
Showing posts from November, 2016

Satanic Pathworkings through Graphic Art

In Erica Frevel's book  the Deplorable Word , she writes of the way that spirits often guide the creation of her artwork. She sees faces manifest on the canvas through her subtle perception and she paints their likeness where it appears to eternize the vision, creating deeply powerful magickal artwork. My friend G. A. Rosenberg does very much the same thing in his graphic design, which is generally Occult in nature, incorporating themes from both the Sevenfold Way's denomination(s) of Satanism as well as more common Satanic traditions like the Goetia. He tells me that the entities which appear in his artwork appear in his subtle senses first and he uses his talent for graphic design to crystallize his gnosis of them. He tells me that the least spiritually influenced pieces of his art are usually the most popular. The reason for this is clear: when he is not focusing on crystallizing his visions, he creates something more artistically focused and thus more exoterically beautiful...

Rite to Astaroth for Healing

(Face the North. Neter is the Egyptian term for deity, Gashkelah is a name for the qlipha Astaroth rules, Sah is a name for Orion) Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Astaroth  (x5) [Open Acharayim (Hell), and bring forth Astaroth] Astaroth has adorned herself with the Double Crown as the Empress of the North and the South. She is the Goddess of Venus and Sah who has taken station in Hell. Isis has become the Goetic Demoness whose attributes are warcraft and passion. I call now unto Astaroth to bring about convalescence. Qodesh la-Ashtoreth Karnaim  (x6) [Holy to Ashtoreth of the Two Horns] Mother and Queen Ashteroth Karnaim, Known as Ishtar and Isis, Goddess over Gashkelah and the Nile Matron of Bloodshed and Sirius Beautiful Neter of the Afterlife Mighty Venusian Giver of Life And Beloved Goddess of Earth. I call upon you, Descend to this plane. Tasa Aloren Foren Astaroth  (x3) (Specify the affliction and who is to be healed of it) So mote it be!

Witchcraft: the Consecration of Ritual Implements

The witch may be inclined to purge the item to be consecrated of any spiritual energies it may have previously accumulated. To do so, she should fill a glass or other receptacle with water and put a few specs of salt therein. The object should be dipped in the water, whereupon the witch whispers "I divest this _____ of any pre-existent energies," or any phrase to this effect. An object may be consecrated solely through the repeated use of it in ritual, or it may be left atop a window ceil so as to let it bask in the light of the moon. Prior to a cycle of lunar saturation, the witch should familiarize herself with the magickal effects of the moon, which vary according to cycle: waning, waxing, full, dark, blood. Google this and peruse the pages of any Wiccan text (you may find that those cheap Wiccan books they sell in Barnes and Noble are often storehouses of much knowledge concerning practical witchcraft). Alternately, the auspices of a deity may be elicited. The witch may e...

Original Magickal Chants to the Nekalah

Summoning Chant for Aosoth Veniat ad me, Regina Aosoth [Come to me, Queen Aosoth] Invocation Chant for Aosoth Ich bin Ama Aosoth [I am Mother Aosoth] Magickal Formula to Conclude an Aosoth Rite Ya Namosh Aosoth Exat [In the Name of Aosoth Let it Be So] Invocation Chant for the Mother of Blood Regina Rubedo Venire [Queen of the Reddening come] Hymn to Davcina to Converse with One's Higher Self Ave Davcina, gratia plena. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Veniat ad me, hera meam O, benedictus veneficas! Germinet gnosis, et germinet sapienta, nunc et in omnia saecula. Prayer to Mother Baphomet to Strengthen Any Ritual Veni, omnipotens aeternae Baphomet. Ad Gaia qui laetificant juventutem meam. Nythra Kthunae Baphomet. Our Mother is also known as Empathy, And stands at the Abyss upon the rise of Arcturus, And it is in her physis to reach the Primary of the Spheres. She is therefore a true emanation of Theos. Agios o Baphomet, Your Balocraft be done. Ad Gaia in Kosmos, qui Khaos venire.  For a...

Magickal Chants to Damkina

While it was my intent to wait until I formally released my text in progress Liber Davcina for this full list to be seen, a friend has made  a request. The sigil which follows is that of Davcina and was rendered thus by the leader of the Order of the 61st Minute. Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina! [Damkina is right! Damkina is strong! Hail Queen Damkina!] (to impart aplomb to the witch (in a lasting way), and to increase the longevity of the celebrants and that of the trees surrounding them) Matrum deum, Dea finis, veni et germinet gnosis! [Mother of the Gods, Goddess of Fate, come and bring forth gnosis!] (to talk to one’s Inner Daemon or remember past lives) In nomine de Regina Damgalnunna excelsi (invoking the authority and power of Damgalnunna. To start a ritual or spell) [Latin: “In the name of the great Queen Damgalnunna”] Ia Damgalnunna, Sarrat Eri-Dugga! (praises Damgalnunna and thereby makes one receptive to her power; bends the atmosphere to her will) [“Hail ...

Notes on Vampyric Feeding

The circumstances of the victim are a significant determinant of her energetic quality. A sleeping victim will exhibit a heigthened quality of prana, keep this in mind when predating upon roommates and house pets. Such victims are also in an optimal condition to regenerate their ki, so feeding at this time is less harmful. Victims who are working out, lifting or carrying a heavy object, or dancing will also exhibit a heightened quality of chi as well. The highest and most bliss-inducing qualities of prana I have ever imbibed came from visibly pregnant women. Feeding upon an intoxicated individual induces intoxication upon the vampyre, albeit briefly in comparison-- the speed at which the vampyre digests exogenous prana is dependent upon her power level (specifically upon a skill I've labeled vampyric metabolism). When I first read that drinking from a stoned person who intoxicate the predator, I assumed that one would have to be quite the energy worker to actually manage to get sto...

Satanic Witchcraft: How to Begin a Ritual

The first step of any ritual is getting into the appropriate mindset. The common practice of the fourfold breath is conducive to this: inhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, counting mentally. Repeat thrice. But while this does much to calm and focus the mind on its own, there are words of power that the witch may wish to experiment with to get into her zone. CHAOSATANAS and DAY-VAH-NAH-OM, the latter of which translates to "Daevas (Dark Spirits) are Worshipped through me," are both useful for imparting focus and strength of will to the witch. NOXULIFER and/or SKANAGHT are both useful words of power for getting the witch into a gnostic/spiritual state. One common trick from the Typhonian tradition is making a loud HHHHHSSSSS noise at the initiation of a rite. This sound, called the Hiss of Dahomey, creates a large amount of white and pink noise which is conducive to the summoning of entities. The opposite sound, known as the Winds of Space (S...


Names: Gargophias, Amarantha, Hekashua Gematria: 342, 393, 2429 Planet of Spirit: Moon Qliphothic Pathway: 13/23 (Thagirion-Thaumiel) Tarot of Tunnel: Atu XIII (High Priestess) Force of Tunnel: Creativity; Reproduction Siddhi of Tunnel: Clairvoyance; Divination During Lunar Eclipses Atavism of Tunnel: Frog Disease of Tunnel: Menstrual Disorders Attributions: Amaranthe Musical Note: G# Letter of Tunnel: Gimel Colors of Tunnel: Silver; Black Magickal Numbers: 17, 41, 54, 84 Above: Artistic Depiction of Gargophias for Pathworking and an Altar Piece (Picture Credit: G.A. Roseberg) Gargophias is the archfiend who inhabits the Qliphothic pathway between Thagiriron (Black Sun/Belphegor) and Thaumiel (Neptune & Pluto/Moloch & Satan). She is largely affiliated with necromancy, clairvoyance, divination, and self-deification. The necromantic practices which she imparts to the witch are of a singularly horrific and darksome nature. Gargophias is an emissary of Hekate and a demon of feminin...

Magickal Chants for Satanic Magick

SATANAS ATA SATANAS AR SATANAS ATA AR TANASAR a mantra to invoke Satanas Source: Erica Frevel EKO EKO ASMODEE This is a mantra that Ford used in a Luciferian intiation rite. We can all tell who it calls upon. Source: Michael W. Ford BOHU, TOHU, CHASEK the three veils before Samael, used as a general meditative mantra. empowers psychic senses and induces trance. Source: Liber Sitra Ahra by Aka Paimon YID CHES MUN NAG LAM SAT AN This chant signifies supreme dedication to the Black Path of Satan Source: Erica Frevel VENIAT AD ME, ASTEROTH KARNAIM "Come to me, Asteroth of the Two Horns" Source: VK ARACHNIDIA LILITH SHEMAMITHILIL AKKAWBISHIA ZACHALAYLA Mantra calling upon the Spider-Queen aspect of Lilith Source: TOTBL Common MSS AGIOS O LILITH REGINA GAMALIEL "Numinous is Lilith the Queen of Gamaliel" Source: VK LAYILIL-AMASHTUTI-LIL-I-THELI mantra calling upon the destructive aspect of Lilith Source: TOTBL Common MSS XEPERA XEPER XEPERU "I have come into being, an...

Magickal Formulas from the Order of the Nine Angles

PONE, DIABOLUS, CUSTODIAM This translates roughly to "Diabolus, place a guard." Chant or vibrate this a few times and a tall, white, sword-bearing fiend with an echoing voice will appear to defend you. I cannot really put my finger on the nature of this entity-- it seems borderline robotic in the way it processes questions and I truly wonder as to its origins. AD SATANAS QUI LAETIFICAT JUVENTUTEM MEAM "To Satanas, the bringer of Youth and Ecstasy!" OSTENDE NOBIS, DOMINE SATANAS. POTENTIAM TUAM "Show us, Lord Satan, the power of your hand" ATHUSHIR word of power used to activate the Kundalini APERIATUR TERRA, ET GERMINET LUCIFER! "Open the Earth, and bring forth Lucifer!" The name of any one of the Dark Gods can replace Lucifer as a suitable call to that entity APERIATUR TERRA, ET GERMINET SATANAS APERIATUR TERRA, ET GERMINET CHAOS Used to call forth primal energies MIRABILIA OPERA TUA, DOMINE SATANAS, ET ANIMA MEA COGNISCIT NEMIS "Marvellous...

Magickal Chants to Belial

IAUS BELIAL Used to express veneration of Belial Source: Book of Belial AGIOS BELIAS REX BOHU "Numinous Belial King of Emptiness" Source: VK RA SHA BELIAL (a chant calling on Belial) Source: The Book of Azazel REX MORTIFER, VENIAT AD ME "Death-Bearing King, Come to Me!" Source: VK BELIAL BADAD, LEPACA KLIFFOTH, BELIAL BADAD, LEPACA SITRA AHRA Mantra calling upon Belial and calling the demon Lepaca to presence infernal energy. Source: Tree of Shadows VENIAT AD ME, BELIAL REX MUNDIS "Come to Me, Belial King of the Earth!" Source: VK BELIAR, BELU, BELIAL names of Belial ordered into a chant Source: VK MORTIFER DRACONIS METERBUCHUS names of Belial Source: VK LIRACH TASA VEFA WEHLIC BELIAL Belial's Demonic Enn FILII TENEBRARUM TRIUMPHANTES "Sons of Darkness Triumphant" Summons the Sons of Darkness, being violent demons led by Belial Source: The Book of Belial SITRAEL POLANTHAN THAMAAR FALAUR SITRAMI The names of the five demonic princes of the Nor...

Magickal Chants to Chavajoth

AZERATE ACHAD ASAR “The Azerate are 11” Source: VK ILI-ILU EL ACHER “My god is the Other God.” Source: VK VEDAR-GAL TIEKALS SOMDUS AZERATE (used to call on the power of the Azerate) Souce: Liber Azerate Above: John Putigano's Sigil of Azerate/Havayoth APERIATUR RESHUT HA-RABBIM, ET GERMINET, ET GERMINET DEUS ALIENUS. AGIOS O AZERATE, AGIOS O HAVAYOTH. "Open the Kingdom of Manifoldness, and Bring Forth/ And Bring Forth Chavajoth/ Numinous are the Azerate/ Hail to Havayoth" This is a magickal hymn which empowers the ritual, empowers the celebrant, and presences Qliphothic energy. Source: V.K. Above: My Original Sigil for Azerate/Chavajoth HEH VAU HEH YOD! EL ACHER! HAHAMAHATABAWANAHADA'AT! Three names for Chavajoth which, spoken in this order, have additional magickal power. Source: V.K. YA’AR CHAVAJOTH PANAVI ‘ALIYK “May Chavajoth bestow his blessing upon you.” Source: VK HAHAMAHATABAWANAHADA'AT A long-forgotten name for Chavajoth which consists of 11 A's just ...


Names: Malphas, Malpas Channeled Magickal Numbers: 92, 74, 83, 65 Color: Light Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple Planet: Mercury; Saturn Rank: Grand President Date: Oct 3-7; April 9-20 Path: 15/He/Aries Element: Air D/N: Nocturnal Zodiac: Aries 20-30; Libra 10-14 Tarot: 3 of Swords; 4 of Wands/Rods Legions: 40 Gematria: 151, 471, 871 Ingredients/Substances: Marigold, Lead, Mercury, S affron, Mulberry, Holy Thistle Above: Pathworking Artwork to Malphas by G.A. Rosenberg Malphas can turn the Satanist into a powerful black magickian. He imparts a “by any means necessary” mentality when it comes to the pursuit of your True Will, Satanic agendas, etc. He can increase the personality traits of motivation and initiative. He gives the sorceress strength in pursuing her initiatives. He can reveal the thoughts, actions, and desires of a specified individual to the witch. Malpas is skillful in architecture and demolition. He overwhelms his targets completely by eradicating their desires, thoughts, and ...

Demonic Correspondences in Gematria

2: correponds to the Devil as the disruptor of the fascistic unity which the demiurge has essayed to impose upon us 3: triple goddess, the moon, the stabilization of any process, completion, the three alchemical substances, id-ego-superego, Set, Saturn 6: union with the Inner God, the Sun 7: attributed to Lucifer, the seven Hells among which the 10 spheres of Sitra Achra are divided, 7 gates before Jehannum, the union of Chiva with Necesh, Chavajoth 9: the Black Flame, the Devil, the nine demonic divinities 11: the Azerate as well as anything demonic, satanic, or infernal 13: lunar, Khaos, Da'ath, the feminine, Qayin 31: Azazel, Kia 37: Da'ath as the point of entrance to the Qliphoth, Valu, the perfection of the Satanic magickal methodology, the Night Demon of December Second 61: Zagan, Kali, Ain (the eye of the void/nothingness/the witch moon of blood), Nia (the Occult eye) 66: the formula of entering the Kliffot 70: Ayin, Gog and Magog, Adam and Eve 72: Necesh [the Serpent], ...

Valefor (Goetia #6)

Alternate names: Valefar, Valafar, Malaphar, Malephar Magickal numbers: 91, 37, 44, 47, 81 Enn: Keyman vefa tasa Valefor Channeled Enn: Vallafroth Valkothoth Vallatho Valefar Element: Fire; Earth Metal: Tin Planet: Jupiter; Saturn; Venus;  Beta Capricorni (Dabih) Gematria: 316; 317 Tarot: 4 of Wands/Rods; 7 of Disks/Pentacles Date: April 15-19; April 30-May 4; May 10-20 D/N: Diurnal Zodiac: Taurus 10-14; Taurus 20-30; Aries 25-29 Legions: 10 Path: Vau Color: Pink; Green Rank: Duke The first appearance I witnessed was that of an anthropoid bird. Most of his feathers were brilliant red, though the ones lining the small wings attached to his arms were yellow and green. The second appearance was as an extremely muscular and pale man with black eyes. His short brown hair was in a buzzcut and his raiment was black. He had long, slim black claws and feathery black wings. Valefor teaches the witch how to manipulate, charm, and preserve the loyalty of her acquaintances. He is associated with pr...