Witchcraft: the Consecration of Ritual Implements

The witch may be inclined to purge the item to be consecrated of any spiritual energies it may have previously accumulated. To do so, she should fill a glass or other receptacle with water and put a few specs of salt therein. The object should be dipped in the water, whereupon the witch whispers "I divest this _____ of any pre-existent energies," or any phrase to this effect.

An object may be consecrated solely through the repeated use of it in ritual, or it may be left atop a window ceil so as to let it bask in the light of the moon. Prior to a cycle of lunar saturation, the witch should familiarize herself with the magickal effects of the moon, which vary according to cycle: waning, waxing, full, dark, blood. Google this and peruse the pages of any Wiccan text (you may find that those cheap Wiccan books they sell in Barnes and Noble are often storehouses of much knowledge concerning practical witchcraft).

Alternately, the auspices of a deity may be elicited. The witch may evoke one or more entities and ask them to enchant the object. This is most appropriate if you have multiple implements and/or pieces of jewelry which you would like to have enchanted, preferably for a specified effect. You can indeed enchatnt anything-- I have a toy leopard enchanted to empower my rites of evocation. I also have an umbrella with magickal numbers and words of power relevant to necromancy drawn all over it. A covenmate and I were once meditating in a graveyard to commune with the dead when the umbrella fell over and bumbed his shoulder. He grabbed my shoulder and yelled "A BAT!"

The manta LEPACA KOHOT HA-RESHUT HA-RABBIM calls upon Lepaca (the Demon of Opening) to help you bring forth a few infernal spirits, i.e. the "forces" [Kohot] of the Qliphoth [Reshut Ha-Rabbim/Kingdom of Manifoldness]. It was specifically written to consist of eleven syllables, as eleven is the number of the demonic.

Alternatively, one may simply vibrate the various names of a certain entity to empower the object though its auspices. The names of Lucifuge Rofocale are appropriate (Lucifage, Lucerifuge, Lucifugus Rofocalus), as are the names of Cain (Qabeel, Qayin, Diaphotos, Adiaphotos, Mahan).

Unrelated: Have you heard of Hecate's hunting call? It serves to call up Hecate's hounds, which are very useful in astral combat. It comes from The Vision and the Voice by Aleister Crowley: "Untu La La Ulula Umuna Tofa Lama Le Li Na Ahr Ima Tahara Elula Etfoma Ununa Arpeti Ulu Ulu Ulu Maraban Ululu Mahata Ulu Ulu Lamastana!"

I did a ritual with a couple friends on Halloween where we called up several different kinds of Hekate's spirits, kunes aidao [hounds of the underworld] included. We indistinguishably heard one barking in a pitch that sounded comparable to a crow's voice as it ran around the chamber, apparently raising sacred space for the ritual.

Also unrelated: I know Satan is just a word for "Adversary," but are you aware that many other entity names that are technically words or titles? Allah, Ba'al, El, Molock, Adi Parashakti, Adonai, Mammon, Luna, Sulpae, and Saturn, to name a few.


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