa Sara Sonda Sorga Aetor Padra Nondra Thordra Pal
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Dragon Aspect (All-Purposed)
(the sar in Sara is Pronounced Like the dar in Dark; Pal is Pronounced Like the Name Paul)
Sortae Balda Garda Gorza Kala Patha Porzae Kortae
Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Serpent Aspect (All-Purposed)
[…] All sources used for this article are mentioned throughout said article For a list of magickal chants to Amaymon, follow the hyperlink below: […]